July 2020-2021 New salaries for primary school teachers: Calculated TSC salaries and new salary scales for teachers
July 2021 New salaries for primary and secondary school teachers: Calculated TSC salaries and new salary scales for teachers

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has now fully implemented the final phase of the CBA. The teachers’ salaries have been adjusted upwards. The highest paid teacher now receives a cool Sh157,656 per month; This is a Chief Principal at Grade D5.

Senior Principals at grade receive a monthly pay of Sh121,890 while, Principals at grade D3 now receive a monthly perk of Sh104,644.

Similarly, Deputy Principals II T-Scale 12 (D2) receive a monthly pay of Sh91,041. While their counterparts, Deputy Principals III T-Scale 11 (D1), receive a monthly pay of between Sh77,840 and Sh85,269.

Teachers in the grade of Senior Masters IV, Scale 9 (C4), receive a monthly pay of Sh52,308. They also get a monthly Commuter allowance (up to Sh8,000), Annual Leave Allowance (up to Sh6,000) and monthly House Allowance (up to Sh28,000).


Implementation of the final phase of the CBA has seen teachers move to new, higher, salary scales. Below is the new salaries implementation matrix;

Salary points C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
1 34,955 43,154 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
2 36,280 45,124 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
3 37,654 47,183 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
4 39,081 49,336 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 131,380
5 40,562 51,588 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 148,360
6 42,099 53,943 52,308 62,272 77,840 91,041 104,644 118,242 152,937
7 43,694 . . 64,631 85,269 91,041 104,644 121,890 157,656


These are just basic salaries. Teachers in various grades also receive TSC allowances. See latest TSC Allowances for all teachers.


1 C2 K Secondary Teacher II
2 C3 L Secondary Teacher I
3 C4 NEW GRADE Deputy Headteacher
4 C5 M Senior Master II
5 D1 M & N Deputy Principal IV & Senior Master II
6 D2 N. Deputy Principal III
7 D3 M & N Principals
8 D4 P Senior Principals
9 D5 Q & R Chief Principals


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