Rongo University Kuccps Admission Portal: Login & Download Admission Letter.

Congratulations on your KCSE performance and placement at Rongo University by KUCCPS.

Have you been placed at Rongo University by Kuccps? We welcome you to study with Rongo University and wish you well in your academic endeavors.

Please download your admission letter, fee structure and other documents by following the link below or from your email (as submitted to KUCCPS).


Students who wish to apply for inter-programme transfer will be allowed to do so in the first two weeks of reporting.

For any inquiries, please contact Admissions

Office by email: [email protected] or Registrar, Academic Affairs: [email protected]

or Call: Ibrahim 0792-927-657, Philomena 0700-616-151, Brenda 0705-151-667, Eunice 0722-285-764.

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