- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Teacher’s Book
- Physics by Nelkon
1-4 | REPORTING | |||||||
5 | 1-2 | Introduction To Physics | Physics as a science | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain what the study of physics involves. -Relate physics to other subjects and to technology. -Identify career opportunities related to physics. |
-Discussions of value and meaning of physics.
-Drawing flow charts of the braches of physics. -Listing career opportunities related to physics. |
-Chart on definition of physics.
-Flow charts on branches of physics. -Chart on scientific method. -List of career related to physics. |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 1-2 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 1-3 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 1-6 |
3-4 | Introduction To Physics | Basic laboratory rules | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-State and explain the basic laboratory rules. |
-Explanation of rules |
-Chart on standard laboratory rules.
-Pictures showing dangers of not observing laboratory rules. |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 1-2 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 1-3 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 6-7 |
6 | 1-2 | Measurements | Measuring length, area, volume and mass | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define length, area, volume, mass and state their symbols and SI units. |
-Measuring -Experiment -Counting -Demonstrations |
-Meter rule
-Burette -Pipette -Measuring cylinder -Weighing balance -Rod -Shadow |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 4-8 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 4-6 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 8,22,14,33 Golden tips physics pages 1-7 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 4-9 |
3-4 | Measurements | Measuring instruments | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Use the following measuring instrument accurately: Metre rule, tape measure, beam balance, stop clock, measuring cylinder, pipette and burette |
-Reading scales and correcting errors |
-Meter rule
-Pipettes -Burettes -Stop watches -Tape measure -Measuring cylinder, beam balance |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 6-7 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 5-6 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 10,28 Golden tips physics pages 2 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 7-9 |
7 | 1-2 | Measurements | Measuring density | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Determine and mentally explain the density of various substances. -Work out density of mixtures. -Solve numerical problems involving density
-Working out answers to problems |
-Measuring cylinder
-Mass weighing balance -Density bottle |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 9-12 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 4-6 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 35-48 Golden tips physics pages 7,10
3-4 | Measurements | Measuring Time | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Determine experimentally, the measurement of time. |
-Experiments with pendulum
-Timing events |
-Clock -Watch |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 12-15 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 6 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 46-47 Golden tips physics pages 8 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 23 |
8 | 1-2 | Forces | Types of forces | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define force and state its SI units. -Describe types of forces. -State the effects of force. |
-Explaining -Demonstrations -Identifying effects of forces |
-Charts showing various types of force
-String -Elastic material -Magnets -Water -Greece -Oil spring balance |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 61-19 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 6-10 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 49-68 Golden tips physics pages 11-12 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 64-65 |
3-4 | Forces | Surface tension | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Describe experiments to illustrate cohesion, adhesion and surface tension. -State the factors affecting surface tension, its consequence and importance. |
-Demonstrations -Explaining the effects of surface tensions |
-Water -Wire loop -Tap -Soap/detergent |
Comprehensive secondary physicsStudents Book 1 page 19-22
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 6-10 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 63-70 Golden tips physics pages 12 |
9 | 1-2 | Forces | Mass and weight | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-State and explain the relationship between mass and weight. -Define scalar and vector magnitude. |
-Discussions -Problems solving on mass and weight |
-Beam balance
-Spring balance -Sponge -Store -Polythene |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 17-22
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 6-10 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 72-75 Golden tips physics pages 7 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 40 |
3-4 | Forces | Measuring Force | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Measure weight using spring balance. -Solve numerical problems on forces. |
-Experiments |
-Spring balance
-Chart on vectors and scalars |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 17-18 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 17-15
10 | 1-2 | Forces | Pressure and force | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define pressure and state its SI units. -Determine pressure exerted by solids. |
-Demonstrations -Problem solving |
-Block of wood
-Spring balance -Meter rule |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 6-10 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 6-10 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 82-85 Golden tips physics pages 44 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 119-121 |
3-4 | Pressure | Pressure in liquids | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Investigate experimentally the factors that affect pressure in liquids (Fluids). -Derive the formula for calculating pressure in fluids. -State the principle of transmission of pressure in fluids. |
-Working out problems -Discussions -Experiments |
-Communication tubes
-Tin with holes at different heights -Waters |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 27-30
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 12-15 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 49-68 Golden tips physics pages 44-45 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkom) pages 121-124 |
11 | 1-2 | Pressure | Pressure in gases | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain atmospheric pressure and its effects. -State and explain how pressure is transmitted in fluids. |
-Explanation of pressure transmission in fluids -discussions |
-Syringe |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 25-26,30-32
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 12-15 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 115-116,93-100 Golden tips physics pages 45-46 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 124 |
3-4 | Pressure | Gauges and siphons | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Describe the working of siphon and pressure gauge |
-Explanations -Questions and answers |
-Bourdon gauge -Syringes |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 31-34
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 13-15 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 113,117 Golden tips physics pages 44-45 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 133 |
12 | 1-2 | Pressure | Application of pressure in liquids and gases | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the working of a hydraulic, braking system of vehicle. -Explain the working of mercury and forties barometer, bicycle pump and pressure gauges. |
-Explaining the application of pressure in liquids and gases
-Class discussion on the principles of pressure in liquids -Experiments |
-Chart showing the working of a hydraulic braking system
-Model of hydraulic brake system -Barometer -Bicycle pump |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 30-39
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 13-15 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 96-112 Golden tips physics pages 46-47 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 124-132 |
3-4 | Pressure | Revision on question on the topic pressure | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Attempt questions on pressure. |
-Questions and answers | -Questions in students book 1 | Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 39-41 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 13-15 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 119-123 Golden tips physics pages 54-55 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 138-140 |
13 | TOPICAL REVISION | |||||||
14 | END OF TERM EXAMS | |||||||
- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Teacher’s Book
2 | 1-2 | Particulate Nature Of Matter | States of matter | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-show that matter is made of up tiny particles.
-Discussions of kinetic theory |
-Crystals -Solutes -Solvent |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 42
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 15-18 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 124-128 Golden tips physics pages 68 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 142 |
3-4 | Particulate Nature Of Matter | The Brownian motion | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
– proof that matter is made up of tiny particles. -Demonstrate the Brownian motion in liquids & gases. -Explain the arrangement of particles in matter. -Explain the state on matter in terms of particle movement. |
-Observations -Discussions |
-Chalk dust
-Transparent lid -Pollen grains -Lens -Beaker -Smoke cell -Source of light |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 43-48 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 15-18 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 127-130 Golden tips physics pages 68 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 148-150 |
3 | 1-2 | Particulate Nature Of Matter
Diffusion in liquid, gases and solids | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Explain diffusion in gases/liquids and solids. |
-Discussions |
-Jars -Potassium permanganate -Solvent -Hydrochloric acid -Ammonia solution -Glass tube cotton wool |
Comprehensive secondary physics Students Book 1 page 46-49
Teacher’s Book 1 pages 15-18 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 132-136 Golden tips physics pages 69 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 146-147 |
3-4 | Particulate Nature Of Matter
Revision on Particulate nature of matter | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Attempt questions in students Book 1 |
-Demonstrations -Asking questions -Answering questions |
-answer sheet |
Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 136-138
Golden tips physics pages 69-70 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 164 Past Papers |
3 |
1-2 | Thermal Expansion | Expansion of solids | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define temperature. -Describe the function of various thermometers. -Explain the expansion and contraction in solids. -Explain forces due to expansion and contraction. |
-Demonstration -Experiments
-Meter rule
-Metal rods -Materials that conduct or do not conduct heat -Ball and ring apparatus -Bar gauge |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 50-52 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 139-144 Golden tips physics pages 70-72 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 168,175-176 |
3-4 | Thermal Expansion
Applications of expansion in solids | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the application of expansion and contraction
-Discussions -Experiments
-Charts on the application of expansion
-Rivets -Bimetallic strips |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 52-54 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 145,151-153 Golden tips physics pages 73 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 177-179 |
4 | 1-2 | Thermal Expansion
Expansion and contraction of liquid and gases | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the expansion of liquid. -Describe the anomalous expansion of water and its effect
-Experiments -Demonstrations |
-Spirit -Alcohol -thermometer |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 54-56 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 149-155 Golden tips physics pages 72-73 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 182 |
3-4 | Thermal Expansion
Thermometers | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the functioning of various thermometers. -Describe the functioning of various thermometers. |
-Liquid in glass thermometers
-Clinical thermometers -Maximum and minimum thermometers |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 56-59 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 155-161 Golden tips physics pages 70-72 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 168-173 |
5 | 1-2 | Thermal Expansion | Molecules and heat | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the effect of heat on the molecules of solid, liquid and gases. |
-Experiments -Demonstrations
-Liquids -Air -Source of heat -Containers |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 60-61 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 139-162 |
3-4 | Thermal Expansion | Revision on thermal expansion | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Attempt questions involving thermal expansions. |
-attempting Questions
-Set questions | Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 61-62 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 21 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 161-162 Golden tips physics pages 85-86 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 185 |
6 | 1-2 | Heat Transfer | Heat and temperature | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-define heat. -State the difference between heat and temperature |
-Discussions -Experiments |
-Materials that conduct heat and materials that do not conduct heat | Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 63 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 22-24 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 163 Golden tips physics pages 774 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 168 |
3-4 | Heat Transfer | Conduction of heat | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-State and explain modes of heat transfer. -Explain factors affecting conduction. |
-Demonstration |
-Metal rods
-Source of heat -Test tube -Water -Ice in gauge |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 63-67 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 22-24 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 163-186 Golden tips physics pages 74-77 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 234-242 |
7 | 1-2 | Heat Transfer | Convection | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Demonstrate convection in liquids. -Explain the working of hot water systems, car engine, cooling system and land sea breeze. -Explain the molecular application of convection in fluids. |
-Discussion |
-Potassium permanganate -Source of heat -Smoke cell apparatus -Chart on hot water system Car engine |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 67-69 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 23 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 177-188 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 238-2433 |
3-4 | Heat Transfer | Radiation | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Compare absorption and emission of radiant heat. -Explain the working of solar concentrators, heat taps and solar heaters. -Explain the working of a thermos flask.. |
-Discussion -demonstration
-Hand lens
-thermos flask – candles -metal plates |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 70-74 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 18-24 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 187-195 Golden tips physics pages 75 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 246 |
8 | 1-2 | Heat Transfer | REVISION | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Attempt questions on heat transfer. |
-Answers |
-Set questions | Physics question bank | |
3-4 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces | Propagation of light | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define opaque, translucent and transparent objects. -Describe the types of beams. -Perform and describe experiments to show rectilinear propagation of light. |
-Experiments -Descriptions -Explanations |
-Opaque objects
-Glass -Greased paper -Card board -Source of light -Screens |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 76-77 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 199-204 Golden tips physics pages 75 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 251-252 |
9 | 1-2 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces | The pin-hole camera | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the functions and principles involved in working of a pin-hole camera. |
-Drawing -Discussion |
-Pin hole camera
-Source of light (candle) |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 77 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 211-219 Golden tips physics pages 99 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 252-255 |
3-4 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces
Shadows | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Describe the formation of shadows. -Describe the solar and linear eclipses. |
-Discussions -Demonstrations -Explanations -Descriptions |
-Opaque objects
-Chart of the eclipse of earth and moon -Source of light -Screen |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 78-79 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 203-219 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 254-257 |
10 | 1-2 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces
Reflection of light on plane surfaces | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Verify experimentally the laws of reflection. |
-Descriptions -Explanations -Discussions |
-Plane mirrors
-Pins -White sheets of paper -Soft boards |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 80-82 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 222-228 Golden tips physics pages 100 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 260 |
3-4 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces
Image formation | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
–Locate images in place mirrors and state their characteristics. |
-Descriptions -Discussions |
-Boards -Protractor -Mirror |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 83-84 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 228-230 Golden tips physics pages 100-101 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 264 |
11 | 1-2 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces
The application of plane mirrors | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain the reflection of light on plane surfaces at an angle. -Explain the working of a periscope and kaleidoscope. |
-Explanations -Descriptions -Discussions |
-Plane mirrors
-Objects such as candles -Pipe -Card board |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 84-86 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 25-27 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 235-240 Golden tips physics pages 101
3-4 | Recti-Linear Propagation And Reflection Of Light On Plane Surfaces
Revision | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-solve problems involving the propagation and reflection of light on plane surfaces.
-Problem solving
-Questions and answers -Discussion |
-Set questions | Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 87-88 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 28-29 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 241-244 Golden tips physics pages 101-102 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 266-267 |
12 | TOPICAL REVISION | |||||||
- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Teacher’s Book
2 |
1-2 |
Electrostatics |
Charging materials by induction and contact |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the charging of materials by induction and contact. -Describe origin of charge. -State the law of charges. |
-Demonstrations -Discussions -Experiments |
– bags -Thrust -Glass rod |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 89 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 245-250 Golden tips physics pages 133-134 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 264 |
3-4 |
Electrostatics |
Laws of charge |
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:- -Describe the electrostatic charge. -Explain the electrostatic charge. -State types of charge. |
-Experiments -Discussion -Observations |
-Rubber -Piece of paper -Glass -Amber -Silk material -Fur -Electroscope |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 89-91 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 245-248 Golden tips physics pages 133 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 509-510 |
3 |
1-2 |
Electrostatics |
The leaf electroscope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State the unit of charges and construct leaf electroscope
-Discussions -Constructing an electroscope -Experiment |
-Leaf electroscope -Glass rod |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 91-92 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 251-252 Golden tips physics pages 133 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 511 |
3-4 |
Electrostatics |
Charging an electroscope by contract |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -charge an electroscope by contact.
-Demonstration -Discussions -Experiments |
-Electroscope -Glass rod -Ebonite rod |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 94-96 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 249-250 Golden tips physics pages 134 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 512 |
4 |
1-2 |
Electrostatics |
Charging an electroscope by induction |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -charge an electroscope by induction.
-Demonstrations -Discussions -Experiments |
-Electroscope -Glass rod -Ebonite rod |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 94-96 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 248-249 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 513-515 |
3-4 |
Charging an electroscope by separation |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -charge an electroscope by separation.
-Discussions -Experiments -Descriptions |
-Rods of conductors and no-conductors -Electroscope -Tiles |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 96-97 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 250-251 |
5 |
1-2 |
Electrostatics |
Uses of leaf electroscope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -state the uses of leaf electroscope. |
-Discussions |
-Rods of conductors and non-conductors -Electroscope -Tiles |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 97 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 29-32 |
3-4 |
Electrostatics |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to answer questions on electrostatics
-Questions and answers |
-Chalkboard -Text books |
Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 259-260
Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 527-530 Golden tips physics pages 138-139 |
6 |
1-2 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Sources of continuous current
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -state sources of continuous current.
-Experiments -Discussions -Demonstration |
-Cells -Acids -Fruits -Solar panels -Petroleum products
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 99-100 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 261-265 Golden tips physics pages 140 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 408-409 |
3-4 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Connecting an electric circuit |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Draw and set up a simple electric circuit. -Identify circuit symbols |
-Identifying circuit symbols -Discussions -Demonstrations -Experiments
-Cells -Wires -Bulbs -Charts on circuit symbols |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 99-101 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 266-273 Golden tips physics pages 140 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 408-409 |
7 |
1-2 |
Cells And Simple Circuit |
Connecting and electric circuit |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Define electric current. -Explain the working of a cell. -Connect cells in series and parallel. -Measure the effective e.m.f. |
-Measuring -Demonstrations -Discussions -Experiments |
-Cells -Connecting wires -Bulbs |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 100-101 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 241-273 Golden tips physics pages 140-143 |
3-4 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
The measuring of E.M.F |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- – measure e.m.f. |
-Experiments -Discussions -Measuring -Demonstrations |
-Ammeter -Voltmeter -Switch |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 101-102 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 264 Golden tips physics pages 143 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 409 |
8 |
1-2 |
Cells And Simple Circuit |
Conductivity of materials |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Investigate the electrical conductivity of materials. |
-Calculating -Testing -Conductivity -Experiments |
-Conductors -Non-conductors -dry cells |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 101-103 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 273-275 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages |
3-4 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Measuring current in a circuit |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- – Measure current in a circuit. |
-Measuring -Experiments -Calculating |
-Voltmeter -Ammeter -Switch -dry cells |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 101-103 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 266-269 Golden tips physics pages 142 |
9 |
1-2 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Primary cells |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the working of primary cells. -Explain the defect s of primary cells. -Explain how to care for a primary cell. |
-Discussions -Experiments -Explaining the defects of primary cells |
-Primary cells |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 104-106 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 276-280 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 409-414 |
3-4 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Measuring e.m.f in a primary cell |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Measure e.m.f in a primary. |
-Experiments -Discussions -Demonstrations -Measuring |
-Primary cells -Voltmeter -Switch |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 106 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 276-280 Principles of Physics(M.Nelko) pages 409-414 |
10 |
1-2 |
Cells And Simple Circuits |
Secondary cells |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Charge a secondary cell -Discharge a secondary cell -Take care of a secondary cell |
-Explanation on charging and maintenance of simple cells |
-Secondary cells |
Comprehensive secondary physics
Students Book 1 page 106-109 Teacher’s Book 1 pages 34-37 Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 280-284 Golden tips physics pages 140 |
3-4 |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Attempt questions on cells. -Attempt questions on circuits. |
-Asking questions -Answering questions |
-Question papers
-answer sheet |
Secondary Physics students Book 1 (KLB) pages 287-288
Golden tips physics pages 150-151 Principles of Physics(M.Nelkon) pages 422-423 |
11 | END OF TERM EXAMS | |||||||