- a) Give the similarities between the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist and
Jesus (7mks)
- Gabriel delivered both messages.
- Mary and Zechariah were afraid.
- Both questioned the possibility of the message.
- Zechariah and Mary were righteous people.
- The mothers had never had children before.
- The angel gave the names of the children to be born.
- Mary and Zechariah were given signs to confirm the messages
- Both children were to be sons.
- The angel specified the roles by the Children.
(x) Both children were concerned through Gods interaction. (7 x 1 = 7mks)
- b) State seven activities that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2: 21 – 40) (7mks)
- Jesus parents offered a sacrifice two turtle doves (sin offering for purification.
- Simeon took the child into his arms.
- He praised God/gave thanks.
- He prophesised about Jesus mission.
- The parents of Jesus marveled at Simeon’s prophecy.
- Prophetess Anna thanked God/prayed for the child.
- She prophesied that Jesus was the redeemer of Jerusalem.
- Simeon blessed Jesus parents.
- Jesus was dedicated/redeemed.
(x) Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit. (7 x 1 = 7mks)
- c) Explain six challenges that parents experience today in their work of bringing up their children. (6mks)
- Challenge of peer – pressure by agemates of their children.
- Most children are indisciplined.
- They do not listen to their parents.
- Children are exposed to pornographic literature which has made them lose moral values.
- Most children are lazy and rarely assist in household chores.
- Most children are involved in abusing the drug and alcohol.
(vii) Children know their rights ad demand to be treated cautiously. (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- a) Give six reasons which led Jesus to heal the sick. (6mks)
- To demonstrate God’s love/mercy/kindness for human beings.
- To take away their pain/suffering.
- People believed in his healing power/ people had faith in him.
- To show that physical healing sometimes symbolized spiritual healing.
- As a way of destroying the work of Satan.
- To glorify God/show God’s power.
- To fulfills Old Testament prophecies.
- b) Describe the leading of the paralytic man (Luke 5: 17 – 26) (8mks)
- Jesus was teaching the word of God from a certain house.
- Four men brought a paralytic man to the meeting on a bed.
- They were unable to reach Jesus because of the crowds.
- The four men climbed the roof and lowered the paralysed man down where Jesus was.
- When Jesus saw their faith he told the man that his sins were forgiven.
- The Pharisees and the scribes were angered by the action of Jesus.
- They claimed that he was not God to forgive sins. So to them this was blasphemy.
- Jesus knew the minds of the Pharisees.
- Jesus told them that the son of man has power to forgive sins.
- Jesus told the paralytic to arise take his bed and go.
- The paralytic man rose up and departed to his house glorifying God.
(xii) The people were amazed and glorified God for his great actions. (Any 8 x 1 = 8mks)
- c) Why do you think Christians should practice forgiveness? (6mks)
- It shows love for others.
- It creates/promotes peace.
- It is a way of winning converts.
- It shows obedience to Christian’s teachings/commands.
- In order to follow the example of Christ.
- In order to be forgiven by God.
- It strengthens relationship/tolerance.
(viii) It lengthens life/promotes healthy living. (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- a) How did the transfiguration of Jesus prepare him for his death and resurrection. (7mks)
- It confirmed to Jesus the kind of death he was to face.
- He was strengthened/encouraged to face death.
- It was a foreshadows of the glory he was to enter.
- He was given assurance that he was the son of God.
- It pointed to the resurrection with the appearance of Moses and Elijah.
- Moses and Elijah appeared to confirm his coming death.
- The experience encouraged him to go to Jerusalem and face death.
(viii) Moses and Elijah showed that the prophecies had to be fulfilled. (7 x 1 = 7mks)
- b) What instructions did Jesus give his seventy – two disciples when commissioning
them. (7mks)
- They should not carry any purse.
- They should not carry beggar’s bag.
- They should not carry shoes.
- They should not greet people on their way.
- They should wish peace to the occupants of the houses they visit.
- They should stay in the same house they visit where they should eat and drink whatever they are offered.
- They were to move from house to house.
- In places where they are not welcome they should go to the streets and shake off dust from their feet as a sign of God’s judgement to those who reject them.(7 x 1 = 7mks)
- c) State six ways in which Christians show respect to God. (6mks)
- Set aside a day of worship.
- Set aside Holy places of worship.
- Do not mention His name anyhow.
- Living exemplary lives/beeping the commandments.
- Pray to him.
- Give offering to Him.
- Praise him for the wonders.
- Take care of the environment.
- Look after the needy.
- Preaching/teaching/spreading the word.
- Worship Him.
(xii) Observing Christian rituals e.g. Baptism. (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- a) Of what importance is the death of Jesus to Christians. (7mks)
- Through the death of Jesus, Christians are forgiven their sins.
- It demonstrates God’s love for human beings.’
- Jesus was the last sacrifice; therefore Christians are not supposed to make animal sacrifices to God.
- His death brought about a personal relationship between Christians with God.
- Christians are able to commit themselves to the will of God.
- It enables Christians to face death with courage.
- Through his death, salvation/eternal life is availed to all people.
- He has become their everlasting high priest by offering his own body. (7 x 1 = 7mks)
- b) Using five illustrations from St. Luke’s gospel show that Jesus resurrected. (5mks)
- The Holy women (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James found the tomb empty.
- Two angels who stood outside the tomb told the women that Jesus had resurrected.
- Jesus appeared to two of his disciples on their way to Emmaus.
- He appeared to Simon Peter.
(v) He appeared to the disciple in Jerusalem in the absence of Thomas and he shared them his
hands and feet. (5 x 1 = 5mks)
- c) State any nine teachings of Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 about love.
- It is a gift from God of the Holy Spirit.
- It is the most important gift.
- It is patient/does not let down.
- It is kind.
- It is not jealous/envious.
- It is not conceited/proud/boastful.
- It is not ill – mannered.
- It is not selfish/is generous/not cruel/not self seeking.
- Not irritable/resentful/not quick to anger/bears no grudges.
- Does not keep a record of wrongs.
- Not happy will evil.
- It is happy with the truth.
- It never gives up/endures/not tired/tolerant/withstands long suffering.
- It is faith/hope/patience – never falls/ it is reliable.
(xv) It is eternal/everlasting. (9 x 1 = 9mks)
- a) Why is leisure important in the life of a Christian youth. (6mks)
- It gives one time to visit the sick/the needy.
- One dedicates himself to God/time to worship God.
- Provides an opportunity for fellowshipping with others.
- It gives one an opportunity to meet new friends/family.
- One is able to read the word of God.
- It provides one with an opportunity to preach/evangelize.
- It provides an opportunity to guide/counsel others/one another/be guided.
- Provides time to rest/rejuvenate/ to regain lost energy.
- Provides one with opportunity to take care of the environment. (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- b) Identify reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time is condemned. (6mks)
- It leads to conflicts/quarrels within the family.
- It leads to misuse of family resources/wealth.
- It may lead to alcoholism/addiction.
- It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours such as prostitution/adultery/fornication.
- It could lead to loss of means of livelihood/loss of income.
- May lead to irresponsibility which in turn will bad to divorce/separation/crimes e.t.c.
(vii) It leads to accidents such as motor accidents. (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- c) Discuss any eight factors that may lead to misuse of leisure. (8mks)
- Lack of appropriate education and advice regarding proper use of leisure.
- Lack of money or equipment for appropriate leisure.
- Failure of parents and community to provide facilities for appropriate leisure.
- Absence of a variety of leisure activities which may make people involves themselves excessively in a single activity.
- Bad company may lead to participation in activities that one does not understand.
- Misunderstanding in the family may lead some people to indulge in destructive activities.
- Failure to balance the type of leisure activities.
- Poor planning of the use of leisure can lead to over – indulgence in wrong leisure activities.
- Too much wealth may lead to indulgence in destructive activities.
- Access to misleading information on leisure activities such as bad movies.
- Feeling of insecurity which may lead to misuse of leisure.
- Permissiveness in the society.
(xiii) Lack of role models. (Any 8 x 1 = 8mks)
- a) Explain the causes of ethnicity in the society. (6mks)
- Prejudice where one ethnic group due to pride and self righteousness degrades the
other group.
- In a country with different ethnic groups, a dominant ethnic community imposes its own language and degrades other languages.
- Administrative boundaries drawn on tribal grouping may promote tribal sentiments.
- Recruiting civil servant o tribal lines and posting them to their local areas may enhance tribalism.
- It can also be caused when a community feels that its culture is better that that of others.
- Tribal based social clubs may cause tribalism when their objectives are to champion selfish interests of the tribe.
- Inequitable distribution of wealth and resources in a situation when one community is endowed with natural resources and other essential facilities than other communities.
- b) “Politics and religions matters cannot be separated in totality” Discuss (8mks)
- Church leaders advise politicians.
- Both the church and the state play the role of educators. They educate the citizens on the meaning of the constitution and their constitutional rights.
- The church supports the government by preaching against disobedience and informing the people of the consequences of such undertakings. They preach that all lawful authority comes from God and must be respected.
- The church and the state work together during important government functions e.g. Opening of National Assembly, celebrations e.g. National days.
- Both the church and the stale rehabilitate law breakers while in prison, law breakers are guided and counseled morally and socially.
- Both institutions are involved in matters of social concern e.g. both put up educational and training institutions and hospitals.
- Christians contribute to nation building as they employ people and pay tax to the government.
- Institution inter –relate e.g. the church has given the church freedom of worship while the state allocates land for construction of churches.
(There must be evidence of discussion 4 x 2 = 8mks)
- c) Give six reasons why Christians are opposed to deforestation. (6mks)
- It destroys God’s creation.
- It leads to desertification/destruction of catchment’s areas.
- It denies the animals of the natural habitat (ecosystem)
- It is motivated by human greed/selfishness.
- It is against God’s command/the human beings to take care of the environment.
- It results in environmental pollution.
- It affects the source of natural/ traditional medicine.
- It destroys natural beauty (flora and fauna)/aesthetic value of forests/nature/tourist attraction.
- It leads to soil evasion /degradation/soil infertility/poor production/poverty. (6 x 1 = 6mks)