Migori TTC is located in Suna Central, Suna Road, Migori. With a total population of 517 of 200 male and 317 female students, the college also brags about maintaining its good performance ranking in the primary teacher education national exams for years.
The college which is located within Migori town’s central business district along Migori – Sirare highway enables the learners and its staff to easily access other essential services among them health, market and other government offices for services within the near surrounding.
Services offered to students at Migori TTC
- Train pre-service teachers in three year Diploma in Primary Teacher Education and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education.
- Upgrade teachers who are holders of a Certificate in primary teacher education through a 1-year program into Diploma in Primary Teacher Education certificate holders.
- Offer in-service training for various inset programs offered by the Kenyan government, its agencies, and partners to practicing primary school teachers.
- Carry out action research on interventions used in teacher education, training, and primary school teaching.
Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education graduate qualifies to teach play group, PP1, PP2 and Grade 1-3
Organization of Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education
- Term 1-6 classwork, school based assessment 1 and 2
- Term 7- micro teaching, KNEC summative assessment
- Term 8-9- practicum
Learning areas taught– professional studies, English, indigenous, languages, Kiswahili, physical and health education, mathematics, health and nutrition, environmental studies, creative arts, music, religious education
Entry Requirements for Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education
- C Plain Mean Grade in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (KCSE) or its equivalent (as equated by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
- Candidates with disabilities shall be admitted with C- (Minus) grade in KCSE or equivalent.
- The course will take duration of three (3) years.
- The teacher trainees shall take ALL courses specified in the DECTE Curriculum.
- The trainees shall undertake a Micro Teaching course of three (3) months.
- To be awarded a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE), the Teacher Trainees must complete the required hours for coursework and pass the stipulated assessment as directed by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
- The trainees shall be required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behaviour such as School Leaving Certificate.
Skills You Will Aquire
- Classroom management
- ICT integration in Education
- Educational Resource development
- Competency based assessment
- Activity based learning strategies
- Competency in handling all learning areas at the following levels Play group, PP1, PP2 and Grades 1 to 3
- Developing learning experiences for early grade learners
Career Opportunities in This Field
- Teaching in ECDE centres and primary schools grade 1 to grade 3
- Writing of course books
- Development of Educational resources
- Grading assessments at grade 1 to 3
- School managers
- School proprietors
A DPTE Teacher Qualifies to teach in grade 1-9 of the Kenyan Education
- Term 1-6 classwork, school based assessment 1 and 2
- Term 7- micro teaching, KNEC summative assessment
- Term 8-9- practicum
Subjects taught– Professional studies, English, indigenous, languages, Kiswahili, physical and health education, mathematics, science and technology, agriculture, home science, music, art and craft, religious education, social studies
Entry Requirements
- Diploma in Primary Teacher Education entry grade is a mean grade of C (plain) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, or its equivalent.
The candidates must C (Plain) in the following cluster subjects.
i. English and Kiswahili;
ii. Mathematics;
iii. One Humanities
iv. One Sciences.
- Candidates with disabilities will be required to have a minimum entry mean grade of C- (Minus) in KCSE and a C- (Minus) in the cluster of subjects stated above.
- Course Duration: DPTE will take three (3) years of study in accordance with the approved Curriculum designs.
- The diploma teacher trainees will cover the recommended hours for coursework, required hours for practicum and pass the assessments as directed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).
- The Teacher Trainee shall be required to undertake three months micro-teaching course.
Skills You Will Aquire
- Classroom management
- ICT integration in Education
- Educational Resource development
- Competency based assessment
- Activity based learning strategies
- Competency in handling all learning areas at the following; Grades 1 to 6 and Maths, Indigenous languages, Religious education, PHE, integrated science and social sciences in grades 7 to 9
Career Opportunities in This Field
- Teaching in primary schools grade 1 to grade 6
- Teaching in Junior high school (those with C+ mean grade in KCSE)
- Writing of books
- Development of Educational resources
- Assessments at grade 1 to 6
- School manager
Teacher with P1 certificate can upgrade to Diploma level to handle grade 1 – 9.
Organization of Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education.
- Term 1-3 classwork, school based assessment 1 and 2
- Term 3- KNEC summative assessment
- Term 4 Practicum
Subjects Taught
- Professional studies
- Physical and health education
- Indigenous languages
NB: Upgrade Students who did group A in their P1 course take group B subjects and those who did group B in P1 take group A.
Apart from the school based assessment all students must do the formative assessment tasks give to them in class by the lecturers
Entry Requirements for Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education.
- The applicant must possess a valid PTE Certificate
- The applicant must be registered by the Teachers Service Commission.
- The duration of the course shall be 1500 Hours.
- The Course shall be fully residential.
- The trainee shall take all courses specified in the upgrading programme of Diploma in Primary Teacher Education
- The trainees shall undertake a Teaching Practicum of 300 Hours.
- To be awarded the Diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours for Course Work and the stipulated assessment by the Kenya National Examination Council.
- Applicants shall be required to produce evidence of adherence to positive morals and good behavior.
Skills You Will Aquire
- Classroom management
- ICT integration in Education
- Educational Resource development
- Competency based assessment
- Activity based learning strategies
- Competency in handling all learning areas at the following; Grades 1 to 6 and Maths, Indigenous languages, Religious education, PHE, integrated science and social sciences in grades 7 to 9
Career Opportunities in This Field
- Teaching in primary schools grade 1 to grade 6
- Teaching in Junior high school (those with C+ mean grade in KCSE)
- Writing of books
- Development of Educational resources
- Assessments at grade 1 to 6
- School manager