School                                               Teacher’s Name                                         Term                                                          Year

Wk Ls n Strand/Theme Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Questions Learning experiences Learning Resources Assessment methods Ref l



Converting time from 12- hour clock system to 24- hour clock system By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)  Convert time from 12h to 24h system,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on reading time and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of time in both 12h and 24h systems.

How can we time from 12- hour clock system to 24- hour clock system? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to convert time from the 12h to 24h system and 24h to 12h using a chart.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving time on 12h and 24 h systems.

Analogue and digital clocks, digital watches, stop watches


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 106-107


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book


Written Quizzes  
  2   Converting time from 24- hour clock system to 12- hour clock system By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)  Convert time from 24h to 12h system,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on reading time and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of time in both 12h and 24h systems.

How can we time from 12- hour clock system to 24- hour clock system? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to convert time from the 12h to 24h system and 24h to 12h using a chart.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving time on 12h and 24 h systems.

Analogue and digital clocks, digital watches, stop watches


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 106-107


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book


Written Quizzes  
  3   Interpreting travel timetables By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)  Interpret travel timetable in different situations,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on reading time and for leisure,

How do we interpret travel timetables? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to interpret travel timetables.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to determine time durations using travel timetables

Analogue and digital clocks, digital watches, stop watches


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 109-110

Written Quizzes  


        c) Appreciate use of time in both 12h and 24h systems.     Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.138-141    
  4     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Interpret travel timetable in different situations,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on reading time and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of time in both 12h and 24h systems.

How do we interpret travel timetables? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to interpret travel timetables.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to determine time durations using travel timetables

Analogue and digital clocks, digital watches, stop watches


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 109-110


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.138-141



  5     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Interpret travel timetable in different situations,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on reading time and for leisure,

c)  Develop curiosity use of time in both 12h and 24h systems.

How do we

interpret travel timetables?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to interpret travel timetables.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to determine time durations using travel timetables

Analogue and

digital clocks, digital watches, stop watches


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 109-110


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.138-141



2 1 Money Price list By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  identify and make a price list

b)  Use it devices to learn about price list,

c)  Appreciate the importance of price list in real life


What is the

importance of a price list in business?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to prepare price lists.


•  Learners in pairs/groups to use IT devices to play digital games.

Price list,

classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 111


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.142-143



  2   Budget By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

How can we prepare a budget? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss Price list, classroom shop, Written




        a)  Prepare a simple budget,

b)  Use it devices to learn about budget,

c)  Appreciate the importance of budget in real life situations.

  factors to consider when preparing a simple budget

•  Learners in pairs/groups to use IT devices to play digital games.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to prepare a budget.

electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 112-113


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.143-145

  3   Profit By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Work out profit in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about profit,

c)  Appreciate profit in real life situations.

How can we

make a profit in a business?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss the meaning of profit and loss in real life situations and share with other groups.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals work out questions involving profit and loss

Price list,

classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 114


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.146-147



  4     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Work out profit

in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about profit,

c)  Appreciate profit in real life situations.

How can we make a profit in a business? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss the meaning of profit and loss in real life situations and share with other groups.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals work out questions involving profit and loss

Price list, classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 114


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.146-147



  5   Loss By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Work out loss

in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about loss,

c)  Appreciate loss in real life situations.

When do we

make a loss?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss the meaning of profit and loss in real life situations and share with other groups.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals work out questions involving profit and loss

Price list,

classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 115-116


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.148-149



3 1     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

When do we

make a loss?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss the meaning of profit and loss in Price list,

classroom shop,





        a)  Work out loss

in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about loss,

c)  Appreciate loss in real life situations.

  real life situations and share with other groups.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals work out questions involving profit and loss

electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 115-116


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.148-149

  2   Types of taxes: income tax By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify income tax as a type of tax in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about tax,

c)  Appreciate importance of taxes in real life situations.

Why do we pay taxes to the government? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss income and value added tax (VAT) as types of taxes. Price list, classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 117


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.149-151



  3   Value Added


By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify value added tax as a type of tax in real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to learn about tax,

c)  Appreciate importance of taxes in real life situations.

Why do we

pay taxes to the government?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to discuss income and value added tax (VAT) as types of taxes. Price list,

classroom shop, electronic money tariff charts Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 118-119


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.151-153



  4 GEOMETRY Lines By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Construct parallel lines in different situations,

b)  identify parallel lines in the immediate environment

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

How can we construct parallel lines? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to construct parallel lines using geometrical instruments. Chalk board ruler, 30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 120-121


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.154-155





  5     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Construct parallel lines in different situations,

b)  identify parallel lines in the immediate environment

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

How can we construct parallel lines? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to construct parallel lines using geometrical instruments. Chalk board ruler, 30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 120-121


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.154-155



4 1   Bisecting a line By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Bisect lines through construction,

b)  give reasons why we bisect lines

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

Why do we bisect a line? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to bisect lines using geometrical instruments. Chalk board ruler, 30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 121-122


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.156-158



  2     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Bisect lines through construction,

b)  give reasons why we bisect lines

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

Why do we

bisect a line?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or

as individuals to bisect lines using geometrical instruments.

Chalk board ruler,

30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 121-122


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.156-158



  3   Constructing perpendicular lines By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  identify perpendicular lines in different situations,

b)  Use it devices for more learning on lines and leisure

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

Why do we need to construct perpendicular lines? •  Leaners in pairs/groups or as individuals to construct perpendicular lines using geometrical instruments.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games.

Chalk board ruler, 30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 123-124


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.158-160





  4     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Construct perpendicular lines in different situations,

b)  Use it devices for more learning on lines and leisure

c)  Appreciate use of lines in daily life.

Why do we need to construct perpendicular lines? •  Leaners in pairs/groups or as individuals to construct perpendicular lines using geometrical instruments.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games.

Chalk board ruler, 30cm ruler, straight edges


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 123-124


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.158-160



  5 Angles Identifying angles on a straight line By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  identify angles on a straight line in different situations,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of angles in real life.

Where can we use angles in real life? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to identify angles on a straight line practically. Unit angles, protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 124-125


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.161-162



4 1     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  identify angles on a straight line in different situations,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of angles in real life.

Where can we

use angles in real life?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or

as individuals to identify angles on a straight line practically.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving angles.

Unit angles,

protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 124-125


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.161-162



  2   Measuring angles on a straight line By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  identify angles on a straight line in different situations,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for

How can we measure angles on a straight line? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to measure angles on a straight line in degrees


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving angles.

Unit angles, protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 126






c) Appreciate use of angles in real life.

    Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.163-165    
  3     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  measure angles on a straight line in different situations,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of angles in real life.

How can we measure angles on a straight line? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to measure angles on a straight line in degrees


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving angles.

Unit angles, protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 126


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.163-165



  4   Angles in a


By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  determine the sum of angles in a triangle practically,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of angles in real life.

What is the

sum of angles in a triangle?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to practically establish that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to two (2) right angles.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving angles.

Unit angles,

protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 127-128


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.165-167



  5     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  determine the sum of angles in a triangle practically,

b)  use IT devices for learning more on angles and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of angles in real life.

What is the

sum of angles in a triangle?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or

as individuals to practically establish that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to two (2) right angles.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games involving angles.

Unit angles,

protractors, rulers


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 127-128


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.165-167



5 1 3-D objects Identifying 3- D objects in By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

Where are 3-D objects used in •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals are guided to Cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, Written




      our environment a)  Identify 3-D objects in the immediate environment,

b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

the environment? identify 3-D objects in the environment.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games.

cut outs of rectangles, circles, and triangles of different sizes


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 129-130


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.168

  2     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify 3-D objects in the immediate environment,

b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

Where are 3-D objects used in the environment? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals are guided to identify 3-D objects in the environment.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to play digital games.

Cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, cut outs of rectangles,

circles, and triangles of different sizes


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 129-130


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.168



  3   Identifying

edges, faces and vertices in a cube

By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify vertices, faces and edges in a cube,

b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

Where can we

use a cube as a 3-D objects?

•  Learners in pairs/ groups to identify cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in the environment.

•  Learners in pairs and groups to identify vertices, faces and edges of cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in different situations.

Cubes, cuboids,

cylinders, pyramids, spheres, cut outs of rectangles,

circles, and triangles of different sizes


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 130





              Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.169    
  4   Identifying edges, faces and vertices in a cuboid By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify vertices, faces and edges in a cuboid,

b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

Where can we use a cuboid as a 3-D objects? •  Learners in pairs/ groups to identify cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in the environment.

•  Learners in pairs and groups to identify vertices, faces and edges of cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in different situations.

Cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, cut outs of rectangles,

circles, and triangles of different sizes


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 131


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.170



  5   Identifying

edges, faces and vertices in a cylinder

By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Identify vertices, faces and edges in a cylinder,

b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

Where can we

use a cuboid as a 3-D objects?

•  Learners in pairs/ groups to identify cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in the environment.

•  Learners in pairs and groups to identify vertices, faces and edges of cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in different situations.

Cubes, cuboids,

cylinders, pyramids, spheres, cut outs of rectangles,

circles, and triangles of different sizes


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 132


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.171



6 1   Identifying

edges, faces and vertices in a pyramid

By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a) Identify vertices, faces and edges in a pyramid,

Where can we

use a cuboid as a 3-D objects?

•  Learners in pairs/ groups to identify cubes, cuboids, cylinders and pyramids in the environment.

•  Learners in pairs and groups to identify vertices, faces and edges of cubes,

cuboids, cylinders and

Cubes, cuboids,

cylinders, pyramids, spheres, cut outs of rectangles,

circles, and triangles of different sizes





        b)  Use IT devices for learning more on 3-D objects and for enjoyment,

c)  Appreciate use of 3-D objects in real life.

  pyramids in different situations.  

Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 133


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.172



Bar Graphs: collecting and representing data in frequency tables By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Collect and represent data from real life situations using tables,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

Why do we collect data? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals are guided to collect data and organize it in a frequency table.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 135-136


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.174-175



  3     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Collect and represent data from real life situations using tables,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

Why do we

collect data?

•  Learners in pairs/groups or

as individuals are guided to collect data and organize it in a frequency table.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph

worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 135-136


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.174-175



  4   Representing data through piling By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Represent data from real life situations through piling,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How do you represent data? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to represent information through piling similar objects like matchboxes vertically.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 137





            representing data using bar graphs. Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.176-177    
  5     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Represent data from real life situations through piling,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How do you represent data? •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to represent information through piling similar objects like matchboxes vertically.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 137-138


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.176-177



7 1   Representing data using bar graphs By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Represent data from real life situations using bar graphs,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How can bar

graphs be used in real life situations?

•  Learners in pairs/groups to represent information by drawing bar graphs.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph

worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 139-140


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.177-179



  2     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Represent data from real life situations using bar graphs,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How can bar graphs be used in real life situations? •  Learners in pairs/groups to represent information by drawing bar graphs.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 139-140


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.177-179





  3     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Represent data from real life situations using bar graphs,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How can bar graphs be used in real life situations? •  Learners in pairs/groups to represent information by drawing bar graphs.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 139-140


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.177-179



  4   Interpreting information from bar graphs By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Interpret information from bar graphs,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How can we interpret information from bar graphs? •  Learners in pairs/groups to discuss information represented on bar graphs.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 141-142


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.180-183



  5     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Interpret information from bar graphs,

b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

How can we

interpret information from bar graphs?

•  Learners in pairs/groups to discuss information represented on bar graphs.


•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.

Bar graph

worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 141-142


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.180-183



8 1     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a) Interpret information from bar graphs,

How can we interpret information from bar graphs? •  Learners in pairs/groups to discuss information represented on bar graphs. Bar graph worksheets, data graph worksheets, data samples from different sources Written




        b)  Use it devices for learning more on bar graphs and for leisure,

c)  Appreciate use of bar graphs in real life.

  •  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to learn more on representing data using bar graphs.  

Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 141-142


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.180-183

  2 ALGEBRA Forming simple Inequalities By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Discuss the meaning of algebraic inequality symbols.,

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we form simple inequalities using the unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one unknown using different operations.

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 143-144


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.184-185



  3     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)   Form simple inequalities in one unknown involving real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real


How can we

form simple inequalities using the unknown?

•  Learners in pairs/ groups or

as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one unknown using different operations.

Digital inequality

worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 143-144


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.184-185



  4     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)   Form simple inequalities in one unknown involving real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

How can we form simple inequalities using the unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 143-144





        c) Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life   unknown using different operations. Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.184-185    
  5   Forming simple Inequalities By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)   Form inequalities using different operations

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we form simple inequalities using the unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one unknown using different operations.

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 144-145


Mentor Maths Grd

6 Learners Book Pg.186



9 1     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)   Form inequalities using different operations

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we

form simple inequalities using the unknown?

•  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one unknown using different operations.

Digital inequality

worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 144-145


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.186



  2     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)   Form inequalities using different operations

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we form simple inequalities using the unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to discuss meaning of algebraic inequality symbols ‘ > ‘ and ‘

< ‘

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to form algebraic inequalities in one unknown using different operations.

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 144-145


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.186





  3   Simplifying simple inequalities By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Simplify simple inequalities in one unknown involving real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we simplify inequalities with one unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to simplify algebraic inequalities in one unknown.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to simplify algebraic inequalities and play digital games.

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 145-146


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.187-188



  4     By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to:

a)  Simplify simple inequalities in one unknown involving real life situations,

b)  Use it devices to simplify inequalities and play digital games involving inequalities.

c)  Appreciate use of algebraic expressions in real life

How can we simplify inequalities with one unknown? •  Learners in pairs/ groups or as individuals to simplify algebraic inequalities in one unknown.

•  Learners in pairs/groups or as individuals to use IT devices to simplify algebraic inequalities and play digital games.

Digital inequality worksheets; greater than, less than or equal to, sorting cards


Mentor Maths Grd 6 TG Pg. 145-146


Mentor Maths Grd 6 Learners Book Pg.187-188
