1. b) Explain the contribution of Daniel Arab Moi in the struggle for independence in Kenya.
  • In 1957 he was elected to the Legco
  • He founded Elected African Members Organisation. (AEMO)
  • When KANU was formed in 1960 he was elected acting assistant treasurer of the party.
  • In 1960 Moi with Ronald Ngara founded KADU to defend the interests of minority tribes
  • In 1961 Moi was elected as a member of parliamentary secretary to the ministry of education
  • He visited Kenyatta in detention.
  • He visited Kikuyu inmates at Naivasha detention camp.

Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks

ANS 22b DIST 1


8.Mention two roles played by Daniel. Arap Moi in Kenya’s history   (2mks)

  • Nyayo wards
  • Nyayo Tea zone
  • Visited Kenyatta at the place of detention
  • Attended Lancaster House Cnference of 1962
  • Declared HIV / AIDS a national disaster in 2001
  • Acted as a vice president moi 1967 – 1978 Any 2 = 2mks



  1. What was the main method used by Thomas Joseph Mboya in the struggle to

protect African rights against colonialism

  • Trade union

1 x 1 = 1mk



  1. – Mekatilili wa Menza

– Marshall Muthoni

– Moraa wa Ngiri

– Mary Muthoni Nyanjiru

– Syotune wa Kathuke

  1. – Thought he struggled for multiparty (1 x 1 = 1mk)

ANS 10,15 DIST 5


  1. Give the main contribution of Daniel Arap Moi in the health sector in Kenya             (1mk)

–           The buildings of Nyayo wards across the country.



  1. Identify two political challenges the former president Moi experienced during his era between 1982 and 1991.                                                                              (2mks)
  1. In 1982 there was an attempted military coup by a section of the Air Force
  2. The assassination of Robert Ouko
  3. The clamour for multi – party democracy Any 2×1 = 2marks

ANS 12 DIST 10


14.– Public Accounts Committee      (P.A.C)

–  Public investments committee   (P.I.C)

–  Committee of supply

(Note: No mark for use of initials.)                                                      (1×1=1mk)

ANS 14 DIST 11


  1. – An attempted coup d’etat.             (1×1=1mk)



14.Outline any two economical challenges which faced Daniel Moi’s presidency between 1991 and 2002.

-Rampant corruption like grabbing of public utilities / land and funds i.e.                                      Goldenberg

-Freezing of aid from donor such as World Bank or International Monetary Fund                                (IMF)- High inflation causing high prices on essential commodities.

(b) Role Tom Mboya played in the Kenya struggle for independence

  1. i) As a trade unionist, he presented the grievances of African workers to the                                           colonial government.
  2. ii) Formed political party KANU and people convention party which articulated      African grievances

iii) Advocated for the release of political detainees such as the Lancaster house                                      conference.

  1. iv) As a member of the AEMO he pressurized the colonial government for      constitutional reforms in Kenya
  2. v) He participated in making of Kenya independent constitution
  3. vi) As trade unionist he educated people on their political rights.

vii) United the Kenya communities by protecting the separation of the Aembu and                                Agikuyu in Nairobi.                                   Any 6points 2marks each 6×2=12mks

ANS 14,19b DIST 13


10.State two contributions of Ronald Ngala in Kenya.                                                      (2mks)

  • Founder of KADU
  • Led KADU during the second Lancaster House Conference of 1962
  • At independence he became an MP and leader of opposition.
  • He headed various ministries
  • In 1957 he was elected to LEGCO
  • He was a member of various political parties e.g. Coast African Association.
  • He formed government after 1961 election when KANU declined unless Kenyatta was released.

2 x 1 = 2 marks

ANS 10 DIST 14


  1. – Member of NALGSA, KIGWU, KFRTU

– He was a leader of different trade unions (VP of NALGSA, secretary-general of KIGWU and a secretary of KFRTU)

– He organized Mombasa dock workers strike

– he wrote articles in Britain, about Kenyan workers

– He attended international trade union meetings

– He helped formation trade unions in Uganda & Tanzania.                                    (2 x 1=2mks)

ANS 12 DIST 17