Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) announced the opening of applications for the 2024 intake on Thursday February 8. The deadline has been extended to enable all students to make their applications online.

This marked the beginning of the application period for students aiming to secure placements in various tertiary institutions across the country.

To be eligible for government sponsorship through KUCCPS, applicants must be Kenyan citizens and should not have previously benefited from government sponsorship via KUCCPS.

Minimum mean grade requirement varies based on the type of program being applied for: C+ for degree programs, C- for diploma programs, D (plain) for craft certificate courses, and E for artisan certificate courses.

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu.
Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu. PHOTO/Courtesy

Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to navigate the application process seamlessly:

KUCCPS Application Guidelines

1. Login: Visit the Student’s Portal at and enter your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use either your Birth Certificate Number or KCPE Index Number as the Password.

2. i) Once logged in, on the menu bar at the top of the page, click the tab “Programme Lists”. You will see these documents: KMTC Programmes, Degree Cluster Document, Degree Programmes ,Diploma Programmes, Certificate Programmes and Artisan Programmes.

ii) Click any of the above depending on the programmes or institutions that you wish to apply for. The document will download separately as a PDF file. Check the downloaded document for available programmes, programme codes, previous cut-off points and other information.

iii) Before you move to the next step, note down the Programme Codes for all the courses that you intend to apply for.

iv) On the dashboard, you will be able to view a summary of the available institutions and courses, and applicant’s registration details.

3. Back to the portal, on the menu bar, click “Application/Revision”. You will see either one or two forms for submitting the programme codes at different levels (Degree only or Degree and Diploma or Diploma and Certificate or Certificate and Artisan or Artisan only).

4. i) Type the programme codes that you noted down earlier, in the relevant form. (To minimize errors, you will not be able to copy and paste the programme codes.)

ii) As you type the codes, you will notice that the system will be “Fetching Data” and “Checking Requirements”. Allow these processes to complete before you submit.

iii) Once the system has completed fetching data and checking requirements, it will display the name of each programme under the respective codes and indicate if the student meets the minimum requirements.

5. After all the programme data has been fetched and displayed, click SUBMIT.

PS for Basic Education Dr Belio Kipsang peps up a section of KCSE candidates at Moi Girls High School in Nairobi in 2023. PHOTO/Courtesy
PS for Basic Education Dr Belio Kipsang peeps at a section of KCSE candidates at Moi Girls High School in Nairobi in 2023. PHOTO/Courtesy

Making Payments

1. After clicking on SUBMIT A pop-up box will display payment instructions. On the pop-up message, click “HERE” to pay the indicated amount.

2. The system will open a payment page as a new tab. Select your preferred payment method and follow the instructions.

i) For the M-Pesa Option, follow the provided steps for paying through the Government e-Citizen Pay bill Number 222222. Enter the provided account number and pay the indicated amount (Ksh1,500).

iii) After paying, you will receive a confirmation SMS from M-Pesa.

3. Go back to application window and enter the account number in the slot written “Payment REF” then click SUBMIT. [Be careful not to use the M-Pesa transaction code but the provided Account Number).

4. Give the system a few seconds to display a notification that the application is successful. If you make a mistake, repeat the process but do not pay again. Instead, re-enter the account number from the previous payment and submit.

Applicant Choices

Applicants will be expected to make applications by submitting their preferred choices where a valid choice will constitute a programme code, programme name and the institution name.

I) Applicants with an overall grade of C+ and above will be allowed to make a maximum of 6 choices for degree programmes where 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) must be similar programmes and 4 for diploma programmes.

ii) Applicants with an overall grade of C- and above will be allowed to make a maximum of 8 choices: 4 for diploma and 4 for craft certificate programmes.

iii) Applicants with an overall grade of D and above will be allowed to make a maximum of 8 choices: 4 for craft certificates and 4 for artisan certificate programmes.

iv) Applicants with an overall grade below D will be allowed to make a maximum of 4 choices from artisan certificate programmes.

v) An applicant may choose any programmes for which they qualify provided that no choice is repeated.

A collage photo of KUCCPS CEO Agnes Wahome and a photo of Education CS Ezekiel Machogu and TSC CEO Nancy Macharia during the release of 2023 KCSE. photo/courtesy
A collage photo of KUCCPS CEO Agnes Wahome and a photo of Education CS Ezekiel Machogu and TSC CEO Nancy Macharia during the release of 2023 KCSE. photo/courtesy.

Multiple Categories Consideration

Further, an applicant is allowed to apply for more than one level of programmes if they qualify for multiple.

However, one must explicitly opt-in to multiple category processing if they want the second level to be considered.

This means that if you miss your first set of applications, you will be considered for the second, i.e. you may be placed on one of the Craft courses if you miss all your diploma choices.

An applicant may make as many changes as they want before the deadline including opting out of multiple application processing and deleting applications by clicking on the “DELETE” button over.

In addition, an applicant will be able to view their application at any time by visiting “Application/Revision” tab and moving to the “Application History” page.

Continue reading..

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How to check kuccps degree and diploma placement

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Kuccps Student Portal ( Student Login – KUCCPS | The Placement Service)

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Bachelor of Education Arts Course (Kuccps cluster points cutoff, Course Codes & Subject Requirements)

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Kuccps Student Portal
Kuccps Student Portal

Important KMTC Links

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KMTC Students,