KUCCPS extends application deadline for Placement to Universities and Colleges

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) opened application for placement of students to unive ies and colleges on February 7, 2024. The application targets the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE] candidates and Form Four leavers from other years to 2000.

Only the 2023 candidates can apply for degree programmes in universities. Those from all other years can apply for courses offered at the Open University of Kenya, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, Teacher Training Colleges and the Kenya Medical Training College.

In the spirit of ensuring that no one is left behind, KUCCPS has extended the application deadline to February 26, 2024.

The number of applicants selecting degree programmes is higher than those applying for TVET courses so far. KUCCPS encourages those with mean grades between C and E to take advantage of the available TVET opportunities.

Particularly, applicants with D+ and E are still very low and we are encouraging them to apply. They should walk into their nearest TVET institution for assistance.

Kuccps has  implemented measures to ensure that applicants are adequately supported. In addition, they are working with Huduma Centres and various universities and colleges to guide applicants.

A list of the support centres is available on the KUCCPS website www.kuccps.ac.ke.


The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is a State Corporation established under the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012 to co-ordinate placement of government sponsored students to universities and colleges; disseminate information on available programmes, their costs and the areas of study prioritized by the government and develop career guidance programmes for the benefit of students, among other functions.


ACK Garden House, 1st Ngong’ Avenue in Community | P. O. Box 105166 – 00101
Tel: 020 5137400, 0723954927 Nairobi | E: [email protected] | www.kuccps.ac.ke

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