Knec Boss Dr. Mercy Karogo.
Knec Boss Dr. Mercy Karogo.

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) is run by a Council. The Knec Council consists of:

  • Chairperson appointed by the President ,
  • the Chief Executive Officer,
  • the Principal Secretary of the Ministry responsible for matters relating to education or a representative of the Principal Secretary,
  • the Principal Secretary to the National Treasury or his representative,
  • the officer in charge of quality assurance and standards in the Ministry responsible for matters relating to education,
  • the Director of the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD),
  • the Secretary of the Teachers Service Commission,
  • the following persons appointed by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of education:
  1. one member to represent the interest of persons with disabilities,
  2. one person to represent the post school technical and business training institutions in Kenya, including polytechnics and
  3. one person to represent private sector involved with management of Education as the Cabinet Secretary may determine.

Current Members of the Knec Council

Here is a list of the current Knec Council members:

S/N Member Name Responsibility
1 Dr. John O. Onsati Council Chairman
2 Dr. Mercy G. Karogo Acting Chief Executive Officer
3 Dr. Julius Jwan Principal Secretay- Ministry of Education
4 Colonel (Ret) Leonard Owambo Council Member
5 Dr. Fred Ochogo Sporta Council Member
6 Ms. Rosemary C. Saina Council Member
7 Prof. Eric Okoth Ogur Council Member
8 Martin Osang’iri Okiyo Council Member
9 Dr. Nancy Macharia Council Member- TSC CEO
10 Prof. Charles O. Ong’ondo Council Member

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Dr. John O. Onsati- Knec Chair
Dr. John O. Onsati        
Dr. Mercy G. Karogo- Knec CEO
Dr. Mercy G. Karogo- Knec CEO
Dr. Julius Jwan- PS Basic Education
Dr. Julius Jwan- PS Basic Education
Colonel (Ret) Leonard Owambo- Council Member
Colonel (Ret) Leonard Owambo- Council Member
Dr. Fred Ochogo Sporta- Council Member
Dr. Fred Ochogo Sporta- Council Member
Ms. Rosemary C. Saina- Council Member
Ms. Rosemary C. Saina- Council Member
Prof. Eric Okoth Ogur- Council Member
Prof. Eric Okoth Ogur- Council Member
Martin Osang’iri Okiyo- Council Member
Martin Osang’iri Okiyo- Council Member
TSC Boss Nancy Macharia has reminded teachers to file their 2019 individual tax returns ahead of the June 30th deadline.
TSC Boss Nancy Macharia- Council Member.
Prof. Charles O. Ong'ondo- Council Member
Prof. Charles O. Ong’ondo- Council Member

Appointment and qualifications of the Knec Council Chairperson

The Chairperson is appointed by the President. For you to be appointed to be the Council Chairperson;

  • You must hold at least a masters degree from a recognized university,
  • Have at least fifteen years experience in a senior position in the public service or as a practitioner in a relevant profession or industry; and
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

Qualifications of Council members

To be appointed as a member of the Council, other than an ex officio member, a person shall:

  • possess at least a first degree from a recognised university;
  • ave at least ten years experience in a senior position in the public service or as a practitioner in a relevant profession or industry; and
  • satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

Term of Office of Chairperson and members

Just like any other public office in Kenya, the tenure for Knec Council members is anchored in the Constitution. According to the Constitution, the Chairperson and the appointed members of the Council shall serve for a term of four years, and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further term.

Functions of the Knec Council

The Council carries out the following roles:

  1. set and maintain examination standards, conduct public academic, technical and other national examinations within Kenya at basic and tertiary levels;
  2. award certificates or diplomas to candidates in such examinations; such certificates or diplomas, shall not be withheld from the candidate by any person or institution;
  3. confirm authenticity of certificates or diplomas issued by the Council upon request by the government, public institutions, learning institutions, employers and other interested parties;
  4. issue replacement certificates or diplomas to candidates or diplomas to candidates in such examinations upon acceptable proof of loss of the original;
  5. undertake research on educational assessment;
  6. promote the international recognition of qualifications conferred by the Council;
  7. advise the Government on any policy decision that is relevant to, or has implications on, the functions of the Council or the administration of examinations in Kenya;
  8. advise any public institution on the development and use of any system of assessment when requested to do so, and in accordance with such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed between the Council and the public institution;