Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University  Kuccps admission letters & Pdf Lists portal login

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University is a premier university located in Bondo. Have you been selected by Kuccps to join JOUST? Then you must be very lucky.

The next move is to immediately download  your admission letter & Pdf Lists. Head over to the JOUST Kuccps portal login and get your letter today.

Students Admissions

How do I download my admission letter?

Visit the website: jooust.ac.ke Then click on the “download admission letter” on the right side of the page. Thereafter, key…

What am I required to come with on the day of reporting?

Original bank payment slip duly stamped and signed. (For school fees and accommodation) Medical form that is already filled with…

How do I get my admission number?

Your admission number is the same as your registration number, as contained in your admission letter. For example: “ED/0005/Year”. Kindly…

What are the steps for admission on the day of arrival?

On the day of arrival, you will be given a movement form which contains stages of registration.

What are my course requirements?

There will be a one week orientation program where you will be informed about your courses.
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