Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.
To Log onto the Kabarak University Students Portal, use the link; http://eserver.kabarak.ac.ke/students/
Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:
- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
The university offers a wide range of education courses in its Faculty of Education.- Mean grade of C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C (Plain) in Mathematics and C+ in each of the two teaching subjects or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary pass at A’ Level in Mathematics,
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Diploma in Education.
Click here to download our application form Click here to download the Government sponsored Fee structure Click here to download the Self sponsored fee structure – Main campus Click here to download the Self sponsored fee structure – Nakuru campus
STEP 1: Download your Application forms below or collect them from of our listed offices.
STEP 2: Duly completed forms should be returned to any of the below offices with non-refundable fee as follows:
- Undergraduate – Kshs.1,000
- Postgraduate – Kshs.1,500
- Standard Chartered Bank – 01040-943637-01 Nakuru;
- Trans National Bank – 0040503005 Nakuru;
- Kenya Commercial Bank – 1109663161 Nakuru;
- Equity Bank – 0310294445167 Nakuru Kenyatta Avenue.
- New students – M-PESA PAYBILL /Business number 511480- Enter your National ID Number as account number.
- Continuing students only – MPESA PayBill /Business number 983100 – Enter your Registration Number as Account number. e.g CM/M/1234/01/17 NB. Confirm that all details are correct.
A: Paying your Fees with M-PESA (Continuing Students Only)
- Select “Pay Bill” from M-pesa menu.
- Enter Kabarak University business number 983100
- Enter your Full Student Admission Number as account number e.g CM/M/1234/01/16.
- Enter the amount you wish to pay.
- Enter your M-pesa PIN
- Confirm that all details are correct
- You will receive a confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
- Select “Pay Bill” from M-pesa menu.
- Enter Kabarak University business number 511480
- Enter your Name or ID Number as account number.
- Enter the amount you wish to pay.
- Enter your M-pesa PIN
- Confirm that all details are correct
- You will receive a confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
Important Links For You, Click below:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kenya Methodist University, kemu, Education and other Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Karatina University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kabarak University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Universities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- KCA University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kaimosi Friends University College Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- JKUAT Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Garissa University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Egerton University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Dedan Kimathi University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Co-operative University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Chuka University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Maasai Mara University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Lukenya University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Laikipia University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Koitalel University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Kirinyaga University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- New list of all Kenyan university courses, requirements, fees, students, portals, website and how to apply
- Kenya Highlands University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- New list of Top, Best Universities in Kenya
- Mount Kenya University, MKU; courses, admissions, requirements, student portal, website, Contacts, fees and applications
STEP 3: Once you get your Admission Letter, download the fee structure below;
- Bachelor’s degree programmes require a minimum mean grade of C+ (C Plus) in KCSE. OR
- A minimum of Credit Pass at diploma level or equivalent qualifications from recognized institutions. OR
- 2 Principal Passes at ‘A’ level obtained at one sitting OR two Principal Passes obtained at different sittings provided the scores are of grade C and above.
- Applicants must also meet additional entry requirement as may be specified by respective departments.
- Applications from mature students will be considered subject to them satisfying the University’s Conditions of Admission.
- Diploma holders in teacher education with a minimum of C+ at KCSE and two years’ experience in teaching.
- P1 teachers certificate holders with a minimum of C+ at KCSE and two years of teaching experience.
- CLUSTER SUBJECT 4 KIS / BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC / HSC / ARD / AGR / WW / MW / BC / PM / ECT / DRD / AVT / CMP / FRE / GER / ARB / KSL / MUC / BST NOTE: A subject may only be considered ONCE in this section
- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’Leveland1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.
- Mean grade of C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C (Plain) in Mathematics and C+ in each of the two teaching subjects or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary pass at A’ Level in Mathematics,
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Diploma in Education.
Click here to download our application form Click here to download the Government sponsored Fee structure Click here to download the Self sponsored fee structure – Main campus Click here to download the Self sponsored fee structure – Nakuru campus
STEP 1: Download your Application forms below or collect them from of our listed offices.
STEP 2: Duly completed forms should be returned to any of the below offices with non-refundable fee as follows:
- Undergraduate – Kshs.1,000
- Postgraduate – Kshs.1,500
- Standard Chartered Bank – 01040-943637-01 Nakuru;
- Trans National Bank – 0040503005 Nakuru;
- Kenya Commercial Bank – 1109663161 Nakuru;
- Equity Bank – 0310294445167 Nakuru Kenyatta Avenue.
- New students – M-PESA PAYBILL /Business number 511480- Enter your National ID Number as account number.
- Continuing students only – MPESA PayBill /Business number 983100 – Enter your Registration Number as Account number. e.g CM/M/1234/01/17 NB. Confirm that all details are correct.
A: Paying your Fees with M-PESA (Continuing Students Only)
- Select “Pay Bill” from M-pesa menu.
- Enter Kabarak University business number 983100
- Enter your Full Student Admission Number as account number e.g CM/M/1234/01/16.
- Enter the amount you wish to pay.
- Enter your M-pesa PIN
- Confirm that all details are correct
- You will receive a confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
- Select “Pay Bill” from M-pesa menu.
- Enter Kabarak University business number 511480
- Enter your Name or ID Number as account number.
- Enter the amount you wish to pay.
- Enter your M-pesa PIN
- Confirm that all details are correct
- You will receive a confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
Important Links For You, Click below:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kenya Methodist University, kemu, Education and other Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Karatina University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kabarak University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Universities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- KCA University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kaimosi Friends University College Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- JKUAT Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Garissa University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Egerton University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Dedan Kimathi University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Co-operative University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Chuka University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Maasai Mara University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Lukenya University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Laikipia University Courses, Admission, Requirements, Fees, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Koitalel University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Kirinyaga University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- New list of all Kenyan university courses, requirements, fees, students, portals, website and how to apply
- Kenya Highlands University Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Fees, Location, Contacts, Student Portals Log in, Website and How to Apply
- New list of Top, Best Universities in Kenya
- Mount Kenya University, MKU; courses, admissions, requirements, student portal, website, Contacts, fees and applications
STEP 3: Once you get your Admission Letter, download the fee structure below;