NAME………………………………………..ADM  NO…………………….









  1. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
  2. Write your name, ADM no, class and date of the examination in the spaces provided above.
  3. Check if all the pages are printed
  4. Answer all the questions on the spaces provided.
  5. Answer all the questions in English.


QUESTION 1-17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL
















Answer ALL questions in section A

  1. Name any one branch of History                   (1mk)
  2. Define genetics       (1mk)
  3. Give one Southern Cushitic speakers that migrated into Kenya during the Pre-colonial period (1mk)
  4. Identify two ways through which one can become a Kenyan citizen       (2mks)
  5. State one way in which National Integration is important       (1mk)
  6. List one community in East Africa that participated in long distance trade in the 19th Century (1mk)
  7. Name ONE sources of information on the East African coast up to 7th century                   (1mk)
  8. Highlight two factors for the growth of the coastal city states       (2mks)
  9. Identify two types of democracy       (2mks)
  10. Mention any two Rights of an arrested person       (2mks)
  11. Identify two methods used by the British to establish colonial rule in Kenya       (2mks)
  12. Give two functions of the Oloibon among the Maasai during the pre-colonial period       (2mks)
  13. Identify one treaty that was signed between the British and the Germany in the scramble and partition of East Africa                               (1mk)
  14. State one economic reason why the British colonized Kenya in the 19th Century       (1mk)
  15. State two main crops that were cultivated by the white settlers during the colonial period in Kenya (2mks)
  16. Highlight two terms of the Devonshire white paper of 1923       (2mks)
  17. Identify the leader who stepped down as the president of Kenya African Union for Jomo Kenyatta (1mk)


Answer any three questions each questions carries 15marks

  1. a) Mention five Eastern Bantu communities which settled in Kenya during the pre-colonial period (5mks)
  2. b) Describe the economic organization of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period (10mks)
  3. a) State five characteristics of the coastal city states after 1500AD       (5mks)
  4. b) Explain five effects of missionary work on Africans in Kenya (10mks)
  5. a) Identify five problems experienced by the imperial British East African Company to establish colonial rule in Kenya                               (5mks)
  6. b) Discuss five results of the Nandi resistance against the British occupation in Kenya (10mks)
  7. a) Highlight five problems encountered by the railway builders during the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway                               (5mks)
  8. b) Explain five problems faced by MauMau fighters during the struggle for independence in Kenya (10mks)


Answer any three questions

  1. a) State three values of a good citizen       (3mks)
  2. b) Explain six factors which promote National Unity in Kenya (12mks)
  3. a) Mention any three characteristics of a good constitution       (3mks)
  4. b) Discuss six peaceful methods of conflict resolution (12mks)
  5. a) Name the three arms of the National Government in Kenya       (3mks)
  6. b) Explain six functions of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) (12mks)


NAME………………………………………..ADM  NO…………………….









  1. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
  2. Write your name, ADM no, class and date of the examination in the spaces provided above.
  3. Check if all the pages are printed
  4. Answer all the questions on the spaces provided.
  5. Answer all the questions in English.


For Examiners use only

Section Questions Marks
A 1 -17  
B 18  
C 22  





SECTION A [25mks]


  1. Mention one method of dating fossils.                                     [1mks]
  2. State two stages of human evolution according to Charles Darwin.             [2mks]
  3. Name the tools made by early man during the Middle Stone Age period.             [1mk]
  4. State two theories that explain the origin of agriculture.             [2mks]
  5. Identify the main item of trade from west Africa during Trans-Saharan trade. [1mk]
  6. Give one example of international trade.             [1mk]
  7. State two advantages of human transport. [2mks]
  8. Name two types of print media.             [2mks]
  9. Give the contribution of Alexander Graham Bell in the field of industry.             [1mk]
  10. Give two reasons why Japan emerged as an industrial power.             [2mks]
  11. Give one factor for the decline of Meroe. [1mk]
  12. State one result of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia.             [1mk]
  13. Give one economic reason that made European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa. [1mk]
  14. State two reasons why indirect rule was unsuccessful in Southern Nigeria. [2mks]
  15. Give two colonial systems of administration.                                                 [2mks]
  16. State two results of the Ndebele war with the British in 1893.             [2mks]
  17. List two problems encountered by nationalists in South Africa.             [2mks]





  1. a)Identify three ways in which early man used stone tools. [3mks]

b)Describe the way of life of early man during the late Stone Age period.                       [12mks]

  1. a)Identify three reasons why African slaves were preferred by Europeans during Trans-Atlantic trade. [3mks]

b)Explain SIX factors that led to the decline of Trans- Atlantic trade.                 [12mks]

  1. a)Mention five economic activities carried out by Buganda community in the 19th             [5mks]

b)Explain five factors that led to the growth of the Shona kingdom in the 19th C.                                                                                                                                               [10mks]

  1. a)State three roles of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle for independence in Ghana. [3mks]

b)Explain six challenges faced by FRELIMO in the struggle for independence in Mozambique.                                                                                                              [12mks]




  1. a)Outline the structure of the French system of administration in West Africa.[5mks]

b)Explain five effects of the British rule in Zimbabwe.                                      [10mks]

  1. a)State three duties of Emirs in North Nigeria during colonial period. [3mks]

b)Explain six causes of the maji maji rebellion.                                                  [12mks]

  1. a)State five terms of Berlin conference of 1884- 1885.             [5mks]
  2. b) Explain five reasons why Samori was defeated by the French.                         [10 mks]







  1. Mention one method of dating fossils. [1mks]
  2. Geological periods
  3. Fission track dating
  • Statistical dating
  1. Stratigraphy
  2. Chemical dating
  3. Lexico-statistics dating
  4. State two stages of human evolution according to Charles Darwin.             [2mks]
  5. Aegyptopithecus
  6. Dryopithecus/Proconsul
  • Ramapithecus /Kenyapithecus
  1. Australopithecus/Zinjanthropus
  2. Homo habilis
  3. Homo erectus
  • Homo sapiens
  • Homo sapiens sapiens
  1. Name the tools made by early man during the Middle Stone Age period. [1mk]
  2. Sangoan tools i.e scrappers, chisel picks, plane picks, daggers, choppers, spears
  3. State two theories that explain the origin of agriculture. [2mks]
  4. Diffusion theory
  5. Independent theory.
  6. Identify the main item of trade from West Africa during Trans-Saharan trade. [1mk]
  7. Gold
  8. Give one example of international trade. [1mk]
  9. Trans – Atlantic trade/ Indian ocean trade
  10. State two advantages of human transport. [2mks]
  11. It was readily available
  12. It was a cheap method
  • It was flexible
  1. Was convenient
  2. Accidents were rare.
  3. Name two types of print media. [2mks]
  4. News papers
  5. Magazines
  • Journals [periodicals]
  1. Books
  2. News letter
  3. Give the contribution of Alexander Graham Bell in the field of industry.             [1mk]
  4. Invented telephone
  5. Give two reasons why Japan emerged as an industrial power. [2mks]
  6. Government reforms
  7. Energy resources
  • Natural resources
  1. Political stability
  2. Large-domestic market
  3. Education & research
  • Capital
  • Large population that provided market and labour. [Any other]
  1. Give one factor for the decline of Meroe. [1mk]
  2. Exhaustion of minerals
  3. Exhaustion of forests
  • Attack by the Axum kingdom
  1. Stiff competition from neighbouring kingdom.
  2. State one result of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia. [1mk]
  3. Was used to move war chariots
  4. Helped in carrying agricultural produce
  • Led to the development of roads.
  1. Used in making of pots
  2. Give one economic reason that made European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa.             [1mk]
  3. Need for cheap raw materials
  4. Readily market
  • Need for cheap labour
  1. Need to invest their surplus capital
  2. Speculations that Africa had plenty of minerals.
  3. State two reasons why indirect rule was unsuccessful in Southern Nigeria. [2mks]
  4. There was linguistic disunity.
  5. People in S. Nigeria were opposed to forced labour, taxation and oppression.
  • The educated elite resented the rule by uneducated traditional chiefs
  1. The southern people had cultural division. [any 2]
  2. Give two colonial systems of administration [2mks]
  3. Direct rule
  4. Indirect rule
  • Assimilation policy
  1. Association
  2. State two results of the Ndebele war with the British in 1893. [2mks]
  3. Ndebele were pushed to the reserves
  4. Subjected to forced labour
  • Subjected to taxation
  1. Cattle were confiscated
  2. Loss of lives.
  3. Loss of independence [any 2]
  4. List two problems encountered by nationalists in South Africa. [2mks]
  5. Nationalists were killed.
  6. Nationalist were harassed by security agents.
  • Many people fled to other countries.
  1. Trade unionists were intimidated.
  2. Use of pass law curtailed movement of the nationalists.



  1. Identify three ways in which early man used stone tools. [3mks]
  2. To hunt
  3. To scrap animal skin
  • Sharpening
  1. Digging roots
  2. Skinning animals
  3. Describe the way of life of early man during the late Stone Age period. [12mks]
  4. Made simple tools called microliths
  5. Wore clothes from animal skins
  • Made shelter from tree branches and grass
  1. Painted animals he hunted.
  2. Decorated the body with red ochre
  3. Communicated using spoken language
  • Started to grow crops and keeping livestock
  • Buried the dead -religion
  1. Development of trade
  2. Development of government
  3. Settled life
  4. Identify three reasons why African slaves were preferred by Europeans during Trans-Atlantic trade.             [3mks]
  5. They were stronger
  6. They were immune to diseases
  • They were readily available,
  1. They were cheaper to acquire
  2. They were easily identified because of the skin colour.

[mark any other correct]

  1. Explain SIX factors that led to the decline of Trans- Atlantic trade.             [12mks]
  2. Humanitarian groups opposed slave trade.
  3. American independence of 1776.
  • Development of legitimate trade
  1. Role of economists
  2. Development of machinery
  3. French revolution of 1789
  • Closure of American slave market
  • Christian revival movements.[mark any other correct]
  1. Mention five economic activities carried out by Buganda community in the 19th [5mks]
  2. Growing crops
  3. Hunting and gathering
  • Trading
  1. Livestock keeping
  2. Fishing
  3. Pottery and basketry
  • Boat making and canoes
  • Cloth making from tree barks
  1. Explain five factors that led to the growth of the Shona kingdom in the 19th                                                                                                                         [10mks]
  2. Good and able leaders e.g Chikura
  3. Participated in trade and therefore acquired a lot of wealth.
  • Strong army for defending the community
  1. Farming – Availability of food
  2. Religion- Based on Mwari cult
  3. Mineral resources – gold, copper
  • Centralisation enhancing political order.
  1. State three roles of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle for independence in Ghana. [3mks]
  2. Formed political party Convention Peoples Party.
  3. United Africans in the struggle for independence
  • Started a newspaper where African grievances were published.
  1. Held political rallies to sensitise africans
  2. Explain six challenges faced by Front for the liberation movement of Mozambique(FRELIMO) in the struggle for independence in Mozambique.                                                                                   [12mks]
  3. Ideological differences among leaders
  4. Competition from other guerrilla movements e.g COREMO
  • Shortage of basic needs
  1. Assassination of their leader Edwardo Mondlane that demoralised them
  2. Use of cruel and ruthless method by the Portuguese to suppress it
  3. It was termed as a terrorist movement by the church.



  1. Outline the structure of the French system of administration in West Africa.[5mks]
  2. Minister for colonies based in France
  3. Governor in charge of colonies [Lieutenant]
  • Commandant de Cercle [ Province ]
  1. Chef de sub division [District]
  2. Chef de canton [location]
  3. Chef de village [village]
  4. Explain five effects of the British rule in Zimbabwe.             [10mks]
  5. Africans were displaced from their land
  6. Africans were subjected to poverty and suffering
  • Africans were pushed into reserves
  1. African chiefs lost their authority and power over their subjects
  2. Africans chiefs betrayed their fellow Africans i.e acted as puppets of the British
  3. Africans were subjected to heavy taxation
  • African traditional economy was undermined
  • Introduction to Christianity and western education undermined African culture
  1. Africans were subjected to forced labour
  2. There was racial segregation
  3. Infrastructure was improved
  • Led to introduction of new crops
  • Led to the rise of African nationalism
  1. State three duties of Emirs in North Nigeria during colonial period.             [3mks]
  2. They collected taxes
  3. They recruited labourers for public works
  • They headed local government
  1. They tried cases in the local customary courts
  2. Maintained law and order.
  3. Appointed village heads
  • Communicated colonial policies to the people.
  • Supervised construction of roads and markets
  1. Explain six causes of the maji maji rebellion. [12mks]
  2. The forced cotton –growing programme
  3. Taxation
  • Forced labour
  1. Employment of akindas and Jumbes
  2. Harsh German rule
  3. Role of religion i.e Kinjekitile Ngwale
  • Land alienation
  • Desire to revenge by the Ngoni
  1. Sexual abuse
  2. Cultural interference
  3. Desire to regain independence
  4. State five terms of Berlin conference of 1884- 1885. [5mks]
  5. Any European power claiming any region in Africa was to inform other European powers interested.
  6. European powers were to declare their sphere of influence or areas they wished to occupy.
  • European power claiming a sphere of influence was required to follow it up with effective occupation
  1. All European powers were to abolish slave trade
  2. Congo and Niger were to be left free and open for navigation
  3. The European powers recognised the demands of king leopard II over Congo free state. [mark any other]
  4. Explain five reasons why Samori was defeated by the French.                                                     [10 mks]
  5. He did not receive British protection since the British did not want to conflict with French.
  6. African rulers such as Tieba and Seku whom he came into conflict with supported the French /divide and rule policy by the French
  • The non-Muslims Africans supported the French since they were against islam religion
  1. Samori used the scorched earth policy which was disliked by many people
  2. Samori lost some of his source of wealth for example the Bure Gold mines
  3. The non-Mandinka communities did not fully support Samori since he always mistreated them.
  • The French had superior weapons compared to the Mandinka
  • The French surrounded Samori’s capital at Dabakala forcing him to surrender