Besides course marketability , here are other factors you should consider when choosing a course.
1.Marketability is not a fixed phenomenon.
The fact that a course is marketable today (as implied from advertisements) does not mean the same course will be marketable years down the line when someone starting studies in 2024 will graduate. Scenarios change, industry demands change and other factors.
 For example, a few years ago, you did not have to worry if you are studying medicine. You were assured of placement at different phases from internship (mandatory in medicine before you get licensed); job entry; growth etc.
 I am sure you have seen trainee doctors in the street demanding to be posted for internship -mark you they cannot do anything with their degree without completing the internship as it part of qualification; others unemployed; some sadly commit suicide.
 Interestingly, current status does not mean the predicament will last forever. Can you imagine how many doctors will be needed for a universal health coverage to succeed if implemented successfully? There will be shortage because Kenya is way below internationally recommended doctor: patient ratio.
 2.There is something called flooding especially in Kenyan market. This means that many people could choose a course and within no time, the supply exceeds demand. A few years ago, procurement degrees were introduced.
  The market needed the qualification badly. Since people were aware of market demand, they chose the course in large numbers. Today, the qualification is still needed but there is a huge mismatch between demand and supply.
 3.Finally limiting course selection to marketability means that the vision of the prospective student is limited to formal employment, in the FEW WELL KNOWN sectors.
 Sometimes, one must step out of the box and ask, what problem do I want to solve? What knowledge do I need to solve that problem? What course can help me gain relevant knowledge and skills?
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