Knec Chief Executive Officer Dr Mercy Karogo at a past event.
Knec Chief Executive Officer Dr Mercy Karogo at a past event.

The Kenya National Examinations Council, knec, is finalizing the process of payment for the 2019 contracted professionals. It is good news for the contracted professionals who included: Centre Managers (Principals and Head Teachers), Supervisors, Invigilators, drivers and Security Personnel. “KNEC is finalizing on the payment issue, will pay in the shortest time possible,” reads a tweet on the Council’s official Twitter Page.

According to Payment details released by the Council, Primary school heads who acted as Centre Managers for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams are expected to pocket a daily subsistence allowance of Sh500; for a total of 4 days (including rehearsal day).

On their part, Secondary schools Principals are expected to also earn a daily allowance of Sh500 for 18 days. The highest paid Supervisor will walk away with a sum total of Sh12,510 while the highest paid invigilator will pocket Sh9860.

The 2019 National exams were administered and managed by about 191,000 contracted professionals.

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The table below summarizes the expected pay for the 2019 Contracted Professionals:

Contracted Profesional Exam Region Pay Per Day Total Days engaged Total Pay
Centre Manager KCPE All Regions Sh500 4 Sh2,000
Centre Manager KCSE All Regions Sh500 18 Sh9,000
Invigilators KCPE All Regions Sh538 3 Sh1,615
Invigilators KCSE Nairobi & Mombasa Sh580 17 Sh9,860
Invigilators KCSE Other Regions Sh460 17 Sh7,820
Visit . . . . .
Supervisors KCPE All Regions Sh621 4 Sh2,485
Supervisors KCSE Nairobi & Mombasa Sh695 18 Sh12,510
Supervisors KCSE Other Regions Sh630 18 Sh11,340
Security Officers KCSE All Regions Sh420 16 Sh6,720
Drivers KCSE All Regions Sh405 16 Sh6,480


A total of 697,222 candidates sat for the 2019 KCSE examination across the 10,287 examination centres; countrywide between Monday 4th November and Wednesday 27th November. Of this, 355,782 were male candidates representing a percentage of 51.03 %.

For KCPE examination (done between October 29 and 31, 2019) the total candidature was 1,083,456. Of this number, 543,582 were male candidates. The total number of female candidates who sat the examination was 539,874.

The contracted professionals should have updated their information via the knec contracted online portal as required by the council.

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