Chuka University Kuccps Courses List, Requirements and Fees


The programmes are designed, developed and reviewed by Academic Departments in consultation with stakeholders and needs assessment surveys.

They are verified and validated by Faculties, Board of Undergraduate Studies, and Board of Postgraduate Studies. The programmes are then approved by the Senate.

All these processes are guided by the University Statutes, Universities regulations and standards supervised by the Commission for University Education (CUE), Chuka University’s Standard Operating Procedures, and professional bodies’ requirements.

The degree programmes are then forwarded for accreditation by the Commission for University Education. Currently 22 certificate, 37 diploma, 76 bachelor’s degree, a post graduate degree in Education (PGDE), 69 master’s degree and 53 doctorate degree programmes are on offer.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified self- sponsored students to enroll in the Chuka University academic programmes shown below. Admissions are: September, January and May of each year for full-time students; December, April    and August of each year for part-time/holiday- based/work-based students.

Study modes are day, evening or week-end. Methods of teaching are in- person, distance e-learning or blended. Details of academic programmes on offer are given below. Chuka University is an equal opportunity provider. Always refer to an advert in the same year before applying.

CHUKA                                                  UNIVERSITY

Knowledge is Wealth/Akili ni Mali (Sapientia divitia est) Tel.: 020-2310512/18, 0202329073, 0771094000.

Email: [email protected] Website: P. O. Box 109-60400

Chuka University Academic Programmes


Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading) Division 2 in KCE, OR Mean grade C in KCSE with C in Biol, C in Engl or Kisw; C in Math or Chem or Phys, AND Diploma in Community Health Nursing from Senate recognized medical training institutions, registered by NCK and 2 years work experience 8 trimesters (3 per year), Work-based (May intake only) 58,000/=/tri-se mester MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Basic) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Engl or Kisw, C+ in Biol, C+ in Chem, C+ in Math or Phys, OR KACE Principal in Biol, Principal in Chem, and Subsidiary in Phys or Math fromSenate-recognized institutions 8 semesters, Fulltime (Sept. intake only) 70,000/= per session x

3 sessions/ year

Bachelor of Science in

Health Records and Information Management

Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Engl or Kisw, C in Biol, Che & Math/Phy OR Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology from Senate recognized institutions, 2 years relevant work experience and grade C in KCSE 8 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based, Day 70,000/=/seme ster 45,000/=/block MAIN
Bachelor of Science in

Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Biol, C in Chem, C in Phys/ Math/Geog, C in Engl/Kisw, OR Diploma in Food Technology, or Nutrition and Dietetics or their 8 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based Day 70,000/=/seme ster 45,000/=/block MAIN


  equivalents from Senate-recognized


Bachelor of Public Health (Pre-Service) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Engl or Kisw, C+ in Biol, Chem and Math or Phys, OR KACE with Principal in Biol, Principal in Chem, and Subsidiary in Phys or Math from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters, FT or Work-based Day 70,000/=/seme ster 45,000/=/block MAIN
Bachelor of Public Health (Upgrading) Ordinary Diploma in Public Health or Environmental Health with at least a credit from a training institution recognized by the Senate and PHOTC plus at least grade C in KCSE or its equivalent, and registered by the PHOTC 8 trimesters (3 per year), Work-based (May only) 40,000/=/Block MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Math, C+ in Phys & C in Eng/Kis in KCSE, OR 2 Principals one must be in Math/Phys in KACE, OR Diploma in Computer Science, Applied Computer Science or their equivalents and a Pass in Phys in KCSE from Senate-recognized institutions 8               semesters, Fulltime                or

Work-based,      Day, Evening/Weekend

55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Math, C+ in Phys & C in Eng/Kis in KACE, OR Diploma in Computer Science or equivalent with a pass in Phys in KCSE from recognized institutions 8 semesters, FT or Work- based Day, Evening/ Weekend 55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Business                         Information Technology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Math OR Principal pass in Math at “A” level and a subsidiary pass OR Diploma in Information Technology or equivalent from institutions recognized by CUE or TIVET. Diploma in Business related course recognized by TIVET and Senate 8 semesters

FT or evening or Work-based (WB)

55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Math and C in Chem/Phys/Biol, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in KACE in Sciences, OR a Diploma in Applied Sciences from –recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semes ter MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math, OR 2 Principals in Math and Phys/Chem/Geog/Econ in KACE, OR Diploma in Statistics or Computer Studies, OR

Diploma in Education with a pass in Math from Senate-recognized


8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semes ter MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math & C in Eng/Kis OR 2 principals in Math/Phys, Math/Chem, Math/Geog, Math/Econ in IGCE/GCE or KACE, OR Diploma in Statistics, OR Diploma in Education with Math as a major subject from Senate-recognized 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math, OR 2 Principals in Math/Phys, Math/Chem, Math/Geog, Math/Econ in KACE, OR Diploma in Education with Math as a major from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science and Technology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least a C+ in Biol and C+ in Math/Phys, OR KACE with 2 Principals in Biol and Chem & 1 Subsidiary in Phy/Math from recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time (FT) 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Biol, C in Chem and C in Math, OR Diploma in Biological Sciences from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Chem, and C Math, OR Diploma in Physical Sciences from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Chem, C in Math, C in Phys, OR KACE Principals in Chem and


8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Physics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Phys and C in Math, OR Diploma in Physical Sciences from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Mining Physics (Geophysics) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Phys, C+ in Math, C in Chem/Geog, OR Diploma in Mineralogy or Analytical Chemistry from Senate recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Biology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Biol, C in Chem and C in Math, OR Diploma in Biological Sciences or related disciplines from senate

recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries & Aquaculture Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Biol and C in Chem, OR Diploma in Biological Sciences or related disciplines from recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Phys, Che & Math, OR Diploma in Physical Sciences with a bias towards Phys from Senate recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Biotechnology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Biol, C in Chem and C in Math, OR Diploma in Biological Sciences or related disciplines from senate recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math, Phys, Chem, Endl/Kisw, OR Diploma in Engineering or related disciplines from recognized institutions. 10 semesters Full-time 90,000/=/semest er MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Math, C+ in Phy, C+ in Chem, C+ in 8 semesters Full-time /= / semester M


  English or Kiswahili, C+ in Biology or any group three subjects or any group four subjects or any group five subjects, OR qualifications equivalent to the KCSE or above, with relevant subjects, OR Diploma in relevant field

from Senate-recognized institutions.

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting, Banking & Finance, Cooperative Management, Insurance & Risk Mgnt, Human Resource Mgnt, Marketing), Procurement & logistics Mgnt Mean grade C+ at KCSE, with C in Math, , OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary at A-level OR Diploma in Business related areas, OR CPA/CPS II, OR HND in Business studies from Senate recognized institutions.

CPA/CPS III, Accounting Technical Diploma (ATD), Dip and HND get credit transfer

8 semesters, FT or Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/


Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Math OR Diploma in

Business-related areas from Senate-

recognized institutions

8 semesters, FT or Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/


Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Math OR Diploma in Business-related areas from Senate- recognized institutions 8 semesters, FT or Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/


Bachelor of Cooperatives Management Mean grade C+ at KCSE, with C in Math, OR Diploma in Business related areas, OR CPA/CPS II, OR HND in Business studies from Senate recognized institutions. CPA/CPS III, Accounting Technical Diploma (ATD), Dip and HND get credit transfer 8 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based Day, Evening or Weekend 50,000/= /

semester 34,000/=/bloc k

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Mean grade C+ at KCSE, with a C+ in Math, C+ in Eng or Kisw, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in A-level plus at least a credit in Math and Eng or Kisw at O-Level, OR a Diploma in Business-related disciplines from a Senate-recognised institution, OR CPA/CPS II, Accounting Technical Diploma (ATD), OR HND in Business-related disciplines from a Senate recognised institution. 8 semesters Full-time or Workbased Day, Evening or Weekend 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Science in Finance Mean grade C+ at KCSE, with a C+ in Math, C Plain in Eng or Kisw, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary at A-level plus at least a credit in Math and Eng/Kisw at O-Level, OR a Diploma in Accounting, Cooperative Mgt, Banking, Finance, Agri-Business, Marketing, Insurance & Risk Mgt, or Management Science from a

Senate-recognized institution, OR CPA II, Accounting Technical Diploma (ATD), OR HND in Business-related disciplines from a Senate-recognized institution.

8 semesters Full-time or Work based Day, Evening or Weekend 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in

Math OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in KACE OR Diploma in Business related areas OR CPA/CPS II, OR

8 semesters, Fulltime

or Work-based Day, Evening,

Weekend, ODEL


er 34,000/=/block


Main, Embu, Igembe


  HND in Business related disciplines from Senate-recognized institutions. CPA/CPS III, Accounting Technical Diploma (ATD), Diploma and HND

may attract credit transfer

Bachelor of Education (Primary) Mean grade C+ in KCSE and C+ in any two teaching subjects, OR Diploma in Education and P1 Certificate from

Senate-recognized institutions

4 years, Part-time 40,000/=/ block ALL
Bachelor of Education (Arts) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Eng, D+ in Math and C+ in 2 teaching subjects, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in KACE, OR a Diploma in Education from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time Part-time 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Education (Science) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Engl, C in Math and C+ in 2 teaching subjects, OR 2 Principals and 1 subsidiary in KACE, OR Diploma in Education from Senate- recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time Part-time 55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C in Eng, and C+ in 2 teaching subjects, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in KACE, OR Diploma in Education from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time Part-time 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with C in Math & Biol, C+ in Agr/Business Studies OR Diploma in Business related areas from Senate-recognized institution. Added advantage is C in Economics, Commerce, Accounting, or Agriculture. 8 semesters Full-time 50,000/=/semeste r


Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with C in Math & Biol, C+ in Agr/Business Studies OR a Diploma in Business related areas from Senate-recognized institutions. Added advantage is C in Economics, Commerce, Accounting, or


8 semesters Full-time 50,000/=/semeste r


Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education & Extension Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in Biol and C+ in Chem/Agr, Math/Phy/Geo & C in in Eng OR Diploma in Agriculture related disciplines from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time Part-time 55,000/=/semest

er40, 000/=/ block

Bachelor of Science in Animal Science Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in Biol and C+ in Chem/Phys/Math, OR 2 Principals and a Subsidiary, OR Diploma in Animal Science related fields from a Senate-recognized institution 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Animal Products Technology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Biol, C+ in Chem/Phys/ Math, OR Diploma in Animal Science related

disciplines from recognized institutions.

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/seme ster MAIN


Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Horticulture related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Horticulture Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Horticulture related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C in Biol/Agr/HSc, C in Chem, Math/Phys, C+ in Engl/Kisw, OR Diploma in Food

Technology or equivalent

8 semesters Full-time (FT) 55,000/=/seme ster MAIN
Bachelor of Science in Crop Protection and Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Crop Protection and Management OR related disciplines from Senate-recognized


8 semesters Full-time/ Patr-Time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Landscaping and Ornamental Horticulture Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Horticulture related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in Biol and C+ in Chem/Phys/Math, OR 2 Principals and a Subsidiary or KCSE C with credit Diplomain Animal Health/Agriculture/ Medical Laboratory Technology or KCSE C- Credit in both certificate and Diploma in Animal Health/Agriculture/ Medical Laboratory Technology from related fields from a Senate/KVB recognized institution or a

degree in a BSc in Biological Science

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism Mean grade C+ in KCSE OR Diploma in Environmental, Tourism, Hotel or Hospitality Management from recognized institutions. 8 semesters FT or

Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend

55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Tourism Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE OR Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management or other related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters FT or

Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend

55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Hotel Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE OR KACE with at least 2 Principals in A Level, and a Pass, in Math and Engl in KCE, OR Diploma in Tourism, Tour Guiding, or Hotel Management from Senate- recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time or Work based Day, Evening or Weekend 55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Biol/Agr and C+ in Chem/Geo, OR Diploma in relevant disciplines

from Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Range Management, Animal Husbandry, Animal Health, Forestry, Wildlife Management and other related disciplines from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Enterprise and Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in related disciplines from Senate recognized


8 semesters Full-time 55,000/=/seme ster 40,000/=/block ALL


Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Biol or C+ in Agr, C in Chem and Math/Phy/Geo OR Diploma in Range Management, Animal Husbandry, Animal Health, Forestry, Wildlife Management and other related disciplines from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters Full-time 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C in Math, OR Diploma in Library & Information Studies from

Senate-recognized institutions.

8 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Science in Community Development Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR (or pass with at least 2 years work experience) in Agriculture, Home Economics, Agricultural Education & Extension, Cooperative Mgt, Community Development or any related field from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based Day,

Evening or Weekend, ODEL

50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Science in Economics & Statistics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math and C in Engl/Kisw OR Diploma in related areast from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 50,000/= /


Bachelorof Arts in Economics and Sociology Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math and C in Engl/Kisw, OR Diploma in related areas from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters: FT or

Work-based Day, Evening/ Weekend

50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Psychology Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR Diploma in Guidance and Counseling from recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 50,000/=/seme ster MAIN
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR Diploma from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters Full-time 50,000/=/seme ster ALL
Bachelorof Arts in Geography and Economics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Geog, C+ in Math, OR 2 Principals (one in Geog) OR Diploma and/or HND in a related disciplines from

recognized institutions

8 semesters: Fulltime

or Work-based Day, Evening or Weekend

50,000/=/seme ster ALL
Bachelor of Arts in History and Economics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Math, C+ in HAG and C in Eng/Kisw , OR Diploma from Senate- recognized institutions 8 semesters: FT or Work-based Day, Evening/ Weekend 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math, OR

Diploma in Arts from

Senate-recognized institutions

8 semesters Full-time 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Security Studies Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary in KACE in relevant subjects, OR Diploma in related areas from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters: Fulltime or Workbased, ODEL 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelorof Arts in Journalism        and                          Mass Communication Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in Engl or Kisw, OR 2

Principals in KACE with credit in Engl/Kisw in O-level, OR Diploma in Journalism & related areas from a

Senate-recognized institution

8 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based Day, Evening or Weekend  

50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block



Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies Mean grade C+ in KCSE with C+ in Engl/Kisw OR 2 Principals and a Subsidiary in KACE, OR Diploma in      


  Communication Studies, OR equivalent qualifications from Senate-recognized


Bachelorof Arts in Linguistics and Literature Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Engl/Kisw, OR Diploma in English, OR 2 Principals and a Subsidiary in KACE from recognized institutions. 8 semesters: FT or Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Geography Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with at least C+ in Kiswahili and C+ in Geography 8 semesters: FT or Part-time 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Mean grade C+ in KCSE or its equivalent, OR Diploma in Philosophy from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters: FT or Part-time 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in CRE/IRE/HRE and C in Engl/Kisw. A GCE, KACE or equivalent with one combination: Principal in Religious Studies and/or History/Social Education and Ethics, OR A Subsidiary in Religious Studies and/or English/Social Education and Ethics, OR Diploma in Religious Studies, Theology, Philosophy or Ethics from Senate-recognized institutions. 8 semesters: FT or Work-based Day, Evening/Weekend 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR KACE 2 Principals in Religious Studies/ History or Social Education/Ethics, and Subsidiary in Religious Studies and/or English, Social Education and/or Ethics, OR Diploma in Religious Studies, Theology, Philosophy or Ethics from recognized Institutions. 8 semesters: FT or Work-based Day, Evening or Weekend 55,000/= /


Bachelor of Arts in Government & International Relations Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Engl/Kisw, OR Diploma in a relevant field from recognized institutions. 8 semesters: FT or Part- time 50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Project Planning and Management Mean grade C+ in KCSE, OR (or pass with at least 2 years work experience) in Agriculture, Home Economics, Agricultural Education & Extension, Cooperative Mgt, Community Development or any related field from Senate-recognized institutions 8 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based Day,

Evening or Weekend, ODEL

50,000/=/seme ster 34,000/=/block ALL
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Communication  

Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with at least C+ in Kiswahili or 2 Principals and a subsidiary( must have sat for Kiswahili) in KACE examination OR Diploma in Communication.

8 semesters: FT or Part-time 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Arts in French and Sociology Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with at least C+ in French or Level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference or Languages) or its equivalent with credits. 8 semesters: FT or Part-time 50,000/=/semest er ALL
Bachelor of Laws -At least a mean grade of C+ (Plus) in the KCSE or its equivalent with a 8 semesters Full-time 74,300/=/semest er MAIN


  minimum grade of B (Plain) in English or Kiswahili; or -At least three (3) Principal Passes in KACE examination; or

-A degree from a university recognized by the Senate; or -At least a Credit Pass in a Diploma in Law examination with a C+ in Engl/Kisw from

Senate-recognized institutions

Diploma in Business Management  





Mean grade C- in KCSE OR KCE Division 3 or equivalent qualifications, OR Certificate in Business Management from an institution recognized by the Senate






4 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based






35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block







Diploma in Accounting
Diploma in Human Resource Mgt
Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Mgt
Diploma in Insurance and Risk Mgt
Diploma in Cooperative Management
Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management
Diploma in Sales &


ATD Intermediate and Final Students registered with KASNEB   9,000/= ALL
Diploma in Computer Science Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Math, C- in Phys or Physical Sciences, C- in Kisw/Engl, OR Division 3 in KCE with a Pass in Phys/Physical Sciences, Math and Kisw. OR KACE with a Subsidiary in Math/Phys, and at least a credit in Phys/Physical Sciences in KCE, OR Certificate in Computer Science or equivalent plus pass in Phys or any other level from Senate-recognized institutions  

5 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based


35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block



Diploma in Architecture  


Mean grade of C- in KCSE plus C- in Math, Phys/Chem/ Physical Sciences, Eng or Kiswa, OR Certificate in related discipline from

Senate-recognized institutions




6 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based




42,000/=/semest er





Diploma in Building


Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering


Diploma in Agricultural Education and Extension Mean grade C in KCSE with C in Biol/Agri/Chem/Phys, and Math/Geog, OR Certificate in Agriculture or related fields from Senate-recognized institutions 3 years; Full-time 36,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block MAIN
Diploma in Animal Health and Production (Pre-Service) -KCSE mean grade C and at least grade C in Biol, C– in Chem, C- in Math or Agri, and C- in Engl or Kisw.

-KCE/EACE with Division 2 and at least a credit in Biol, Chem, Math/Agri from Senate-recognized institutions. -Certificate in Animal Health and Production from Senate recognized institutions

-Credit pass in at least a 2-year course in Agriculture/Animal Production/ Animal Husbandry/Range Management/Wildlife Health/Dairy Technology or equivalent with at least C- in KCSE or Division 3 in KCE, from KNQA recognized institutions, Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) and Senate

-KACE with at least 1 Principal in Bio & 1 Subsidiary in Chem

-Diploma in Biomedical discipline recognized by Chuka University Senate and Kenya Veterinary Board. -Any other qualification equivalent to the above from institutions recognized by

the Senate and KVB.





6 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based





35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block






Diploma in Animal Health and

Production (In-Service/ Upgrading)

Mean grade of at least D+ in KCSE plus a certificate in Animal Health and Production from institutions recognized by Chuka University Senate 4 semesters, Full-Time Mode  

35,000/=/semest er



Diploma in Meat Science and Technology -KCSE mean grade C with at least C in Biol, C– in Chem, C- in Math or Agri and C- in Engl or Kisw.

-KCE/EACE Division 2 and a Pass in Biol; Chem and Math/Phys/Agri from Senate-recognized institutions.

-KACE with at least 1 Principal in Bio & 1 Subsidiary in Chem.

-A Certificate with at least a credit in Animal ealth/Agriculture/Range Management/Wildlife,

Health/Dairy Technology with at least mean grade D in KCSE or Div 3 in KCE from Senate- recognized




6 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based



35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block




Diploma in Horticulture Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Biol/C in Agri, C- in Chem and D+ in Math/Phys/Geog, OR Certificate in Horticulture or related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

Diploma in Agriculture and Rural Development Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Biol/C in Agri, C- in Chem and D+ in Math/Phys/Geog, OR Certificate in Horticulture or related disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions


6 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based


35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block



Diploma in Farm Resources Management Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Biol/C in Agri, C- in Chem and D+ in Math/Phys/Geog, OR Certificate in Horticulture or related disciplines from Senate-recognized institutions      


Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Engl/Kisw, OR Certificate in Hospitality, Tourism, Travel and Tour Operations, Hotel Management, Food and Beverage Management from institutions recognized by the Senate.  

4 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based


35,000/=/seme ster 24,000/=/block




Diploma in Wildlife Management Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Math/Engl/Kisw, OR Certificate in relevant disciplines from

Senate-recognized institutions

Diploma in Education (Secondary Option) Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in at least two teaching subjects plus C in Eng and D+ in Math for Arts, OR C in Math for Sciences 3 years; Full-time or Work-based 35,000/=/semest er24


Diploma in Education (Primary Option) Mean grade C in KCSE with C in the following cluster subjects: Eng & Kisw, Math, any Humanities and Sciences.

Candidates with disabilities: Mean grade C- with C- in the above cluster subjects, OR P1 Certificate from Senate recognized institutions and 2 years teaching experience

2 years SB 24,000/=/block ALL
Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Development Education) Mean grade C in KCSE, OR KNEC Certificate in Early Childhood Development with Mean Grade C- in KCSE or related courses from Senate-recognized institutions, OR PTE Certificate with at least C- in KCSE or Division 3 in KCE 3 years; Full-time or, Evening or Weekend 35,000/=/semest er24


Diploma in Counselling Psychology Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Engl/Kisw OR Certificate in Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Guidance and Counselling, Education, Medical Health, or Social Work, from Senate-recognized institutions 3 years; Full-time or Work-based 35,000/=/semest er29

,000/= /block

Diploma in Community Development  





Mean grade C- in KCSE, or its equivalent, OR Certificate in related course from institutions recognized by the Chuka University Senate.







4 semesters Full-time or Work based Day, Evening or Weekend







35,000/=/semest er 29,000/=/block








Diploma in Criminology and Security Studies
Diploma in Disaster


Diploma in Project Planning and Management
Diploma in Social Work
Diploma in Leadership and

Public Administration

Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication Mean grade C- in KCSE, or its equivalent, OR Certificate in related course from institutions recognized by

the Chuka University Senate.

4 semesters, Fulltime or Work-based 35,000/=/seme ster 29,000/=/block ALL



Diploma in Public Health Mean grade C- in KCSE, or its equivalent, plus C plain in Engl/Kisw, Biol, Chem and Math/Phys. OR a Certificate in Public Health or Environmental Health from a recognized training institution and Registered by the Public Health Officers and Technicians Council 4 semesters Full-time or Workbased Day 36,000/=/semest er 29,000/=/block ALL
Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Mean grade C- in KCSE, or its equivalent, with D+ in Engl or Kisw, D+ in Biol, D+ in Chem, and D in either Math/Phys /Home Sci/Agri/ General Sci., OR Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from a training institution recognized registered by KNDI 4 semesters Full-time or Workbased Day 36,000/=/semest er 29,000/=/block ALL
Certificate in Business






Mean grade D and above in KCSE




2 semesters: FT or Work- based Day, Evening/ Weekend




28,000/=/semeste r





Certificate in Procurement and Logistics Management
Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Management
Certificate in Sales & Marketing


CPA/CPS Sections 1 – 6

Students registered with KASNEB

Sections 1 & 2


Full-time or                           Work based









Students registered with KASNEB Sections 3 & 4
Students registered with KASNEB

Sections 5 & 6

KATC Intermediate & Final Students registered with KASNEB   9,000/= M
Certificate in Software Engineering Mean grade D and above in KCSE Mean grade D and above in KCSE 30,000/=/sem ester ALL
Certificate in Computer


Certificate in Computer Literacy/Packages KCSE certificate 3monthys/1term: Full-time, Part-time 15,000/=/Cou rse ALL


Certificate in Animal Health and Production Mean grade C- in KCSE with C- in Biol, OR Div 3 of 36 points with at least credit in Biol, OR 1-year certificate with Credit pass in Range Management/ Wildlife Health/Dairy Management/ Animal Science

/Animal Husbandry/ Animal Production/Leather Technology/Agriculture or equivalent discipline from KNQA recognized institutions

4 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based 42,000/30,000/=

/27,0 00




Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management Minimum grade D+ in KCSE or its equivalent with D+ in Engl/Kisw 3 semesters: Fulltime or Work-based 30,000/=/semest er ALL  
Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit KCSE Certificate 3 to 4 Weeks:

Full-time, Part-time

40,000/= ALL
Certificate in Community Development  






Mean grade D and above in KCSE with D in Engl/Kisw, or D- (Minus) and at least 2 years relevant work experience







2 to 3 semesters: Full-time, Part-time/ Evening/ Weekend







30,000/=/semest er








Certificate in Criminology and Security Studies
Certificate in Project Planning and Mgt
Certificate in Social Work
Certificate in Disaster Management
Certificate in Leadership &

Public Administration

Certificate in Conflict Resolution& Management
Certificate in National Cohesion, Values & Principles of Governance KCSE Certificate 1 semester (4 months): Full-time/ Part-time, Day/ Evening/ Weekend 15,000/course ALL
Certificate in HIV/AIDS Mgt
Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Mean grade D in KCSE or its equivalent D in Engl/Kisw,Biol, Chem and D in either Math/Phys/Home Sci/Agri/General Sci. from

Senate-recognized institutions

4 semesters: Fulltime or Workbased 30,000/=/


Post-graduate Diploma in Education First degree with two teaching profession specialization subjects passed with at least C+ in KCSE 1 year (3 Blocks) 55,500/= Block 1

25,000/= Block 2

25,000/= Block 3

M.Sc. in Nursing   Bachelor’s degree from a related discipline from institutions recognized by the Senate, OR Bachelor of Science in Nursing accredited by a nationally recognized nursing regulatory council plus clinical work experience by preferably working/worked in relevant specialization area and registered nurse license in a country  


2 Years Full-time or

Part-time/Wor k-Based Day, Evening or Weekend




per session with 3 sessions per year






    in which the candidate will complete practical experience.

International applicants will have their certificates verified by the Commission for University Education and the NCK

1.      MA in Criminology & Security Studies

2.      MA in English Language & Linguistics

3.      MA in Geography

4.      MA in History

5.      MA in Kiswahili

6.      MA in Literature

7.      MA in Philosophy

8.      MA in Religious Studies

9.      MA in Sociology

10.   Master of Business Administration

11.   M.Sc. in Accounting

12.   M.Sc. in Co-operative Management

13.   M.Ed. in Arts Education

14.   M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction

15.   M.Ed. in Educational Foundations

16.   M.Ed. in Educational Mgnt

17.   M.Ed. in Arts Education

18.   M.Ed. in Educational Psychology

19.   M.Ed. in Early Childhood Devt & Educ

20.   Master of Counselling Psychology

21.   M.Ed. in Guidance& Counselling

22.   M.Ed. in Science Education

23.   Master of Journalism & Mass Comm.

24.   M.Sc. in Agribusiness Mgnt

25.   M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics

26.   M.Sc. in Agricultural Education

27.   M.Sc. in Agricultural Extension

28.   M.Sc. in Agronomy& Climate Change

29.   M.Sc. in Animal Breeding

30.   M.Sc. in Animal Nutrition

31.   M.Sc. in Animal Science

32.   M.Sc. in Agro-ecology

33.   M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics

34.   M.Sc. in Applied Statistics

35.   M.Sc. in Biochemistry

36.   M.Sc. in Botany


43.   M.Sc. in Dryland Agriculture

44.   M.Sc. in Economics

45.   M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Mgt

46.   M.Sc. in Environmental Science

47.   M.Sc. in Finance

48.   M.Sc. in Horticulture

49.   M.Sc. in Information Science

50.   M.Sc. in Medical Parasitology

51.   M.Sc. in Medical Physics

52.   M.Sc. in Microbiology &Biotechnology

53.   M.Sc. in Natural Resources Mgt

54.   M.Sc. in Human Nutrition &Dietetics

55.   M.Sc. in Operations Management

56.   M.Sc. in Physics

57.   M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology

58.   M.Sc. in Plant Breeding

59.   M.Sc. in Procurement Mgt

60.   M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics

61.   M.Sc. in Soil Science

62.   M.Sc. in Statistics

63.   M.Sc. in Wildlife Management

64.   M.Sc. in Zoology

65.   Masters in Hotel Management

66.   Masters in Tourism Mgt

67.   MSc in Animal Science

68.   Master of Public Health

69.   MSc in Clinical Psychology




Bachelor’s degree from a related discipline with a least a second class honours upper, or lower and at least 2 years related work experience, from institutions recognized by the Chuka University Senate











2 Years (4 Semesters) Fulltime;

4 Years


Semester s) Parttime/ Work-Ba sed; Day, Evening

or Weekend










For Art-ba sed



Semest er 1



Sem ester 2



per Bloc k


For Scienc e-base d 75,000/


Semest er 1



Sem ester 2



per Bloc k


37.   M.Sc. in Botany (Plant Pathology)

38.   M.Sc. in Chemistry

39.   M.Sc. in Health Records

40.   M.Sc. in Community Development

41.   M.Sc. in Computer Science

42.   M.Sc. in Crop Protection





Cam pus  
1.      Ph.D. in Accounting

2.      Ph.D. in Agribusiness Management

3.      Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics

4.      Ph.D. in Agricultural Education

5.      Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension

6.      Ph.D. in Agronomy

7.      Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics

8.      Ph.D. in Applied Statistics

9.      Ph.D. in Biochemistry

10.   Ph.D. in Botany

11.   Ph.D. in Business& Management

12.   Ph.D. in Chemistry

13.   Ph.D. in Community Development

14.   Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology

15.   Ph.D. in Criminology & Security

16.   Ph.D. in Crop Protection

17.   Ph.D. in Crop Science

18.   Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction

19.   Ph.D. in Dry Land Agriculture

20.   Ph.D. in Early Childhood Devt & Educ

21.   Ph.D. in Educational Foundations

22.   Ph.D. in Educational Management

23.   Ph.D. in Educational Psychology

24.   Ph.D. in Environmental Science

25.   Ph.D. in Finance

26.   Ph.D. in Food Science

27.   Ph.D. in Geography

28.   Ph.D. in History

29.   Ph.D. in Horticulture

30.   Ph.D. in Information Science

31.   Ph D in Community Development

32.   Ph.D. in Communication & Media

33.   Ph.D. in Kiswahili

34.   Ph.D. in Linguistics

35.   Ph.D. in in Literature

36.   Ph.D. in Medical Physics

37.   Ph.D. in Microbiology & Biotech

38.   Ph.D. in Nursing

39.   Ph.D. in Philosophy

40.   Ph.D. in Physics

41.   Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology

42.   Ph.D. in Plant Breeding

43.   Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics

44.   Ph.D. in Religious Studies

45.   Ph.D. in Science Education

46.   Ph.D. in Sociology

47.   Ph.D. in Soil Science

48.   Ph.D. in Supply Chain Mgt

49.   Ph.D. in Tourism Management

50.   Ph.D. in Wildlife Management

51.   Ph.D. in Zoology

52.   Ph.D. in Animal Science (Production, Nutrition or Breeding)

53.   Ph.D. in Medical Parasitology




Master’s degree from a related discipline from institutions recognized by the Senate




3 years (6 Semesters) Fulltime; 6

years (12 Semesters) Part-time/ Work-Based; Day,

Evening or Weekend


Art-base d 119,250/


Semester 1


Semester 2



Semester 3



Semester 4


Semester 5


Semester 6


For Science- based



Semester 1



Semester 2



Semester 3



Semester 4



Semester 5





ALL as directed by the Graduate School  

(a)          Applications should be on official forms available at Chuka University Main Campus, Igembe Campus at Ntuene or Keigoi High School, Embu Campus in Embu Town, Chogoria Campus at Nturiri High School, OR downloaded from Website:; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for degree and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts: Kenya Commercial Bank, Chuka Branch A/C No. 110 375


  5439; or Cooperative Bank, Chuka Branch A/C No. 011 290 5818 9900, Equity Bank, Chuka Branch A/C No.

0210261453469, Barclays Bank, Chuka Branch A/C No. 2035727666, Family Bank, Chuka Branch A/C No. 054000002641, Stanchart, Meru Branch A/C No. 0102024755200, ABSA Bank, A/C Embu Branch No. 2035727666. Deposits may be made at any branch.

(b)            Applicants must indicate preferred Campus, Mode and Start of study to be used if the quorum for the preference does not fill up to recommend alternative offers.

(c)             Return forms to P. O. Box 109 – 60400 Chuka. Attention should be: Director, Graduate School for postgraduate programmes, and Registrar (Academic) for Bachelor’s, Diploma and Certificate courses. Certified copies of certificates and original fee payment receipt MUST be attached to the application form and returned latest two weeks prior to the commencement dates given for the programmes.

(d)            One Academic Year is equivalent to 2 semesters for full-time or 3 blocks for Holiday-Based mode.

Diploma holders may take a shorter period to complete a Bachelor’s degree after credit transfer. (f)Preferred Campus should be

indicated on the application form.

  Chuka University TELEPHONE LINES: 020-2329073, 0771094000, 0715-505858, 0731-620266 * NB: For all courses,

separate Statutory Fees shall be indicated in admission letters


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How to check kuccps degree and diploma placement

Kuccps placement results through SMS and online

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kuccps placement (How to get results and admission letters)

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Kuccps Student Portal ( Student Login – KUCCPS | The Placement Service)

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Kuccps cutoff and cluster points per course

Kuccps mean grade and courses cutoff points

Bachelor of Education Science Degree Course (Kuccps cluster points cutoff, Course Codes & Subject Requirements)

Bachelor of Education Arts Course (Kuccps cluster points cutoff, Course Codes & Subject Requirements)

The Kuccps student portal login

How to apply for Kuccps placement (Simplified guide)

Kuccps Student Portal
Kuccps Student Portal

Important KMTC Links

KMTC Students,
KMTC Students,