Wings to Fly scholarship program

The Equity Bank has released the 2024 Wings to fly scholarships for 2023 KCPE graduates. Get all requirements, portal and the wings to fly application form 2024.

We are pleased to inform you that the wings to fly program is once again offering comprehensive high school scholarships to children from financially constrained backgrounds who have excelled in the recently announced 2023 KCPE.

The scholarship will be available in every sub county across all 47 countries. We appreciate your contribution to the success of the program and hope to continue enjoying your trust and goodwill as we embark on the 2024 selection process.

This year the program targets to reach academically promising candidates under your jurisdiction, who come from humble backgrounds and are financially needy,to collect the scholarship application forms from the nearest Equity Bank branch or log into w2f to create a new account through the wings to fly portal and fill in the 2024 application form for consideration.

Click here to download the Wings to Fly Application Form 2024

The application forms and selection process are free of charge and must be returned or submitted to their nearest Equity Bank branch or completed on the online platform by December 11th,2023.

Please note that wings to fly beneficiaries must have sat the 2023 KCPE Examination, be academically promising having scored at least 350 marks in KCPE exams,and must meet at least one of the criteria below:

a. Children who have lost one or both parents and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education
b. Children who are and /or whose parents are physically, visually, or hearing impaired and are unable to educate their children and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education
c. Children who are and/or whose parents are living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic debilitating illnesses and are unable to educate their children and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education.
d. Children who come from vulnerable and marginalised groups or indigenous communities or have suffered from cultural practices e.g early marriage, female genital mutilation or negative influences including radicalization, child labour among others.
e. Children from families affected by natural disasters such as flooding, drought and famine or civil conflict and are unable to educate their children and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education.
f. Children who have suffered neglect and/or abandonment and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education.
g. Children with parents living under extreme poverty and have no relative/guardian/sponsor to provide for their secondary education.

Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for interviews, which will be conducted by the Equity Group Foundation Community Scholarship Selection Board.

As Equity, we truly value your role as a partner in this process, especially in ensuring a fair selection process by assisting in the communication of this information in your area of jurisdiction.

This is the only way of ensuring that the most deserving of our children receives scholarships. We are confident that we shall continue to nurture this partnership for the benefit of the children of this country and in the realization of our county’s Vision 2030.

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