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What are the requirements for KMTC nursing this year?

Nursing Course at KMTC

Nursing Course at KMTC

Kenya Medical Training College Nursing Courses 

Department of Nursing Registered Nurses work in Hospitals or outpatient facilities, where they provide hands on care to patients by administering medications, managing intravenous lines, observing and monitoring patients’ conditions, maintaining records and communicating with Doctors. Community health nurses on the other hand work within a community to support population health and create awareness on preventive health services.

Enroll in one of the most marketable course in the health services field, today. See full guide in this article.

Get a list of all the KMTC Nursing Courses and Campuses where they are offered.

Also read: KMTC Nursing Course Requirements, Fees, Intakes and Duration

Programme Duration Offered at                                  Qualifications
Higher Diploma in

•  Kenya Registered Nurse Anesthesia

1 1/2 years Kisii Diploma in Nursing or in Community, Health Nursing(KRN/ KRCHN)

Diploma in Nursing (KRN/ KRM) and

one-year Post Graduation experience

•  Critical Care Nursing 1 year Nairobi, Thika, Kilifi, Machakos.
•  Pediatric Nursing 1 year Kisumu
• Psychiatric Nursing 1 year Mathare
• Ophthalmic Nursing 1 year Nairobi
• Nephrology Nursing 1 year Nairobi, Nakuru
•  Palliative Care Nursing 1 1/2 years Nairobi
• Pe-rioperative Nursing 1 year Nairobi, Mombasa
•  Family Health Nursing 1 year Nairobi, Gatundu, Thika, Nyeri
Diploma in

•  Community Health Nursing


3 years



Selected Campuses


Mean Grade C, C in English or Kiswahili and Biology/Biological Sciences. C- in any one of the following: Chemistry or Physics/ Physical Science or Mathematics

•  Kenya Registered Nursing and Mid-wifery 3 years
•  Registered Nursing

Mental Health & Psychiatry

3 years

•  Health Counselling


3 years


Selected Campuses

Mean grade C, C in English or Kiswahili and D in Biology/Biological Sciences. C in anyone of the following: Religious Studies or History




Upgrading (from Certificate to Diploma)

In Community Health Nursing 1 1/2 years Nairobi (Full Time)




Certificate in Community Health Nursing (KECN), Registration by the Nursing Council of Kenya 2 Years post-graduation experience


In Community Health Nursing (Distance Learning)



2 Years

Kisii, Meru, Garissa, Murang’a Nakuru, Kisumu, Mombasa and Lodwar (March)
Kitale, Kapkatet, Embu, Kitui (September)

In Community Health Nursing EN/EM


2 Years

Certificate in Enrolled Nurse and Certificate Nyeri                  in Enrolled Midwifery. Registration by the (Sep)                  Nursing Council of Kenya. 2 Years post-

graduation experience.


Certificate in

Community Health Nursing


1 1/2 years

Mean Grade C-, C- in English or Kiswahili Selected        and Biology/Biological Sciences. D+ in any Campuses  one of the following: – Physics/Physical

Sciences, Chemistry and Mathematics


Related: KMTC Certificate & Diploma in Nursing Course

KMTC Campus list

1. Bomet 19. Kapkatet 37. Makindu 55. Nyahururu
2. Bondo 20. Kaptumo 38. Makueni 56. Nyamache
3. Bungoma 21. Karen 39. Mandera 57. Nyeri
4. Busia 22. Karuri 40. Manza 58. Othaya
5. Chuka 23. Kilifi 41. Mathare 59. Port Reitz
6. Chwele 24. Kisii 42. Mbooni 60. Rachuonyo
7. Eldoret 25. Kisumu 43. Meru 61. Rera
8. Embu 26. Kitale 44. Migori 62. Siaya
9. Garissa 27. Kitui 45. Molo 63. Sigowet
10. Gatundu 28. Kombewa 46. Mombasa 64. Tana River
11. Homabay 29. Kuria 47. Mosoriot 65. Taveta
12. Imenti 30. Kwale 48. Msambweni 66. Teso
13. Isiolo 31. Lake Victoria 49. Mwingi 67. Thika
14. Iten 32. Lamu 50. Murang’a 68. Ugenya
15. Kabarnet 33. Lodwar 51. Nairobi 69. Voi
16. Kakamega 34. Loitokitok 52. Nakuru 70. Vihiga
17. Kangundo 35. Lugari 53. Nyamira 71. Wajir
18. Kapenguria 36. Machakos 54. Nyandarua 72. Webuye


KMTC Contacts

P.O. Box 30195-00100, Nairobi | Tel: 020-2725711/2/3/4, 020-2081822/3,

Training College 0737-352543 / 0706-541869 |

Email: |


Twitter: @KMTCOfficial

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