How to fill the 2019 Wealth declaration form online; the ultimate guide


All teachers have been directed to fill Government wealth declaration forms from November 1, 2021 in new guidelines published in the Kenya Gazette.

A July 30, 2021 Kenya Gazette Notice signed by TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia spells out new requirements for filling the wealth forms in accordance with the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003. Those who fail to comply risk punishment by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

Dr Macharia says the Commission will review each declaration of income, assets and liabilities to determine if they adhere to the requirements of the Ethics Act.

“The Commission shall review the information in the forms to determine if the assets are disproportionate to the income or whether there are concerns of impropriety, conflict of interest or any other breach to the Ethics Act,” she says.

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Teachers and the Commission’s secretariat staff are required to declare their wealth every two years in accordance with the Act, which covers all employees in the public service.

More than 3,000 teachers and secretariat staff who last year failed to meet the declaration deadline had their salaries withheld for two months. The Commission, however, released the salaries because the guidelines for the declaration process had not been gazetted.

Those who contravene the requirements face a fine of KSh1 million or a year’s jail term.

The TSC submits to the EACC, two-year declarations every July 31 stating the number of people on its payroll. It is also required to state the total number of public officers who have submitted declarations within the prescribed time and those who have failed as of June 30 every year.

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