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University of Nairobi UON e learning portal

University of Nairobi, UON, student online portal helps a student to download KUCCPS admission letter, KUCCPS admissions lists, register for courses, register for exams, check fees balances, book room and check exam results.


University of Nairobi

A world-class university committed to scholarly excellence

E-Ballot system

E-Ballot Link.

All new students are required to attend the training sessions. The schedule for the week is provided below.;

Please click to the link below for more information:


Application For Temporary (Deferment)/Permanent Withdrawal From And Readmission to Academic ProgrammePermanent -Temporary Withdrawal Form.

Log on using the Registration Number. The year of registration must be in full eg ../2009

  Type your Student Registration Number

                      Use your National ID / Passport No. or KCSE Index No. or Application Reference No. as your initial password


Forgot your password?

Note: Digits and Letters in your Registration Number.
  1. Digit 0 (Zero) and NOT letter O in C01/..
  2. Letter I and NOT Digit 1 (One) in I20/..
SMIS Allocated Registration No

New Students
Enter Application Ref. No as it appear in your Letter of Offer  to get your allocated Student Registration No

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