Universities Funding Board, UFB Online Grants Application

Students Eligiblefor Funding
The following are the categories of students eligible for government funding in accredited universities in Kenya:
  1. Students who after sitting for KCSE are placed by KUCCPS to pursue undergraduate degrees in accredited public and private universities and take up their admissions in the year of placement. Students in undergraduate programmes qualify for funding approved duration of the programmes which varies from 4 to 5 years depending on the degree programme.
  2. Students who are placed by KUCCPS to pursue undergraduate degrees in public and private universities upon completion of Diploma programmes recognized by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).
  3. Students who are placed in Masters Programmes by KUCCPS and/or admitted by Universities are eligible for funding for a maximum duration of two years.
  4. Students who are placed in Doctorates programmes by KUCCPS and/or admitted by Universities are eligible for funding for a maximum duration of 3 years.
 Process Of Grants Application

Welcome To Universities Fund

Follow the instructions below to successfully apply for grants

STEP 1: Confirm Your Account

  • NB:-In order to confirm Your account, you must first be placed by KUCCPS.
  • 1. Input you KUCCPS ID which is a combination the year of Examination and your KCSE Number. Example 2022 and 3524326 to form (20223524326)
  • 2. Enter a valid Email where your Login details will be sent.
  • 3. Login With the Credentials then Create a New Password

STEP 2: Update Details

  • 1. After Logging in into your account, you need to review your details and Update your information such as phone your Number and National ID number.
  • 2. Some Details are Mandatory in order for you to apply for Grants. These details will be highlighted.

STEP 3: Apply For Grants

  • NB:- All the Attachment documents should be uploaded to the site as requested.
  • 1. Click on the Login button below to Login if You have already confirmed your account or Click on Confirm button on the login Page to Confirm your account.

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