Types of leaves for teachers – Enhanced TSC leaves
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has enhanced the leaves for teachers. Among reviewed leaves are paternity, maternity and adoptive.
Teachers who adopt children will now be the greatest beneficiaries as they are set to enjoy a 45-day paid leave. This is after the Commission announced a new enhanced package.
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TSC- A list of all leaves for teachers, requirements and all other details
Leaves for all TSC teachers: Study leave, maternity leave, medical leave, paternity leave
The package is in partial fulfillment of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and is slightly longer than the one-month paid leave enjoyed by other State officers who opt to become adoptive parents.
“A teacher is eligible to a pre-adoptive leave of 45 calendar days with full pay from the date of adoption,” said TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia in a circular to teachers.
Female teachers are now eligible to fully paid four months (120 days) maternity leave exclusive of annual leave, following the announcement.
Paternity leave for male teachers has been increased to 21 calendar days from the 10 days that have been the norm.
The new Employment (Amendment) Bill of 2019 introduced paid leave days for adoptive parents.
Dr Macharia noted the Commission had successfully migrated services related to leave application to an online platform.
The migration to the online platform means that leave days do not necessarily need to be booked one month in advance as has been the norm.
This is part of reforms and innovations in the provisions of teaching services as stipulated under the TSC 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.