TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

TSC transfers news 2021- Dr Macharia issues a statement

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has issued a statement on the supposed mass transfers, delocalization, of teachers in April this year. TSC Boss Dr. NAncy Macharia has refuted claims of planned mass transfer of teachers.

Media reports had indicated the the Commission was priming itself for mass transfers of school administrators during the coming holiday. But, Dr. MAcharia says a circular dated February 26th, 2021, was only meant to carry out routine data collection of staffing status in schools.

While urging the media to give accurate information, the TSC Boss said they will not transfer teachers owing to the current Covid 19 pandemic and forth coming national examinations.

“The Commission, therefore, wishes to assure teachers that the Commission does not plan to effect any mass transfers as alleged in the newspaper story. Teachers must be left to continue conducting their normal teaching duties and conduct national examinations without any interference. Meanwhile, we urge the media to always report accurately” said Dr. Macharia via a presser.

She added that the Commission will only fill those positions that have been left vacant through natural attrition.

This news will be a sigh of relief to thousands of teachers who would have been targeted in the transfer exercise.

The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a few administrators were moved.

Related news; Massive teachers transfers, delocalization looming- TSC news

The exercise has seen the execution of transfers for thousands of long serving principals and school heads; with some supporting and others opposed to the delocalization policy. A number of school administrators moved, so far, were those serving in their homes.

Others had also served in the same stations for a long time. Targeted administrators were mostly transferred to other counties and in some instances different regions.

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