TSC training of Junior Secondary Teachers at County Level


In line with its mandate stipulated in the Guidelines for’ Implementation of Junior Secondary Education, the Centre for‘ Mathematics Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) is rolling out the ti’aining on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers.

The county level ti‘aining of JSS teacher’s will be conducted for 5 days in two batches as follows:

  • Batch 1: Monday 23rd to Friday 28th April, 2023
  • Batch 2: Monday 1st to Friday 5th May, 2023

However‘, the counties of (1) Garissa (2) Isiolo (3) Lamu (4) Marsabit (5) Mombasa (6) Samburu (7) Tana River which have 200 JSS teachers or less; will conduct the training in one batch on Monday 23′ to Friday 28″’ April 2023.

The purpose of this letter therefore is to ash the CTCDC to:

  • Invite the JSS teachers to participate in the training on the said dates. See Annex I for distribution of participants by batches.
  • Ensure that the INSET centre(s) hosting the training is/are ready for the training.
  • Purchase required materials for the training listed in Annex II subject to the limit of the approved
  • Pay each participant a Daily Allowance of KSh. 2,000 per’ day for five days to enable them to find their own accommodation close to the tinning venues.
  • Pay each participant a return transport allowance as per’ the approved budget for JSS training
  • lncur all other’ expenses necessary for the effective  implementation of the training in line with the 2023 approved budget.

More details on the JSS teachers training

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will train Junior secondary schools’ teachers this holiday.

In order to train junior high school teachers in pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in languages and humanities, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has started the recruiting process for the county trainers.

The County Teacher Capacity Development Committees (CTCDC) in each county will be in charge of the hiring procedure.

Each CTCDC has published an advertisement encouraging interested parties to submit an application.

Last month, these teachers received refresher training in competency-based curriculum (CBC) and competency-based assessment (CBA).

The junior secondary school teachers had five days of retooling while the school heads underwent three days of retooling.

The commission specifically targeted instructors in four topic areas throughout the training:

CBC Learning Areas JSS Teachers Were Trained
Kiswahili and KSL
English, Literature, foreign and indigenous languages
Pure sciences which include integrated science which has three components i.e Biology, physics and Chemistry and also in Health Education.

Humanities which comprises of social studies housing citizenship, Geography and history), Religious studies which has CRE, IRE, HRE, FIRE and PPI and also life skills.
Technical subjects Which has pre career and pre vocational studies, Business studies, sports and physical Education, Home science and art and design.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recently promoted about 7,282 primary school teachers who had the qualifications to teach in junior secondary.
Those who were promoted were those who had a diploma or degree in Education and had scored a mean grade of C+ and a C+ in the two teaching subjects.

The commission is currently focusing on the JSS teachers during the April break for additional PCK training.

The second stage of the teacher deployment program for primary schools is still in progress.

According to information obtained following a proposal to lower the mandatory study areas from 12 to 10, students in JSS will have a lighter task.

JSS April Holiday Training on PCK

Life skills and social studies have been combined with integrated science to reduce learning areas.

The official announcement of the aforesaid adjustments will be made public after the president gets the report from the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms.

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