TSC to move teachers in April
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is gearing up for massive teacher transfers in April this year. The Commission will be targeting Principals in County and Sub-County schools plus primary school head teachers.
Those to be moved are administrators who have overstayed in the same station for nine years and above. Also targeted are teachers working in their home counties.
The Commission’s Deputy Director in charge of staffing Dorothy Owuor through a circular dated February 26 asks all regional directors to prepare a list of school administrators who have overstayed and those working in their home counties.
“This information should reach this office on or before 4th March 2021.” She directs.
“Schools to be filled by the newly appointed Principals in Grade D3 to be left vacant.” She adds.
Those to be exempted from the transfers are teachers aged above 55 years. The delocalization exercise had been slowed down as a result of the Corona virus pandemic and prolonged closure of schools.
The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a few administrators were moved.
The exercise has seen the execution of transfers for thousands of long serving principals and school heads; with some supporting and others opposed to the delocalization policy. A number of school administrators moved, so far, were those serving in their homes.
Others had also served in the same stations for a long time. Targeted administrators were mostly transferred to other counties and in some instances different regions.
Deployment of school administrators
The Commission is currently compiling lists of successful candidates in the just concluded promotions interviews. The interviews were carried out between February 8 and 19, 2021 at designated TSC County offices countrywide. Apart from increased perks, some of the candidates will be deployed to administrative positions.
The responsibility of appointing all primary school and secondary schools’ administrators (apart from extra county and national schools) has since been decentralized to the counties and regional offices.
It is the sole responsibility of the Regional Director (RD) to select, appoint and deploy successful candidates. This shall be done in liaison with the respective county directors. A merit list and copies of appointment letters are then be sent to the head quarter (addressed to the Secretary TSC) by the RD.
It is important to note that the appointment and deployment of the principals of extra county and national secondary schools is done at the head quarter by the Director in charge of staffing.
These new changes to deployment process took effect from February 13, 2020.
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