TSC Teacher Internship news

TSC tells teachers what they will be doing in schools, issues fresh guidelines

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has insisted that teachers must report to schools on a daily basis with effect from Monday September 28, 2020. The teachers have been wondering whether to continue reporting to schools even after President Uhuru Kenyatta postponed reopening of primary and secondary schools on Monday.

The latest TSC clarification will now put to rest lingering questions in teachers’ minds. According to TSC the tutors must report to schools to accomplish tasks stipulated by the Ministry of Education.

“Teachers will not be allowed to ask for a day off, they must all report today (Monday September 28, 2020) and on subsequent days for the tasks directed by the Ministry of Education to run smoothly,” said TSC boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

A number of tasks have been outlined by TSC, that teachers will have to accomplish. These include:

1. All teachers report to their work stations and clock in system be operationalized. Sign in and out.

2. Staff meeting be held to discuss the following for implementation:-
(a). Strategies on resumption of teaching & LEARNING
(b). Cleaning/ creating a conducive learning/teaching environment
(c). Preparation of Timetables
(d). Preparation of Schemes of work
(e).. Working on TPAD
(f). Updating the TMIS
(g). Putting in place the psycho-social support systems( strengthen the Guidance& Counseling Committee)

3. Put strategies on the observance of the MOH protocols:-
(a.) Availability of water/hand washing points
(b.) Social distancing
(c). Isolation room
(d.) Disaster management strategies

4. All Schools MUST establish a COVID-19 19-Disaster Management Committee.

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