TSC teachers recruitment news 2021
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advertised a total of 1550 post for recruitment of teachers of which 47 are in Makueni, 32 posts for primary schools and 15 posts for secondary. The teachers are to report on 10th May, 2021. Ensure the advert is displayed in all TSC offices. As you embark on this exercise, you are required to note the following.
1. Guidelines for recruitment of teachers 2020/2021
Guidelines for recruitment of teachers primary and post primary institutions 2020/2021 (circular No. 10/2020 and No. 11/2020 both dated 1st September 2020) will be used in this exercise. The guidelines are to be adhered to strictly.
2. Teachers living with disabilities.
The guidelines for recruitment of teacher’s primary and post primary institutions 2020/2021(circular No. 10/2020 and No.11/2020 both dated 1st September, 2020) will be used in this exercise. The guidelines for recruitment of teachers primary and post primary institutions 2020/2021 have provided for separate score guides for teachers living with disabilities in both primary and secondary schools. You are expected to encourage these teachers to apply.
3. Merit lists
The 2020/2021 FY merit lists generated during 2020recruitment of primary schools will be used in this recruitment process. Teacher’s not in the merit list should not be allowed to fill the application for employment forms. For secondary schools, merit lists for advertised subject combinations in the stated schools shall be generated as per the roadmaps.
4. Vetting at the county level
Thorough vetting of documents should be done and certified copies of required documents submitted using the attached check lists. Sub County directors shall be held personally responsibilities should there be any required documents missing as this would lead to delays in the on boarding of the teachers.
Related content;
- TSC teachers 2021 recruitment guidelines, marking schemes and score-sheets (Secondary and primary)
- TSC guidelines for intern teachers recruitment, score sheet and marking scheme 2021
- TSC recruitment; What a newly recruited teacher must submit during employment
- TSC interview questions and their answers- 2021 recruitment
5. Recruitment Roadmap
Roadmap for the recruitment exercise is herewith attached, ensure that there is strict adherence to timelines
6. Change of subject combination
Change of subject combination is not encouraged at all. This is because the slots were allocated based on the teachers who have excited service or projected to exit service by a specified date.
See also; TSC marking scheme 2021 for the advertised replacement vacancies
7. Submission of recruitment documents
Recruitment documents shall be submitted as per the attached schedule.
8. Dispatch of the offer of employment letters
The commission is currently using EMS to deliver offer of employment letters to county offices. Letters so delivered should be immediately forwarded to the teachers in readiness for reporting to schools as per the effective dates. Teachers should be encouraged to report to schools on the given dates without delays.
9. Entry reports
Sub County directors are hereby reminded to follow-up with school administrators to ensure that entry reports (casualties) are filled and delivered to the commission immediately.
10. Absorption of teacher interns
The concerned teacher interns should be encouraged to continue serving under internship Programme until they receive offer of employment letter on permanent and pensionable terms.