TSC teachers’ promotion news
Are you seeking for the latest news on promotion of teachers by TSC? Well, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, promotes teachers in Kenya as a way of motivating them. The objective of promotion is to reward performance, manage succession and expand opportunities for career growth and progression. Thus, when you are promoted, your basic salary and allowances are adjusted upwards; accordingly.
Promotion of teachers by TSC is based on existing schemes of Service i.e the TSC Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) and/ or the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs).
The Commission shall in promoting a teacher, consider the Appraisal Reports (Teachers Performance and Appraisal Development TPAD) submitted on termly basis.
Promotion of teachers is done in three different ways:
- Promotion on common cadre establishment
- Promotion through Teacher Proficiency Course (TPC)
- Promotion through competitive selection
Promotion on common cadre establishment
This applies to a category of teachers who may move from one job group to another without the need for a competitive selection process or availability of vacancies, provided they meet the minimum qualifications for the grade.
This involves teachers in Job Group J (C1), K (C2) and L (C3). Promotion from Job Group J to K and K to L is done after three years satisfactory performance.
To get the common cadre promotion, all you need to do is to fill the TSC promotion form.
Read more news on the new teachers’ job groups, qualifications and responsibilities here.
In considering the promotion of a teacher under the common cadre establishment, TSC considers the following minimum conditions:
- period of time served by the teacher in a given grade (Usually 3 years);
- validity of the teachers’ teaching certificate; and
- the teacher’s performance of duty.
Promotion through Teacher Proficiency Course (TPC)
This type of TSC promotion covers non-graduate teachers in Job Groups G (B5) and H (C1), who must undertake a Teacher Proficiency Course. This has since become defunct.
Promotion through competitive selection
Promotion of teachers to Job Groups M (C4), N (C5), P (D1), Q (D2) and R (D3) is done through competitive selection. The Commission usually advertises for these vacancies after some time (subject to availability of funds). Interested and qualified applicants are then supposed to apply through the TSC online portal.
Shortlisting of applicants is done at the TSC headquarters. Names of shortlisted candidates for Job Groups M and N and guidelines are then forwarded to County Directors and Regional Coordinators who conduct the interviews at the county and Regional Levels; respectively.
In the latest TSC guidelines, appointment and deployment of of all primary school institutional administrators and all institutional administrators for county, sub county and day (secondary) schools are to be coordinated by the Regional Coordinator.
The regional selection panel shall have the regional director (who shall be the chair), the host county director (secretary), the host county Human Resource Officer and all other county directors from the region.
Similarly, the county selection committee shall be composed of: the county director (chairperson), host sub county director (secretary), the county Human Resource Officer and all other sub county directors from the county.
The Commission may refuse to consider a teacher for promotion if the teacher has not completed:
- two (2) years from the date he was found guiltily following a disciplinary action; or
- one (1) year from the date he was issued with an administrative warning.
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