TSC revocation of interdiction letter for teachers.

TSC teacher interdiction letter

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, may decide to reverse the interdiction of a suspended teacher. In such a case, the Commission sends a revocation of interdiction letter to the teacher.

Several reasons may make the TSC to reverse the interdiction of a teacher. A number of reasons may precipitate such a decision. These include:

  • Irregular and faulty interdictions i.e if the Commission detects malice in the allegations made,
  • Interdictions being done without adherence to the laid down procedures e.g. failing to give teachers an opportunity to appear before the investigation panel together with the accusers and witnesses to defend themselves against the allegations raised.
  • Poor and inadequate investigations at the institution/county level,
  • Delays in submission of supportive evidence e.g. availing duly signed Board Of Management minutes, statements and report in support of allegations raised.
  • Issuing casualty returns on desertion before expiry of fourteen (14) days.
  • Failure to fill in/forward casualty and casualty/ appointment returns on time.
  • Failure to carry out prompt and exhaustive/comprehensive investigations prior to interdiction.
  • FailureĀ  to involve the Board of Management, BOM, during investigation process,
  • Failure to give specific charges on interdiction.

TSC revocation of interdiction letter format.

Upon consideration by the Commission, the teacher will receive a revocation of interdiction letter. See a sample below;


Pursuant to the hearing of your discipline case on …………., I directed by the Teachers Service Commission to inform you that, the Commission carefully considered your case and has determined that you are not guilty of allegation/s made against you. Subsequently, your interdiction is hereby revoked.

Accordingly, any salary and allowances that would otherwise have been payable during
the period of your interdiction will be paid to you in full once you are reinstated on

Please note that, payment of any salary is subject to Part VII of the Code Regulation for
Teachers and will be effective only after you report for duty and start teaching.
You will be posted immediately.

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