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TSC sets new dates for promotions interviews 2021

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia. The Commission has so far raised over Sh10 billion towards the National Emergency Response Committee on Coronavirus fund.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia.

TSC promotions 2021- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has set new dates for Diploma teachers’ promotions interviews. This is after an outcry from the teachers that they would miss the interviews as others are involved in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations marking.

The teachers can now breath a sigh of relief after the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) intervened. Many of the affected teachers had arrived in Nairobi when they received invitations for the interviews, which came with very short notice.

Following many complaints, the union conducted a survey among the examiners to establish the depth of the problem. Indeed, many examiners were having torrid times trying to decide wether to shun the marking exercise and attend the interviews or not.

“In the circumstances, we urge the Commission to immediately call off the interviews slated for this month and conduct the same in May or on any convenient dates after the marking of the KCSE exams.” Reads a demand letter from Kuppet Secretary General Akello Misori.

You may also like; TSC promotion interview questions and their answers.

In July 2020, the Commission embarked on the final phase of promotion of teachers for the financial year 2020/2021. A calendar of activity for the interviews was prepared with the last set of interviews scheduled to take place from 26/4/2021 to 30/4/2021.

However as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which disrupted the Education calendar in the country, the scheduled interviews have conflicted with marking of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) national examination currently taking place.

Consequently, the Commission has re-scheduled the interviews for advert Number 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 6/2021, and 7/2021 to a date to be communicated in due course.

TSC is seeking to promote all the diploma holders before the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) comes to an end in July this year. See also; Teachers’ new salaries, promotions; Details of the 2021-2025 TSC- KUPPET Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA).

Delayed interview results

Kuppet is also demanding answers on behalf of some some teachers being invited for fresh interviews when they had done the same in December 2020, and are yet to receive any communication on the outcome.

The Commission has also not released promotion results for teachers who attended interviews in February this year.

You may also like: Interview results for TSC promotions 2021- Latest news

Thousands of teachers who attended the interviews are patiently waiting for the results; whose processing must have been slowed down by involvement of the TSC Senior Secretariat staff in administration of the KCPE and KCSE examinations.

Related news; TSC new promotion interviews score sheet 2021

A total of 32,431 teachers were shortlisted and interviewed in February. The teachers are fighting for the 15,226 available promotion vacancies. The Commission is seeking to fill 1,341 vacancies for Deputy Principal I and another 1,096 vacancies for Deputy Principals II.

A majority of the interviewees will be battling out for the 6,680 vacancies available for teachers in grade C3 (Formerly L). Successful candidates will be promoted to grade C4 (Senior Master IV) which is the entry grade to the administrative positions in Post Primary Learning Institutions.

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