TSC scraps Bachelor of Education Degree (See latest TSC requirements)
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has moved tp have the Bachelors of Education Science and Arts degrees scrapped from universities, starting September, 2021. These new changes are contained in the latest TSC ‘FRAMEWORK ON ENTRY REQUIREMENTS IN THE TEACHING SERVICE’.
In the proposals, all the 8-4-4 and CBC students must undertake first the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Courses for a period 3 years majoring on the key subjects and thereafter undertake a Postgraduate Diploma in Education for a period of one year for teaching at Junior and Senior school and SNE.
In order to professionalize the teaching service and improve the quality of education, the commission is mandated to review entry grades to teaching service and advice the national government. This will raise the standards of teaching profession and attract more quality grades from those who have requisite skills to be in the teaching service.
TSC recommendations
The Commission has at the same time given a raft of recommendations on the minimum qualifications for teachers at all teaching levels (See tables below).
Here is a summary of the TSC recommendations:
- That the minimum qualification for entry into teaching in Kenya at all levels be a Diploma in Education.
- Admission into the ALL Diplomas and Degrees in teacher Education Courses shall be Demand Driven
- That the Diploma in Education courses for CBC students at each level shall be Three years after 844 and senior school since they will have had time for specialization in the content areas.
- There is need to have pathways for teacher education at Diploma level (ECDE, Junior and Senior Secondary, SNE)
- That there is a Diploma in Secondary Education which will cater for defined learning areas/Subjects required in Junior and Senior Secondary level which have shortages
- All the 8-4-4 and CBC students must undertake first the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Courses for a period 3 years majoring on the key subjects and thereafter undertake a Postgraduate Diploma in Education for a period of one year for teaching at Junior and Senior school and SNE .
- That there shall be a Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Education to cater for Teacher Education learning areas. This will be for preparing Teacher Educators who will be training the preservice Teachers at the Teacher training colleges.
- That there shall be a minimum of One – School Term Practicum at all levels of Teacher Education, assessed by external examiners.
- That the in-service teachers and qualified – registered teachers outside employment be inducted and certified to offer the Competency Based Curriculum.
- That a Curriculum for Teacher Educators (Trainers) be developed by KICD and TSC in collaboration with Universities and CUE that shall gradually form a basis for employment of (appointment of) Teacher Educators.
- That Assessment at Teacher Education level shall be a balance of the Formative and Summative.
- There shall be a need to develop a Kenya Teacher Education Policy to anchor all the proposals in this document.
- There is need for TSC to set up Institute of Teacher Support and professional development
- Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PP1&PP2)
- Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6 )
- Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (Junior (7-9) and Senior (10-12) Secondary Level)
- BA/BSC with Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Junior and Senior Secondary, SNE)
- BA/BSC with Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Education (Teacher Educator)
- Diploma in Special Needs Teacher Education (Specialized Curriculum areas- Autism, Deaf, blind, multiple disabilities and Multiple cerebral palsy for foundation, intermediate, Pre-vocational and vocational levels)
- Diploma in Technical Teacher Education (Appropriate Technical subjects in Junior and Senior Secondary).
Post Training Certificate
- Post Training Certificate for In- Service Teachers not currently Employed by TSC.
- This will be undertaken by teachers who have completed ECDE , PTE ,DTE BED ; DIP ED and SNE training courses.
- it will be offered within a duration of 9 Months During School Holidays (Distance learning elements during school time and online mode).
- Teachers will also do micro teaching during this training.
Entry Qualification for Teacher Registration: Current & Proposed
ECD Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC
Levels of Teacher Registration | Current Requirements | Proposed Requirement |
ECD | Certificate-
i.Minimum CPE/KCPE plus ECDE certificate from MoE ii.Minimum Mean Grade D+(plus) at KCSE ECDE certificate from KNEC iii.Minimum D plain at KCSE, KNEC proficiency certificate, ECDE certificate from KNEC Diploma- i.Mean grade C+ (plus) and above at KCSE plus ECDE certificate from KNEC ii.Mean grade C+ (plus) and above Diploma (University) Degree- Mean grade C+ (plus) and above. |
Certificate -Redundant
Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PP1&PP2);- i.KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) ii.Mean grade C in All the subjects. Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at PP1 and PP2.
Primary Teacher Education Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC
Levels of Teacher Registration | Current Requirements | Proposed Requirement |
Primary Teacher Education | Certificate-
i.Minimum Mean Grade C plain or its equivalent at KCSE and above PTE certificate from KNEC Diploma in Education i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ (plus) and above and ii.C+ (plus) and above in the subjects of specialization, iii.at least C plain in English, iv.C plain in Mathematics for Science-based courses, v.D+ (plus) in Mathematics for non- science courses |
Certificate – Redundant
Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6 ) i.Minimum Mean Grade C plain or its equivalent at KCSE ii.C plain in all the Cluster subjects. Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at Grade 1-3 & 4-6 with some specialization on the indigenous and Foreign languages. Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (Junior (7-9) and Senior (10-12) Secondary Level) i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ in KCSE ii.C+ in three teaching subject. Note: Teachers at this level will teach three subjects at Junior OR senior secondary. |
Primary Teacher Education (SNE) Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC
Levels of Teacher Registration | Current Requirements | Proposed Requirement |
Primary Teacher Education (SNE) | Certificate-
i.Mean Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent for visually and hearing-impaired persons Diploma in Education for Virtually & Hearing Impaired i.Minimum mean grade C (plain) or its equivalent at KCSE. ii.Grade C(plain) or its equivalent in two teaching subjects in KSCE iii.Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent in English at KCSE iv.Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent in Mathematics in KCSE in Science based courses. v.Grade D (plain) or its equivalent in Mathematics in KCSE for non-science-based courses. |
Certificate – Redundant
Diploma in Education SNE (Foundations, Pry and Lower Secondary Specialized Areas) i.Minimum Mean Garde C (plain) or its equivalent at KCSE ii.C- (minus) its equivalent in all subjects clusters Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at foundation, intermediate, Pre-vocational and vocational levels Primary and Lower Secondary.
Diploma Technical Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC
Levels of Teacher Registration | Current Requirements | Proposed Requirement |
Diploma Technical
Teacher Education : Secondary |
Certificate in Technical Teacher Education
i.Minimum mean grade D+ (plus) or its equivalent in KCSE ii.Technical Education Course iii.Diploma in Technical Teacher Education Diploma in Technical Teacher Education i.Minimum mean grade C+ (plus) and above or its equivalent in KCSE and Degree in Technology. ii.Mean grade C (plain) or its equivalent in English in KCSE iii.Mean grade C (plain) or its equivalent in Mathematics in KCSE Degree in Technical Teacher Education i.Minimum mean grade C+ (plus) or its equivalent in KCSE, ii.Degree in Technology |
Certificate in TTE: Redundant
Diploma in Technical Teacher Education Secondary (Junior and Senior Secondary) i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ or equivalent at KCSE ii.C+ in three teaching subjects. ● Note: Teachers at this level will teach three subjects at Junior or senior secondary. Candidates with relevant Diplomas and Certificates in appropriate Technical Subjects shall be considered for admission. ● |
Bachelor of Art/Science with PDGE Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC
Levels of Teacher Registration | Current Requirements | Proposed Requirement |
Bachelor of Art/Science with PDGE | Bachelor of Education
i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ (plus) and above or its equivalent ii.C+ (plus) in two subjects of specialization Bachelor of Art/Science with PGDE i.Mean grade C+ (plus) or its equivalent at KCSE ii.At least C+ (plus) and above in two teaching subjects of specialisation. iii.Post graduate diploma in education ● |
Bachelor of Education: Remodeled
BA/BSC with PGDE (Junior/Senior Secondary) i.entry grade will be KCSE Mean Grade C+ with a B-(Minus) in three teaching subjects. ii.BA/BSC for 3 years and PGDE for one year on at Junior and Senior secondary. Note: Teachers at this level will teach three subjects at Junior and Senior secondary. BA/BSC with PGDE (Teacher Education Educators) i.entry grade will be KCSE Mean Grade C+ with a B-(Minus) in three teaching subjects. ii.BA/BSC for 3 years and PGDE for one year on Teacher Education. Note: Teacher Educators at this level will teach three subjects at Primary and Diploma Teacher Training Colleges. |
TSC proposes that the above be used as a basis for admission into Teacher Education the various levels from September 2020.
In addition to the requirements above, the following shall be required before a teacher is registered by the Commission: –
- Certificate of Good Conduct; applicants shall be required to present a valid certificate of good conduct upon application for registration.
- Certificate in Integration of ICT in education – Evidence of training in ICT skills
- Compliance to chapter six of the Constitution:Tax Compliance Certificate (KRA), Certificate of good conduct (DCI), Higher Education Loan clearance certificate (HELB), EACC clearance and Credit Reference Certificate (CRB)
- Notes:
- ECDE applicants with certificates from other bodies other than KNEC and MOE should have their certificates equated by KNEC.
- Applicants with foreign Degrees and Diplomas in education should have their documents equated by the Commission for University Education (CUE) and Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) respectively.
- Non- citizen teacher should have the following for registration;
- Certificate of registration as a teacher from the country of origin
- Certificate of good conduct issued by relevant law enforcement agency in the country of origin.
- Vetting letter from MOE.
- Valid passport
- Valid entry /work permit
- The registration certificate issued to non- citizens be temporary and renewable upon renewal of the entry permit.
Key issues to note
- Enhancement is admissible only in case of inadequate course units in one of the subjects of specialization. (This is not encouraged)
- Post-graduate Diploma is allowed where one lacks only pedagogical skills.
- Bridging/ pre-university courses be done away with as they do not address any gap.
- Persons whose training is in subjects that are not in the curriculum irrespective of a PGDE do not qualify for registration and employment.
- Students who have undertaken courses(Diploma or degrees) without the minimum entry requirements (who enrolled, who trained and graduated them) do not qualify for registration and employment.
- Very many fake degree certificates circulating
- Security marks of the certificates
Applicants for registration whose training is in subjects that are currently NOT in the curriculum do not qualify irrespective of having undertaken a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and/ or Enhancement.
This category includes but not limited to Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in:
- Natural resources
- Meteorology
- Forestry
- Animal husbandry
- Horticulture
- Farm machinery
- Fisheries
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- Theology/Divinity
- Journalism
- Kiswahili and Communication
- Business Management / Administration
- Banking and Finance
This category includes but not limited to Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in:
- Genomics
- Actuarial Science
- Environmental Science
- Criminology
- Biotechnology and Agriculture
- All Courses related to Engineering
- Industrial Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Hospitality and tourism
- Foods , Nutrition and Dietetics
- Technology and applied Biology
- Microbiology etc.
- Those who have undertaken a PGDE with these courses are NOT eligible for registration as teachers.
- These courses do not provide sufficient subject content and therefore the mastery of the content in two teaching subjects is not adequate as required.