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TSC releases new guidelines and procedure for appointment of school admiunistrators

TSC boss Dr Nancy Macharia releases new guidelines and procedure for appointment of school heads, deputies, senior teachers and masters.

TSC Boss Nancy Macharia.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released new guidelines for identifying, selecting and deploying school administrators. The responsibility of appointing all primary school and secondary schools’ administrators (apart from extra county and national schools) has now be decentralized to the counties and regional offices.

The appointment of Primary school administrators (head teachers, their deputies and senior teachers) and secondary school administrators (Principals, their deputies and senior masters) will now be carried out through an elaborate process; as outlined below:

  • Establishment of vacancies by the county director.

The TSC county director has now been mandated to find out the number of school administrators’ vacancies available within the county. This shall be done in accordance to the TSC regulations on Curriculum Based Establishment (CBE).

  • Advertisement of the existing vacancies

Data on available vacancies will then be sent to the TSC head quarter who shall in turn advertise them. This is to be done on the TSC Website.

  • Submission of applications.

Interested and qualified individuals will then submit their applications via the TSC online portal. The commission shall not accept and process any manual applications.

  • Shortlisting of applicants.

The commission will scrutinize the applicants and shortlist those who merit. The list of applicants to be subjected to interviews will only be sent to the respective Regional Directors.

  • Interviews

Interviews for shortlisted applicants will be done at the Regional and County levels.

The regional selection panel shall have the regional director (who shall be the chair), the host county director (secretary), the host county Human Resource Officer and all other county directors from the region.

Similarly, the county selection committee shall be composed of: the county director (chairperson), host sub county director (secretary), the county Human Resource Officer and all other sub county directors from the county.

  • Deployment of successful candidates.

It shall be the sole responsibility of the Regional Director to select, appoint and deploy successful candidates. This shall be done in liaison with the respective county directors. A merit list and copies of appointment letters will then be sent to the head quarter (addressed to the Secretary TSC) by the RD.

It is important to note that the appointment and deployment of the principals of extra county and national secondary schools shall be done at the head quarter by the Director in charge of staffing.

Teachers who were converted to administrative grades as at July, 2017 will be given first priority and deployed as vacancies arise. The TSC boss has also directed that all serving administrators be remunerated as per their grades.

“All serving institutional administrators should be substantively appointed and placed in institutions that commensurate to their grades.” says TSC Boss.

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Appointment of school administrators shall be made based on these considerations:

  • Category of institution,
  • Size and level of enrollment,
  • Academic and professional qualifications.
  • Current grade,
  • Relevant experience in the teaching service and
  • Gender balance.
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