The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the lists of shortlisted candidates for the various administrative posts that it had advertised in August, 2019. TSC had advertised 6,043 promotion/ administrative vacancies. Of these, 2,310 are for head teachers(T scale 10; Grade C5) while, the remaining 3,733 are for Deputy Head teachers II (T scale 9; Grade C4). Applications were submitted online and Shortlisted candidates have been invited for interviews at varied dates and venues.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to present the following documents during the interviews:
- 1). Certificate of good conduct
- 2). Clearance Certificate by the Higher Education Loans Board, Helb.
- 3). Clearance Certificate from EACC
- 4). Clearance Certificate from a Credit Reference Bureau
- 5). KRA tax compliance certificate.
- Academic and Professional documents
- TPAD hard copies for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Any other relevant, supportive, document.
For further details, Visit
For shortlisted Deputy head teachers, they will be expected to carry the following:
- 1. Original National ID Card,
- 2. Current pay slip
- 3. Original Academic and Professional Certificates,
- 4. Letter of appointment as Deputy Head Teacher,
- 5. Letter of designation to Deputy Head Teacher II (Grade C4/Scale 9).
- 6. Analysed individual subject results and those of the institution in KCPE Examinations for the last three years, certified by TSC County Director.
- 7. Performance Appraisal Reports for 2017, 2018 and 2019
- 8. Originals of the following statutory documents: –
- Clearance from Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)Certificate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID
- Tax Compliance certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
- Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
- Credit Reference Certificate from Credit Reference Bureci
- Any other relevant testimonials supporting your performance.
Here are links to the most important news portals:
- KUCCPS News Portal
- TSC News Portal
- Universities and Colleges News Portal
- Helb News Porta
- KNEC News Portal
- KSSSA News Portal
- Schools News Portal
- Free Teaching Resources and Revision Materials
According to the TSC advert, for one to be appointed to the grade of Head Teacher, a teacher must:-
- Be serving under career progression guidelines
- Have served as Deputy Head Teacherfor a minimum period ofthree (3) years;
- Be currently serving as Deputy Head Teacher II TSC Scale 9;
- Be in possession of a Bachelor of Education degree or its equivalent;
- Have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal;
- Meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution;
- Have demonstrated ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support.
On the other hand, one must meet the following requirements in order to qualify for appointment to the grade of Deputy Head Teacher II:-
- i. Be serving under career progression guidelines
- ii. Have served as Senior Teacher for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- iii. Be currently serving as Senior Teacher I T- Scale 8;
- iv. Be in possession of a Bachelor of Education degree or its equivalent;
- v. Have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal;
- vi. Have demonstrated ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;
- vii. Meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution; and
- viii. Meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.