TSC Promotions For Senior Lecturer I, Grade D2 : Requirements, List of Shortlisted Candidates, Interviews and Promotion Letters



For appointment to this grade, a teacher must: –

i. Have served as Senior Lecturer II T-Scale 11 for a minimum period of three (3) years;

ii. Have obtained a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process;

iii. Have demonstrated ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;

iv. Meet the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution; and

v. Meet any other requirement deemed necessary by the Commission.

NB: – Candidates in Asal and Hard to staff counties who have served in the current grade for at least 2 years are eligible.

Candidates who are successful in the interviews shall be required to present valid Chapter 6 documents before they are appointed.


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