TSC Online Transfer Portal- Check Transfer Status Online

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released the list of transferred teachers who had applied online. 

Teachers can apply for transfers and check the status using the online portal. This system allows you to keep track of your application online.

TSC Online Transfer Portal. Click here for TSC Online Transfer Application.

Get all the answers to the following questions and concerns about teacher transfers:

TSC transfer online application portal

TSC teacher transfer online portal- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) now transfers teachers to schools of their choices. Applications for transfer can be submitted online, here. Visit…
Latest TSC news from Education News Hub. Visit educationnewshub.co.ke for all the latest TSC and Education news.

TSC transfer application online- Simplified guide

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has simplified the application process for a teacher. The application for transfer is now purely done online and there…
TSC online transfer application portal login.

TSC Online Teachers Portal, Guide – TSC Transfer Portal

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, transfers teachers on a regular basis. Transfer requests are normally considered for approval by the Appointment Board, once, at…
How to get transferred by TSC.

TSC transfer letter

A teachers seeking for a transfer from the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, should make a request in writing and will get a transfer letter…

How to request for a TSC transfer online- Simplified procedure

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has called on teachers (who wish to be transferred to their preferred schools and counties) to submit their transfers…
Latest TSC news from Education News Hub. Visit educationnewshub.co.ke for all the latest TSC and Education news.

TSC transfer application online (How the Head Teacher/ Principal approves the transfer request)

TSC transfer application and approval online- Application for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) transfers are now purely done online. Both the teacher and Head of…
Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC Boss

TSC transfers 14,613 teachers; Latest TSC transfers news

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has transferred a total 14,613 teachers to their home counties this year. This means that the teachers will now…
Latest TSC News; Teachers' transfer, delocalization lists per county.

Updated TSC transfer, delocalisation, lists for teachers per county; All counties’…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has effected the delocalization exercise for school heads. A total of 1,010 Principals in secondary schools have…
TSC online transfer application portal login.

TSC transfer application online portal and simplified application procedure for teachers- Updated

TSC teacher transfer online portal- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made the application for a teacher transfer very easy. The application for transfer…

TSC Transfer Form

TSC/TM/TA/001 REV. 2012 REPUBLIC OF KENYA TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER (To be completed in TRIPLICATE by a teacher applying for inter-County/Intra-County transfer . Complete one copy only…
How to get transferred by TSC.

TSC transfers for teachers; How and when a teacher can be given a transfer

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, can transfer you from one station to another. The transfer can be effected either upon request by a teacher…

Latest TSC transfer online application portal

Latest TSC transfer online application portal TSC teacher transfer online portal- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) now transfers teachers to schools of their choices. Applications for transfer can…
TSC teachers online transfer application guide.

How to apply for a TSC transfer online- Simplified guide

You can now apply for your TSC transfer online. The process of online TSC transfer application is quite simple and straight forward if you…
TSC Boss Dr Nancy Macharia. Photo/ File.

TSC transfers; Heads moved from Kisii county to Nyamira: Delocalization lists

A total of 22 Head Teachers have been moved from Kisii County to the neighbouring Nyamira County. This is in line with the Commission’s…
TSC online portal for teachers posting, entry and exit.

TSC Online transfer, Payslips, Registration, Leave Application Services

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has automated its services which are now availableonline. Teachers and other TSC employees are required to access the portals…

TSC To Roll Out Massive Transfers – TSC Staff Balancing

TSC STAFF BALANCING ACROSS SCHOOLS, SUB-COUNTIES AND COUNTIES The Commission has a primary mandate to assign teachers employed for service to public schools. This entails…
TSC online transfer application portal login.

TSC Online Transfer Portal

TSC Online Transfer Portal Click here for TSC Online Transfer Application, Status Visit the TSC online Transfer Portal to file your transfer, check transfer status and…
The latest TSC news on teacher transfers, promotions and recruitment.

TSC official answers to questions on teacher recruitment, transfers, promotions and staffing

Here are official Teachers Service Commission (TSC) responses to questions on teacher recruitment, transfers, promotions and staffing.  Question: Why have i not been promoted despite…
TSC Human Resource Officers; Contacts and roles

TSC teacher posting, transfers, exit simplified guide (TSC Human Resource Management, HRM)

TSC TEACHER POSTING & ENTRY/EXIT USER MANUAL FOR HRM OFFICERS The Entry/ Exit returns will be submitted online by Heads of Institutions and Sub County…
TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia.

TSC teacher promotions, transfers now go online

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, will now conduct Promotions and transfer of teachers. This is after the Commission launched a new E-platform for teachers….
The new TSC payslip login window at https://tpay.tsc.go.ke/

TSC Guidelines on Activation and Use of Official Emails, Applications for transfer and Virtual…

TSC Circular on Activation, Applications for transfer and Use of Official Emails and Virtual Meetings Platforms for Teachers UP SCALING OF ONLINE SERVICES FOR TEACHERS In…

TSC list of transferred Teachers, Principals [OFFICIAL UPDATE]

The Teachers Service Commission TSC has released a list of transferred teachers in 2023. See the list below; TSC list of transferred Teachers, Principals 2023 Migori…
TSC teachers online transfer application guide.

TSC Online Teacher Transfer Application Process (Simplified guide)

Application for teacher transfer by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is now done online. To apply for a transfer, visit the TSC online portal….
TSC Boss Dr Nancy Njeri Macharia/ File Photo

TSC to transfer several head teachers, principals and their deputies this month as KNUT…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is set for a major delocalization exercise for school heads this month. This has been revealed by the Commission…

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