How to apply for advertised TSC Vacancies- Applications for the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) vacancies are done purely online. In filling the advertised teaching vacancies the Commission invites qualified teachers to submit their applications online at the TSC online recruitment portal;
TSC does not accept hard copy applications and therefore you must carefully submit your application online. Some teachers have failed to make it to the TSC shortlisting of applicants because of their failure to submit their applications as required. But, this problem may not get you as we will take you through the correct step-by-step application procedure.
It is important for you to note that the application procedures for primary and secondary school teachers are not the same. As thus, carefully go through the two procedures below to note the difference.
Primary Teachers Online Recruitment Application Process
In case you are submitting applications for the advertised vacancies in primary schools, then this is the correct procedure for you to follow;
1. First, visit the TSC online recruitment portal by using the link; Click Career then Teachers/Secretariat then CLICK apply for teachers Recruitment/Internship. The screen below will be displayed.
2. Type in the TSC No, ID number and mobile and choose your selection either
primary or secondary by clicking the drop down menu as shown below and click ok
(i) This screen below shows the selection for primary
3. The sms code from TSC Kenya will be send to the applicant mobile phone
and the screen below will appear
4. Type in the sms code as shown below and click ok
5. The screen below will be displayed. Click on Apply/view as shown below
6. The screen below will be displayed where the applicant will fill in the details
7. Choose the Ref from the drop-down as shown and fill the other details not
auto filled and click ‘ok’.
8. The screen below will be displayed. Click yes as shown
9. The screens below will be displayed showing the list of applications done by
NOTE: The teacher can make several application in different counties/sub counties
(i) This is one application
(ii) List of several application for different counties
Secondary Teachers Online Recruitment Application Process
If you are applying for posts in secondary schools, then you will have to follow the procedure below;
1. Click Career then Teachers/Secretariat then CLICK apply for teachers Recruitment/Internship. The screen below will be displayed.
2. Type in the TSC No, ID number and mobile and choose your selection i.e Secondary by clicking the drop down menu as shown below and click ok
3. The sms code from TSC Kenya will be send to the applicant mobile phone and the screen below will appear
4. Type in the sms code as shown below and click ok as shown
5. The screen below will be displayed for secondary teacher. Click on Apply/view as shown below
6. The screen below will be displayed where the applicant will fill in the details
7. Choose the Ref from the dropdown as shown and fill the other details not auto filled and click ok as shown below. Click the button +click here to apply a school as shown;
8. On clicking +click here to apply a school the screen below is displayed
9. Choose the subjects, county, sub county and school and click ok as shown below;
10. The screen below is displayed showing the date, county, sub county, school and stage of the application;
11.The teacher can apply for several vacancies as shown below. CLICK OK;
12.The screen below is displayed then CLICK yes as shown
13.The screen below is displayed and the application is completed
Check out in this site under the TSC News category for all lists of shortlisted applicants; after they are released by TSC. You will also be able to get the interview dates and venues per county. All the best.