TSC number and certificate for teachers
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal, TSC News Portal |
| The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) carries out continuous registration for qualified persons as teachers. The commission also reviews the standards of education and training of persons entering the teaching service.
Once registered, one gets a TSC Number and Certificate. The TSC Act (2012) Section 23 (2) prohibits any person from engaging in teaching service unless one is registered as a teacher. The TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015) Part III further provides Conditions and Procedure for Registration of Teachers.
TSC registers teachers having the following qualifications:- Early Child Development Education-ECDE
- Primary Teacher Education-PTE
- Diploma in Education
- Diploma in Education for Visually and hearing impaired
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science
TSC registration qualifications for ECDE teachers registration
Each of the categories of trained teachers posses unique minimum registration requirements.Minimum requirements for Certificate ECDE teachers
- Have a Minimum of CPE/KCPE together with an ECDE Certificate from the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC). OR
- Have a KCSE mean grade of D+(minimum) and an ECDE Certificate from KNEC. OR
- Have a Minimum mean grade of D (plain) at KCSE, a KNEC proficiency certificate, plus an ECDE Certificate from KNEC.
Minimum requirements Diploma ECDE teachers
- Have a KCSE Mean grade of C Plain and an ECDE Certificate from KNEC.
- Have a KCSE Mean grade of C+ (minimum) plus a University Diploma in ECDE.
Minimum requirements Degree ECDE teachers
- Have a KCSE Mean grade C+ (and above) and a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree in ECDE.
TSC requirements for primary teachers registration
Primary school teachers should have the following minimum requirements for them to be registered:- Have a PTE (P1) Certificate from KNEC.
- Have Bachelors of Education (B.Ed.) degree (Primary education) (with 2 teaching subjects) from an accredited university.
Minimum TSC qualifications for the registration of secondary school teachers
- Have a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree in 2 teaching subjects, a KCSE mean grade C+ (or above) and the same grade in your two specialization subjects. OR
- Have a BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree or a BSc. (Bachelor of Science) degree, a KCSE mean grade C+ (or above), plus the same grade in your two specialization subjects and a PGDE.
- Have a Diploma in Education (minimum) plus a Minimum KCSE grade C Plus or above and C+ or above in the two subjects specialization.
Summarized TSC Minimum Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers
i. Minimum of CPE/KCPE plus ECDE Certificate from KNEC. | ||
ii. Minimum mean grade D+(Plus) at KCSE and ECDE Certificate from KNEC. | ||
iii. Minimum mean grade D (Plain) at KCSE, KNEC proficiency certificate, ECDE Certificate from KNEC Diploma | ||
i. Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE and ECDE Certificate from KNEC. | ||
ii. Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above for University Diploma | ||
i. Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above | ||
b | PTE | i. Minimum grade C Plain in KCSE and above |
ii. PTE Certificate from KNEC | ||
iii. Mean grade of C- (minus) for visually and hearing impaired persons | ||
C | Diploma in Education | i. Minimum grade C+( Plus) in KCSE and above and C+ (Plus) in the two subjects specialization. |
ii. At least C (Plain) in English | ||
iii. C (plain) in Mathematics for Science-based courses | ||
iv. D+( plus) in Mathematics in non-science based courses | ||
d | Diploma in Education for Visually and hearing impaired | i. Minimum grade C (Plain) in KCSE and above. |
ii. At least C Minus in English | ||
iii. C- (Minus) in Mathematics for Science based courses | ||
iv. D (Plain) in Mathematics in non-science based courses | ||
e | Bachelor of Education | i. Minimum mean grade C+ (plus) and above or its equivalent. |
ii. C+ (Plus) in two subjects of specialization | ||
f | Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science | i. Minimum grade C+ (Plus) in KCSE and above and C+ (Plus) in the two subjects of specialization. |
ii. Post graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) |
To be registered by TSC, one must submit the required documents. The documents are categorized as per the citizenship status of the teacher.TSC Registration requirements for Teachers (Kenyan Citizens).
Kenyan citizens seeking to be registered as teachers by TSC should present the following documents:- Certificate of Good Conduct
- relevant academic and professional certificates from recognized institutions
- a copy of Identity Card or Passport
- passport photo
- KRA Pin Certificate
- dully filled GP 69 Medical Form and
- Payment of registration fee; Non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1055/- Deposit is made to the TSC; Registration Account – National Bank of Kenya – No. 01001000905001 or Simple Banking using Pay Bill Business Number 625625
TSC Registration requirements for Teachers (Non Kenyan Citizens)
For non-citizens, the following must be produced:- academic and Professional Certificates and other evidence for registration as a teacher obtained in Kenya or the country of origin
- Academic and Professional Certificates. NB: Must have been awarded by an accredited foreign institution and equated by the relevant public body in Kenya
- Certificate of Registration as a teacher or authority to teach in the country of origin
- a valid Entry / Work Permit issued by the Department of Immigration
- a valid Certificate of Good Conduct issued by the relevant law enforcement agency in the country of origin
- vetting letter from the Ministry of Education (Kenya) and
- prescribed fee of Kshs. 1055
New TSC Teacher Registration Process
The new TSC teacher registration process is straight forward. Follow the steps below carefully:- Ensure that you scan all the original documents (no need of having them certified if you have original documents. The documents should be less than 1 megabyte (1MB) for them to be uploaded.
- Then, access the TSC online portal by clicking this link https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/ (ensure you read through all the steps before clicking on the link so as to be sure of that is expected of you.
- Select ‘New Teacher registration’ from the top left corner of your window.
- Type in your National ID card number/ Passport number and Surname in the boxes shown on your new window. Click ‘Next’ when done.
- In the new window, enter your phone number, KRA PIN and category. Tick ‘Yes’ for the Question; Are you a trained teacher?’ For ‘Category’, select ECDE, Primary, or Post-Primary (for secondary). Remember to select your Mean Grade and the Year you sat for the ordinary level examinations.
- In the next window, select your religion, date of birth, gender, nationality, home county, sub county, employment type, email, addresses and all the required fields.
- Finally, it is time to upload your scanned documents. You will upload a document at a time. For longer documents like transcripts, ensure you merge them into a single PDF file. To upload a document, check and enter the required details from left to right of your screen; Enter Institution, from, to, specialization, certificate number and certificate year. Click ‘Choose file’ and locate the correct file in your storage. Click to select it. Select ‘save document’ to have stored on your profile/ uploaded. This will also give a chance to upload the next document. Click ‘Next’ each time you want to upload a new document. Remember to click ‘Save document’ each time you want to move to the next document.
- In the last window, enter details on subjects studied at college/ university, study hours and grade scored. Also required are other details like if you were dismissed in the course of your studies. Enter the payment mode used and click the ‘the finalize and save everything down here’ button. (Remember, payment is made to National Bank of Kenya – No. 01001000905001 or Simple Banking, Mpesa, using Pay Bill Business Number 625625)
Important links:
- All TSC services online portals and how to log in
- TSC TPAD data upload deadline
- Complete guide to the new cTSC TPAD portal
- TSC: Full details on the newly established grades for teachers
- TSC: Designation codes for all teacher job groups
- TSC Grades and qualifications/ requirements for various administrative positions in schools
- TSC: Details on the current all 36 Teacher job groups/ grades
- TSC: Requirements, appointment and responsibilities of Principals
- All what you need to know and carry to a TSC teacher recruitment interview
- TSC: Requirements, responsibilities and appointment of Deputy Principals
- TSC: Full payment rates for teachers, officials, attending CBC training
- New, latest TSC Teachers recruitment guidelines
- TSC: Wealth declaration guide for teachers, staff
- A TSC teacher’s payslip details and how to get yours online
- TSC posting, employment, letters for newly recruited teachers
- TSC adds another new teacher registration, employment requirement; read the details
- All TSC online services: the TSC website, online services and how to easily access them
- New list of TSC County Directors
- Updated TSC recruitment guidelines for teachers
- TSC: Process of handing-taking over by new school heads and other administrators
- New academic and professional requirements for registration of teachers
- How to check the status of TSC number application online
- Get the latest TSC news on these official Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram and online)
- How to apply online for the vacant administrative positions at the Teachers Service Commission-tsc
- TSC: Most marketable subject combinations
- TSC: Revised, new, service charter
- TSC: Download all the TSC forms, circulars, regulations and Memos here
- TSC: How to easily get the retirement, pension, benefits
- TSC: Full process of interdicting, disciplining and dismissing teachers
- New, updated, list of offences that can lead to a teacher’s removal from the TSC register
- TSC: All teachers’ leaves explained
- TSC: List of all allowances paid to teachers and to get them
- Latest Career Progression Guidelines, CPG, for teachers
- TSC: Answers to all the Frequently asked questions by teachers
- TSC: A list of all the TSC contacts
- TSC: How a teacher should claim the medical expenses costs from TSC
- TSC: How to best apply for a teacher transfer
- How to easily apply for a TSC number
- Applying for a TSC number? This is all you need to know.
- All what you are required to have in order to apply for a TSC number
The commission will review your application and provide a feed back. Keep on checking the on the online portal from time to time. Expect a response within 30 (thirty days) after submitting your request. Successful applicants are issued with a TSC certificated that is sent via the post office; using the address entered during the application process.Temporary Teacher Registration Certificate from TSC
The TSC Code of Regulations (2015), Regulation 27 mandates the Commissions to issue a Temporary Teacher Registration Certificate to a person who;- is in Kenya on recognized education exchange programmes or other international bilateral arrangements or
- not having trained as a teacher but holds a relevant certificate issued to him/her under any law relating to education and training.
Why TSC may not register a teacher
Not all applicants are registered by TSC. The Commission may fail to register a teacher for various reasons. Section 27 of TSC Act 2012 mandates the Commission not register a person as a teacher who;- does not possess the prescribed qualifications,
- is not of good moral character,
- has been convicted of a sexual offence or an offence committed against a learner,
- has been convicted of a criminal offence which in the opinion of the Commission, renders the person unfit to be teacher,
- is engaged in any activities which in the opinion of the Commission, are prejudicial to peace, good order or good government in Kenya,
- Suffers from such physical or mental infirmity which in the opinion of a registered medical practitioner renders the person incapable of performing the duties of a teacher.
Revocation/recall of tsc certificate of registration
The Commission is mandated by the TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015), regulation 30 to after a due process revoke and recall a Certificate of Registration that was obtained through;- fraud
- misrepresentation
- forgery
- a result of mistake or
- other unlawful means
Removal of the Name from TSC Register
The Commission is mandated by the TSC Act (2012), Regulation 30 to after due process remove from the register the name of a person who;- has died,
- the Commission is satisfied has obtained registration through fraudulent means,
- has been convicted of a sexual offence or an offence against a pupil or a student,
- has been convicted of a criminal offence which in the opinion of the Commission renders the person unfit to be a teacher,
- the Commission has directed removal from the register as a result of disciplinary proceedings instituted or
- Suffers from physical or mental illness or infirmity which renders the person incapable of performing the duties as a teacher.
Offenses relating to teacher registration
The TSC Code of Regulations 2015, Regulation 39 spells out that any person who;- falsely or fraudulently holds himself / herself as a registered teacher,
- Not being a registered teacher and teaches or assists in teaching in any school,
- causes, permits, or employs to teach in any school a person who is not registered,
- defaces, amends or erases any entry in the Certificate of Registration,
- Applies for employment as a teacher in any name other than the full name as entered in the Register of Teachers,
- has been removed from the Register of Teachers but continues to teach or
- having been removed from the Register of Teachers and continues to hold and use the Certificate of Registration for teaching or for any other purpose,
- commits an offence and is liable on conviction a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or both.
Teacher Registration inquiries
For any inquiries on Teacher Registration the applicants or the public can Call 020- 2892351 or send an e-mail to; [email protected].SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW TEACHER REGISTRATION
The following are required for one to register for a new Teachers Service Commission Number (TSC N0.), in Kenya:- For New Registration a non refundable fee of Kshs. 1055/- deposited to the TSC Registration Account:
- National Bank of Kenya (Direct Banking to A/C No. 01001000905001 or
- Simple Banking using Pay Bill Business Number 625625 is required for processing your certificate. Ensure you have Bank Deposit Slip before proceeding with the application.
- Scan and Attach Only the Required Documents: a. Only original documents should be scanned and uploaded. b. For Expatriate Teachers, attach a letter of clearance from Ministry of Education Vetting Committee.
- The required documents are:
- Passport/ ID (National Identity Card)
- Bank deposit slip
- Certificate of Good Conduct
- GP 69 Medical Letter
- Transcript (All in one pdf)
- Affidavit; only, when names differ from other documents)
- MPESA payment evidence.
- KRA PIN Certificate
Important Notes for Applicants (TSC Does Not Accept Paper Applications).
- All sections of this registration application MUST be completed in full.
- Please fill in all the required information.
- It is a serious offence to willfully give false information to the Teachers Service Commission. The law provides that any person convicted of the offence may be fined up to Ksh 100,000 or imprisoned for Twelve (12) months or both (Section 44 of TSC Act No. 20 of 2012).
- You can save part of this form and complete it on a later time if necessary.
- Scan and Attach Only the Required Documents: Only original documents should be scanned and uploaded. For example ID, affidavit, marriage certificate, police abstract as is applicable.
- For Duplicate Certificate Application a non refundable fee of Kshs. 2055/- deposited to the TSC Registration Account National Bank of Kenya Direct Banking to A/C No. 01001005707400.
- Ensure you have Bank Deposit Slip before proceeding with the duplicate certificate application.2wx`