TSC news and downloads
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal, TSC News Portal |
| You may be troubled scanning through many internet pages so as to get to any document or news from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). Well, we have made your work easier by populating the pages. You will, now, only need to just scroll to the category of item you may be looking for. This will improve your user experience and save your time a great deal. Click on each link to access the TSC news and resources for free.
- TSC to implement salary hike for teachers
- Full list and description of all allowances paid to teachers by TSC
- Big gainers and losers from the current CBA
- TSC to slash salaries for teachers who were regularly promoted.
- TSC salary increments for teachers: New salary scales
- New salaries for Primary school teachers at grade B5.
- New salaries for primary school teachers at grade C1
- New salary scale for secondary school teachers at grade C1
- New salaries for secondary school teachers at grade C2
- New salary scale for secondary school teachers at grade C3
- New salaries for teachers after TSC implements phase IV of the CBA
- What you need to know about teachers’ salaries
- TSC teachers’ payslips online; Complete guide
- TSC website, portals and online services: Best guide.
- How to join/ change your union: Third party online services
- A TSC teacher’s payslip details and how to get yours online
- Latest TSC recruitment guidelines for primary teachers
- How to check the status of TSC number application online
- How to easily apply for a TSC number
- Applying for a TSC number? This is all you need to know.
- All what you are required to have in order to apply for a TSC number
- TSC latest registration requirements, procedure and other details.
- TSC latest recruitment guidelines, score sheets and criteria for secondary school teachers
- TSC mass recruitment guidelines and latest marking schemes
- New, revised, TSC teachers’ recruitment guidelines, requirements, qualifications and marking scheme.
- Teachers’ shortages per county
- How to easily get employed by TSC after graduation: Ultimate guide
- Ultimate guide on how to apply for the TSC advertised vacancies.
- How to apply online for the vacant administrative positions at the Teachers Service Commission-tsc
- TSC posting, employment, letters for newly recruited teachers
- TSC: Full process of interdicting, disciplining and dismissing teachers
- New, updated, list of offences that can lead to a teacher’s removal from the TSC register
- Questions asked during TSC promotion interviews: Must read.
- Latest interview questions and scoring criteria for teachers seeking to be promoted.
- TSC list of all teachers’ new grades/ job groups: Complete guide.
- Number of school administrators per county.
- No more delocalization for school administrators
- TSC latest CBE for schools
- TSC releases a new procedure for appointing school administrators
- Latest guidelines for appointments and deployment of principals, heads, deputies, senior teachers and masters.
- Qualifications and responsibilities of members to the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.
- TSC- Latest guidelines for elected/ nominated teachers..: How to carry out a transfer of service.
- Appointments, Requirements and responsibilities of all school administrators; Principals, Deputy principals, head teachers, deputy head teachers, senior teachers and masters guide.
- TSC News- promotion requirements, responsibilities and appointment-criteria for senior masters and other administrative positions
- TPAD 2 forms free downloads.
- TPAD 2 lesson observation form; Free download and guide
- TSC Study leave form: Plus an illustration on how to fill the form.
- New TPAD 2 lesson recovery schedule: Form and guide
- New TPAD 2 lesson attendance summary sheet for all teachers: Guide included.
- New TPAD form download for teachers
- A checklist of all TPAD 2 professional documents to be maintained by all teachers.
- Collated list of all TSC forms: Free downloads
- Annual leave application form and guide.
- The TSC medical examination form; GP69 form download.
- TSC sick-leave form: Free download and filling guide.
- TSC sick-sheet form free download and other details
- TSC transfer form.
- TSC promotion form: How to apply for promotion from job group K to L and other common cadre promotions.
- TSC application form for confirmation on permanent and pensionable terms after completing probation.
- TSC paternity application form: Get the form and full guide
- News Dr. Nancy Macharia’s term of service.
- List of TSC Commissioners
- Teacher of the Year Awards: Full guidelines
- TSC to award best teachers in academics and Co-curricular activities
- New requirements for teachers with disciplinary cases.
- Revised TSC organization structure: The TSC organogram.
- An explanation of all TSC leaves.
- TSC: Most marketable subject combinations
- TSC: Process of handing-taking over by new school heads and other administrators
- TSC: How to easily get the retirement, pension, benefits
- TSC: Answers to all the Frequently asked questions by teachers
- TSC: A list of all the TSC contacts
- TSC: How a teacher should claim the medical expenses costs from TSC
- Creating and using the new TPAD 2 account.
- The TSC Website and portals full guide
- TPAD 2 manuals and latest guides for all teachers
- New TPAD 2 portal link.
- How to create, log in and use the new TPAD 2 account: A guide for all teachers
- How to fill weekly lesson attendance by teachers on TPAD 2
- Termly calendar of activities for schools and teachers in the new TPAD 2 system.
- How to create and use the TPAD 2 system.
- TSC guidelines on the TPD modules for all teachers: Read details here
- How to file and update TMIS data.
- Wealth declaration: Step-by-step guide.
- TSC latest communication on AON medical cover
- TSC Aon medical cover; Full details
- AON medical cover optical services providers countrywide: Updated list including physical locations.
- Guide on how a teacher can register on AON, add dependents and get services.
- All that you need to know about the AON medical cover for teachers
- AON medical cover: A list of all supportive documents needed and how to upload them.
- How to register for and get AON medical cover service via your mobile phone.
- Physical locations and contacts for all AON county managers.
- Complete list of AON accredited hospitals, physical locations, contacts and requirements for treatment services.
- Guide to the intern teachers’ log book.
- How TSC and Government went wrong on interns’ recruitment
- TSC guidelines for intern teachers’ recruitment, remuneration and responsibilities.
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