Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC CEO. Will intern teachers be employed on permanent and pensionable terms, this year? That is is the big question in the minds of the teachers.

TSC new registration requirements for primary school teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has come up with new requirements for all primary school teachers. According to the Commission, the minimum qualification for entry into teaching in Kenya at all levels (including primary schools) be a Diploma in Education.

These new recommendations by TSC are geared towards realigning of the teachers as per the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

In the latest TSC recommendations, the Diploma in Education courses for CBC students at each level shall be three (3) years after 844 and senior school since they will have had time for specialization in the content areas.

Primary school teacher levels

Effectively, primary school teachers will fall into two categories, namely:

  • Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PP1&PP2) and
  • Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6 ).

ECDE applicants with certificates from other bodies other than KNEC and MOE should have their certificates equated by KNEC.

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Secondary School Teachers New TSC Registration Requirements

Entry Qualification for Teacher Registration: Current & Proposed

ECD Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC

Levels of Teacher  Registration Current Requirements Proposed Requirement
ECD Teachers Certificate- 

i.Minimum CPE/KCPE plus ECDE certificate from MoE

ii.Minimum Mean Grade D+(plus) at KCSE ECDE certificate from KNEC

iii.Minimum D plain at KCSE, KNEC proficiency certificate, ECDE certificate from KNEC


i.Mean grade C+ (plus) and above at KCSE plus ECDE certificate from KNEC

ii.Mean grade C+ (plus) and above Diploma (University)


Mean grade C+ (plus) and above.

Certificate -Redundant 

Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PP1&PP2);-

i.KCSE Mean Grade C (plain)

ii.Mean grade C in All the subjects. 

Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at PP1 and PP2.



Primary Teacher Education Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC

Levels of Teacher  Registration Current Requirements Proposed Requirement
Primary Teacher Education (Regular) Certificate- 

i.Minimum Mean Grade C plain or its equivalent at KCSE and above PTE certificate from KNEC

Diploma in Education

i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ (plus) and above and

ii.C+ (plus) and above in the subjects of specialization,

iii.at least C plain in English,

iv.C plain in Mathematics for Science-based courses,

v.D+ (plus) in Mathematics for non- science courses

Certificate – Redundant 

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6 )

i.Minimum Mean Grade C plain or its equivalent at  KCSE

ii.C plain in all the Cluster subjects.

Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at Grade 1-3 & 4-6 with some specialization on the indigenous and Foreign languages.

Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (Junior (7-9) and Senior (10-12) Secondary Level)

i.Minimum Mean Grade C+ in KCSE

ii.C+ in three teaching subject.

Note: Teachers at this level will teach three subjects at Junior OR senior secondary.

Primary Teacher Education (SNE) Teachers Entry Qualification for Registration by TSC

Levels of Teacher  Registration Current Requirements Proposed Requirement
Primary Teacher Education (SNE) Certificate- 

i.Mean Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent for visually and hearing-impaired persons

Diploma in Education for  Virtually & Hearing Impaired

i.Minimum mean grade C (plain) or its equivalent at KCSE.

ii.Grade C(plain) or its equivalent in two teaching subjects in KSCE

iii.Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent in English at KCSE

iv.Grade C-(minus) or its equivalent in Mathematics in KCSE in Science based courses.

v.Grade D (plain) or its equivalent in Mathematics in KCSE for non-science-based courses.

Certificate – Redundant 

Diploma in Education SNE (Foundations, Pry and Lower Secondary Specialized Areas

i.Minimum Mean Garde C (plain) or its equivalent at  KCSE

ii.C- (minus) its equivalent  in all subjects clusters

Note: Teachers at this level will teach all subjects at foundation, intermediate, Pre-vocational and vocational levels Primary and Lower Secondary.


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