TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia. The Commission has paid teachers' April salaries with the new tax regime factored in.

TSC leave Allowance (Latest rates per job group)

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) pays an annual leave allowance to all teachers in its payroll. Leave allowance is a yearly allowance paid together with the January Salary of the preceding year. It is given as per a teacher’s grade; with those in higher job grades earning more.

Teachers at Grade B5 (T- Scale 5); Primary Teacher II, receive a yearly annual leave allowance of Sh4,000. The same amount is paid to teachers in Grade C1 (T- Scale For Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III and Primary Teacher I).

Sh6,000 is paid as annual leave allowance to all teachers in Grade C2 (T- Scale 7; Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II (Primary Schools), Lecturer II and Senior Teacher II), and Grade C3 {T- Scale 8; Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher II (Secondary Schools) and Senior Teacher I}.

Teachers in Grade C4 [T- Scale 9; Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV, SNE Senior Teacher (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher I (Secondary Schools) and Deputy Head Teacher II] and those in Grade C5 [T- Scale 10; Deputy Principal IV, Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Curriculum Support Officer II] also receive Sh6,000 as annual leave allowance.

Finnaly all teachers in Grade D1 (T- Scale 11) to Grade D5 (T- Scale 15) receive a yearly leave of Sh10,000.

TSC Annual Leave Allowances For Teachers

S/NO Grade Leave Allowance
1 B5 4,000
2 C1 4,000
3 C2 6,000
4 C3 6,000
5 C4 6,000
6 C5 6,000
7 D1 10,000
8 D2 10,000
9 D3 10,000
10 D4 10,000
11 D5 10,000


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