These are Principals in National and Extra County Schools with over 1000 students who currently earn a salary of between Sh121,814 and Sh157,656 per month. These teachers will get a salary increment of up to Sh9,496. The lowest earner in this group will walk home with a salary of Sh131,380 while the highest earner in this group will earn Sh157,656 per month; effective 1st July, 2020.
Senior Principals head County Schools with over 540 students. These Principals currently pocket a monthly salary of between Sh109,249 and Sh118,169. They are set to receive an increase of between Sh3,721 and Sh8,993. These tutors will then earn a monthly perk of Sh118,242 and 121,890 per month at the end of July, 2020. Their salary increment was to be effected in four phases under the current CBA.
Important news; Per Diem Rates for Teachers, Civil Servants and Public officers as set by the Salaries and Renumeration Commission (SRC).
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PRINCIPALS (T- Scale 13)
These are Principals heading Sub- County and All Day schools who currently earn between Sh93,850 and Sh102,807 per month. The lowest earner in this category will get an increase of Sh10,794 to earn a new salary of Sh104,644 while the highest earner will get a top up of Sh1,837 to get a new monthly salary of Sh104,644.DEPUTY PRINCIPALS III
These administrators of Sub- County and All Day schools currently earn a monthly pay of between Sh82,717 and Sh87,900. The lowest earner in this grade will now pocket a monthly pay of Sh91,041 while, the highest earner will pocket Sh91,041 after receiving an increment of Sh8,324 and Sh3,141 respectively.
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Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners are headed by Senior Head Teachers with Grade D1 (T- Scale 11). While, Senior Master II with Grade D1 (T- Scale 11) are administrators in County Schools with with over 540 students. These administrators currently earn between Sh74,703 and Sh82,717 per month. They will receive an increment of up to Sh3,137.HEAD TEACHERS, DEPUTY HEAD TEACHER I AND SENIOR MASTER III
Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners are headed by Head Teachers with Grade C5 (T- Scale 10). While, Deputy Head Teacher I at Grade C5 (T- Scale 10) are administrators in Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners. On the other hand, Senior Master III of Grade C5 (T- Scale 10) are administrators in Sub- County and All Day schools. Lowest earners in this group (who get a monthly pay of Sh51,632) will now pocket Sh62,272.DEPUTY HEAD TEACHER II
Deputy Head Teacher II Grade C4 (T- Scale 9) are administrators in Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners. These teachers currently earn monthly perks of between Sh45,287 and 51,632.SECONDARY TEACHER I AND SENIOR TEACHER I
Secondary Teacher I are teachers in Secondary schools whose grade is C3 (formerly L); This is a promotional grade for teachers in secondary school. On the other hand, Senior Teacher I are administrators in Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners with Grade C3. These tutors earn monthly salaries of Sh41,343- Sh51,927; they will now earn between Sh43,154 and Sh53,943 effective July, 2020.SENIOR TEACHER II, SECONDARY TEACHER II & SECONDARY TEACHER II UNTRAINED (UT) AND PRIMARY SNE TEACHERS.
Senior Teacher II are administrators in Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners. While, Secondary Teacher III is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of Diploma in Education. These teachers currently pocket salaries of between KES31,242 and KES 33,971 and will get an increment of between KES 984 to KES 3,717.
These teachers who fall in Grade C2 (Formerly K) will not receive any salary increment in the current phase. Grade C2 is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or its equivalent. It is also a promotional grade for holders of Diploma in Education.PRIMARY TEACHER I AND SECONDARY TEACHER III
These are teachers in grade C1 (Formerly H and J). Grade C1 is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of Diploma in Education. These tutors will also not also get any salary increment.PRIMARY TEACHER II
These are teachers at Grade B5 (T- Scale 5) which is the entry grade for primary school teachers. These tutors will not also get any salary increment.