TSC has retooled all primary school teachers (229,292) on CBC; TSC Boss Says

The Teachers Service Commission has retooled all primary school teachers (229,292) on the Competency Based Curriculum, CBC. This is according to TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

She said this at this year’s Kenya Primary School Head Teachers Association (KEPSHA) annual meeting in Mombasa

“This annual event gives the TSC an opportunity to meet with wonderful professionals who have been entrusted with the management of more than 10 million learners enrolled in our 22,935 Public Primary and Junior schools,” Dr Macharia at the 20th KEPSHA Annual Delegates Conference.

Macharia thanked the President for ensuring there were enough funds to recruit teachers.

“I wish to thank the Kenya Kwanza Government, under the stewardship of H.E. President William Ruto for allocating us funds to recruit56,000 teachers in the past one year, majority of whom were posted to the Junior School,” Dr Nancy Macharia said.

Dr Nancy Macharia, CEO, Teachers Service Commission has urged all unemployed teachers to always do their homework and apply for advertised jobs in any part of the country, and shun the practice of only seeking jobs advertised in their home counties.

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