TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia.

TSC has banned the following Bachelor of Science and Arts Degree teaching Courses

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has banned over 20 Bachelor of Science and Arts Degree Teaching Courses. Graduates who undertook training in the courses and were hoping to be registered by TSC will now have to look for employment opportunities elsewhere.

The most affected are graduates who trained in subjects not offered in the current Curriculum. “Applicants for registration whose training is in subjects that are currently NOT in the curriculum do not qualify irrespective of having undertaken a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and/ or Enhancement.” Says the Commission via the current Registration Guidelines for new teachers.

“Those who have undertaken a PGDE with these courses are NOT eligible for registration as teachers. These courses do not provide sufficient subject content and therefore the mastery of the content in two teaching subjects is not adequate as required.” Adds the guidelines.

TSC however clarifies that ‘Bachelor of Science or Arts Degree holders with a post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and two teaching subjects qualify for registration’.

This latest communication will be a thorn in the flesh for many graduates who had invested resources in their undergraduate and even post graduate studies.

List of Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Courses Banned by TSC.

Effectively, graduates with training in the following areas will no longer be registered and employed by TSC;

S/N Training Area/ Course
1 Natural resources
2 Meteorology
3 Forestry
4 Animal husbandry
5 Horticulture
6 Farm machinery
7 Fisheries
8 Anthropology
9 Sociology
10 Theology/Divinity
11 Journalism
12 Kiswahili and Communication
13 Business Management / Administration
14 Banking and Finance
15 Genomics
16 Actuarial Science
17 Environmental Science
18 Criminology
19 Biotechnology and Agriculture
20 All Courses related to Engineering
21 Industrial Chemistry
22 Biochemistry
23 Hospitality and tourism
24 Foods , Nutrition and Dietics
25 Technology and applied Biology
26 Microbiology


Read also;

The constitution of Kenya 2010, requires the Teachers Service Commission to register trained and qualified teachers before they are engaged in the teaching service both in public and private institutions. Application for registration of new teachers is done purely online.

Minimum Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers

The Commission has still maintained the following minimum requirements for registration of teachers. See more details here; New TSC Teacher Registration Requirements

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