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TSC deployment letters for teachers

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, issues a deployment letter to a teacher upon appointment. In deployment process a teacher is appointed to an administrative position or a higher administrative position. If you are lucky, you can be deployed to the Secretariat of the Commission.

Deployment also comes when you are posted from a primary institution to a post primary institution.

It is a dream of many teachers to be promoted and deployed by TSC. Not everyone, though, who gets deployed. This is because the number of administrative posts are limited and very competitive.


Deployment comes in the form of the following:

  • When you are appointed to an administrative position;
  • If you are appointed to a higher administrative position;
  • When you are appointed to the Commission’s secretariat;
  • When appointed to perform administrative duties; and
  • When you are posted from a primary to a post primary institution.

A few teachers get appointment to administrative posts. If you are lucky, then you can be deployed by TSC as a:

(a) Head of institution;
(b) Deputy head of institution;
(c) Registrar;
(d) Dean of Curriculum;
(e) Dean of Students;
(f) Head of Department;
(g) Senior Teacher; or
(h) Head of Subject.

In all the above scenarios, a teacher receives a deployment letter from the employer. In most cases, deployment comes after you have successfully been promoted after an interview process.

A TSC deployment.

A TSC deployment.

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There are also a few unlucky teachers who get redeployed by TSC. In this case you will be served with a redeployment letter.

As captured in the Code of Regulations for teachers, the Commission may redeploy a teacher who has been deployed to any administrative position, within an educational institution to perform normal teaching duties where the teacher;

(a) is unable to perform the functions of the office so held;
(b) is incompetent or neglects administrative duties;
(c) continuously posts declining examination results;
(d) has poor financial management skills;
(e) neglects or fails to maintain proper records;
(0 is the subject of investigations for an offence under these Regulations; or
(g) performs any other act that in the opinion of the Commission justifies re-deployment.

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