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TSC Curriculum Support Officers, CSOs

TSC Curriculum Support Officers.

TSC Curriculum Support Officers.

TSC Curriculum Support Officers, CSOs, are Sub-county based TSC Secretariat staff who assist teachers in curriculum related matters. These devolved units were formed for purposes of providing quality teaching and learning, within Sub-counties.

The TSC Curriculum Support Officers are directly answerable to the TSC Sub-county Directors; in discharging their duties.

Get all the TSC contacts in this link; TSC contacts.


Here are the roles performed by CSOs:

  • Identifying the training needs of teachers and heads of institution and advising the Commission accordingly;
  • Liaising with the Sub-County Director and school administrators, providing support services to teachers and to continuously advising on teaching techniques, appropriate text books, lesson demonstrations and the challenges noted during assessments;
  • Organizing and conducting, in conjunction with the Sub-County Directors, courses on curriculum delivery and implementation through seminars, workshops, retreats and in-service programmes;
  • Advising teachers on appropriate resources including resource books, consumables, audio-visual aids and other materials necessary for effective teaching and learning;
  • Assisting teachers to develop and use appropriate teaching aids and other reference materials;
  • Updating teachers on curriculum changes, pedagogy, content coverage and any other emerging issues in the teaching service;
  • Developing work programmes for the Curriculum Support Centre;
  • Visiting schools, observing teaching techniques, conducting lessons demonstrative lessons and advising teachers on the appropriate teaching methods and techniques.
  • Assisting in the setting up and organization of subject and examinations/panels; and examinations and assessments procedures in schools at the zonal level;
  • Providing professional guidance and counseling to teachers and disseminating information on curriculum, evaluation, textbook selection and training;
  • Collecting and submitting to the Sub-County Director data on school enrollment, staff establishment, staff changes and other related information;
  • Participating in the organization and management of co-curricular activities;
  • Working with the Quality Assurance and Standards Officer to improve teaching and learning;
  • Preparing regular progress reports for onward transmission to relevant offices;
  • Performing all other duties as may be necessary to promote standards in the teaching profession.
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