TSC Commissioner Timon Oyucho

TSC Commissioner Timon Oyucho: Biography, Age, Work Experience, Qualifications

Timon Oyucho


Commissioner Oyucho Timon was appointed Member of the Teachers Service Commission on 29th April 2021. Prior to his appointment, Comm. Oyucho served as the Director Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations Directorate at the Teachers Service Commission.

A long serving public servant, Comm. Oyucho joined the Teachers Service Commission in 1987 as a classroom teacher (Mathematics & Physics) where from he moved up the ranks to positions of High School Principal (Ratta Mixed Secondary School: 2000-2005); District Staffing Officer (Kilifi District: 2006); Provincial Staffing Officer (Western Province: 2007-2008); Principal Discipline Officer (TSC Headquarters: 2008-2014); Assistant Deputy Director, Legal Services Division (TSC Headquarters: 2014-2019).

Comm. Oyucho holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL. B) and Master of Laws Degree (LL. M) from University of Nairobi; Post Graduate Diploma in Laws from Kenya School of Law; a Diploma in Science Education from Kenya Science Teachers College (as it was then). Currently, Comm. Oyucho is pursuing a Ph. D of Laws (LL. D) from the University of Nairobi; and a Masters Degree in Employment and Labour Relations at the International Training College (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in conjunction with the University of Turin, Italy.

Comm. Oyucho is a member of the Law Society of Kenya and the East Africa Law Society

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