TSC circular on 2021 CBC training dates and venues
December 13, 2024 | TSC News Portal |
| The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a circular on the 2021 training of teachers on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). According to the latest circular from the Commission, the training will kick off on May 25th to 4th June, 2021.
TSC will use both the face to face and virtual blended model to train the teachers.
The teachers will be trained for five (5) days in the dates shown below;
Training Date | Training Mode | Venue | Activities |
25/05/2021 to 27/05/2021 | Virtual | Virtual | Training of CSO and CBC champions using Microsoft teams (regular) and Training of SNE CSO and SNECBC Champions using Microsoft teams. |
31/05/2021 to 04/06/2021 | Face to Face | Zonal level | Zonal training of Teachers (Regular) |
31/05/2021 to 04/06/2021 | Face to Face | Zonal level | Zonal training of Teachers (SNE) |
The Mode of training
The training will be conducted in three stages as follows;
- The Master trainers will train the Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs) and CBC Champions (both regular and SNE) at the County Level virtually using Microsoft Teams for 3 days from 25th to 27th May 2021. The links will be provided
- The CSOs and CBC Champions (both regular and SNE) will train teachers through face to face following the with adherence to MOH COVID 19 prevention protocols for 5 days.
- They Should have at least 15 teachers per training room.
The specific teachers to be trained
The target groups for the training will be 2 teachers and the Head teacher from each public primary school as follows;
- Head teachers from regular and SNE schools.
- One Teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teachers from grade 4 to 5 (Regular schools)
- One Teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teachers from grade 4 to 5 (SNE schools) based on the table provided below.
The Regional and County TSC Directors will do the following:
- Officially Invite Headteachers to be trained for 5 days.
- Identify and invite the teachers to be trained for 5 days through their Headteachers officially.
- Keenly take consideration on the selection of SNE teachers as guided by SNE CSOs in your county based on the table provided below.
- Identify suitable venues with the CSOs and Sub county Directors for training
- Facilitate the venue organizers to prepare all the teachers’ meals and teas Coordinate the training materials on time.
- Coordinate and monitor the teacher training sessions
- Prepare and provide guidance to teachers on the training logistics as advised by the finance directorate from the Head Quarters.
- Prepare and submit the training report.