TSC answers to frequently asked questions
Your may be having a number of questions that you feel TSC should provide answers for. Get answers, here, on questions concerning TSC online portals, TSC number registration, TSC vacancies and TSC promotions; among others.
How do I get a TSC certificate?
Getting a TSC Certificate is very easy. All you need to do is to apply online. You will need to meet the minimum TSC requirements for registration of new teachers. After making your application, it is important to look out for a response from the Commission. Expect a response within 30 days of making your application. Equally, you can check the status of your application online.
If you lose your certificate, you can apply for replacement online.
How do I replace a lost TSC certificate?
Did your TSC registration certificate get defaced or lost? Worry not. You can easily get a new TSC certificate by applying for a TSC Certificate Replacement online. You can, at the same time, apply for your names to be changed on your certificate.
How can I check my TSC number online?
Checking for your TSC number online is pretty simple. The procedure is the same as that followed when checking for your TSC Registration Status.
This can be done by visiting the TSC online portal. at https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/ Click on ‘Registration Status’ as shown in the image below;

The TSC portal for online registration; https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/
Next, enter your ID card or passport number and click ‘search’. You will receive your TSC registration confirmation on your screen.
How much does it cost to apply for TSC number?
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, expects you to pay a processing fee when applying for a new TSC Certificate. You will be required to pay a processing fee of Sh1055 for registration purposes. This should be paid to the TSC account under National Bank of Kenya; Account number 01001000905001. This can also be done via Mpesa Paybill using the Business Number 625625.
This fee is non-refundable, though.
How do I log into my TSC website?
You can access the TSC website by using the address https://tsc.go.ke/.
The Commission has a number of portals, also.
School heads can access the TSC online portal to update TMIS details for teachers and the school by entering the required log in credentials; as shown in the diagram below;

The TSC online portal; https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/
Who can apply for TSC number?
If you are a graduate teacher, then you are qualified to apply for the TSC number. TSC has set minimum requirements that you must meet for you to be given the registration certificate.
TSC registers teachers having the following qualifications:
- Early Child Development Education-ECDE
- Primary Teacher Education-PTE
- Diploma in Education
- Diploma in Education for Visually and hearing impaired
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science
How do I register with Tmis?
The Teachers Management Information System, TMIS, is a portal for teachers to update data from the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.
To access Teachers online (TOS), use any of the methods below;
Access TSC website www.tsc.go.ke from the Online Services tab,
click on teachers online service.
On the search engine type https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke or
On the search engine, type teachers online and enter. From the many
options displayed, select and Click on the option with the
To log into the system, input your username as TSC Number and password as welcome (for a new user who has not changed password). See window below;

TMIS online portal; https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/.
The next window is displayed;

TMIS online portal; https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/.
Get more details here; TSC TMIS Portal (https://www.teachersonline.go.ke) for teachers and schools; How to register, log in and update data
How do I add a teacher to Tmis?
You can easily add teachers on TMIS. To add a teacher to TMIS: Enter the teacher’s TSC number and click on the search icon. The teacher’s ID Number and Names will be displayed automatically.
See more details on TSC frequently asked questions here.