TPD course modules- TSC latest instructions
December 13, 2024 | TSC News Portal |
- Research has proved that pre-service training alone do not equip teachers with all the necessary knowledge, skills , values and attitudes for effective teaching. Hence the need of continuous professional development of teachers to bridge the gap.
- Teacher Professional development are either formal or informal activities that registered teachers undertake in order to continuously improve their pedagogical skills, management skills and learner outcomes.
- Constitution of Kenya- Education is human right
- Vision 2030: Under social pillar, Kenya aspire to be a Knowledge base economy country
- Basic Education Act: Free and compulsory basic education to all learners
- Global trend : It is the best practice for professional growth
- SDG 4 : Access to quality education through quality teaching
- 21st century demand: these learners in the 21st century are confronted with increasingly complex social cultural, economic, technological, and global challenges; teachers therefore must prepare learners who possess sophisticated, diversified, and complementary competencies that will enable them to navigate through these challenges.
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TSC Set to roll out Teacher Professional Development, TPD, modules: Details
The Legal Framework for Teacher Professional Development
- The Constitution of Kenya (2010) established the Teachers Service Commission as a constitutional Commission through Article 237 (1) with an exclusive mandate on teacher management.
- Further, the Commission has a statutory mandate through the TSC Act, 212 sections 11(e) to facilitate professional development for teachers.
- The mandate is also amplified in Section 35(2) (a) and (b) of the Act, and Regulations 48 &49 of CORT.
Conceptualization of TPD in Kenya
TPD is focused on:
- classroom teaching and learning in context,
2. student needs,
3. supporting teacher development and
4. addressing the systemic needs of teachers, schools, and sub counties
The backbone of the TPD is the Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS), which require the teacher to acquire competencies that will enhance 21st Century learning outcomes in Kenya
Kenya Professional Teaching Standards
- Standard 1: Teacher Promotes Professionalism throughout their Career
- Standard 2: Teacher has PedagogicalContent Knowledgeand understanding of competence based Curriculum and how to implement it.
- Standard 3: Teacher has knowledge on assessment and reporting
- Standard 4: Teacher Knows how to Create and Support Inclusive Education Practices
- Standard 5: Teacher Knows and Promotes Comprehensive School Health and Safety
- Standard 6: The Teacher has Knowledge of Financial Literacy Skills
- Standard 7:The Teacher Knows and Promotes Instructional Leadership
Delivery of TPD
- TPD will be delivered by registered TPD Service providers using prescribed modules.
- All Teachers are expected to enroll for a TPD module relevant to the teachers experience and professional growth.
- There shall be face to face session once a year during the school holiday and online sessions throughout the year.
Assessment of TPD
- TPD will be evaluated based on authentic assessment which will include :
- Reflective journal
- Participant led final synthesis
- Individual Professional Portfolio development and Presentation
Accreditation of TPD Service Providers
- The Commission is in the process of signing contracts with reputable organizations selected competitively to offer prescribed Teacher Professional Development programmes on behalf of the Commission.
- Teachers are expected to register with a provider of their choice .
- TPD programme will be funded by: Government, Teachers and both local and international partners
- Upon commencement of the TPD Programme, all serving teachers will be required to acquire Teaching Certificate renewable every 5years, while the subsequent applicants for Certificate of Registration will be issued with both certificates.