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TPAD revised calendar of activities for schools and teachers per term

TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.

TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has provided a TPAD 2 Calendar of Activities at school Level per term. The calendar shows the timelines within which TPAD 2 activities are to be carried out.

It is necessary that you follow the calendar to the latter such that to avoid anomalies when filing your TPAD 2 data online. For instance, it will be a mistake for you to fill learners’ progress records at the beginning of a new term. This should be done towards the end of the term.

See also;


S/NO. TPAD Activity Action By Time frame
1 Planning meetings before school opening involving all staff to set school TPAD Activity calendar Heads of Institutions , Senior Management Team, Teachers, By the last week of the school holiday.
2 Submission of professional documents Heads of institution All Teachers By  the end of the term
3 Undertaking Lesson observations and identifying and documenting teacher’s professional gaps Appraisees and appraisers. Between  2nd week and 10th week of the term
4 Undertaking teacher professional development to address professional gaps. Appraisees, appraisers, institutional administrators. Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
5 Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the implementation of TPAD process Heads of institution, Deputy Head of Institution, Heads of Department Continuous throughout the term
6 Monitoring the implementation of TPAD process at county level; zonal, sub county & county Curriculum Support Officers, Sub County Directors and County Directors Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
7 TPAD rating meetings Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD) By the closing date of the term
8 Uploading of TPAD data and evidence. Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD) Throughout the term


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